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Schools Teach institutional idolatry

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posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 12:02 AM
Governments and corporations present themselves as homogenous entities. Schools teach history with the US government a homogenous entity, represented by the president. Corporations spend billions to define a 'Coporate Image'.

Can you imagine the world without homogenous institutions. Try describing an economic system like: capitolism, communism, or socialism without reference to any institutions(I.E. government or corporations). Can you do it?

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 12:22 AM
I agree with your point here. We are indoctrinated to see the government and large corporations (by the schools and media, respectively) as monolithic entities far beyond the ken of individual private citizens.

The truth of the matter is that all of these organizations are nothing more than networks of people like you and I working together in their various ways... but the facade of homogeneity they project removes individual accountability from the picture. We see these organizations as too large and too powerful to keep in check (or, God forbid, to combat), and therefore they can get away with whatever they please.

Shameful, isn't it?

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 03:20 PM
My take on this subject is that man is hard wired to join groups. Part ot the tribalism inherent in group think. I do think that schools teach institutional idolatry, but they don't really need to; people will gravitate to groups with out any provication. The lone wolf is an odd bird indeed. [sorry about the mixed metaphors]

The sad thing about group think/tribalism is that competition interjects itself and before you know it, WAR, the biggest institutional idol of them all.

Maybe someday the human psyche can put aside all that macho BS but it will take some powerful mojo to facilitate it.


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