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Republicans, Would You Still Worship?

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posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 03:31 PM
Ok, right now republicans worship Bush as the Lord and Savoir because he is a Republican. Nothing he does is wrong, doing coke, being someone who wouldn't make his way out of a paper bag they worship him. They have an entire channel dedicated to worshipping Bush. All because he is a republican. Bush has repeatedly through is stupidity/incompetence killed people yet they worship him everyday.

So, if it was Satan vs Jesus, and Satan ran on the Republican ticket while Jesus, being the socialist that he is, ran on the Democrat ticket, would they worship Satan the same way they worship Bush? Would they still dedicate at least 5 hours a day to worshipping at their republican shrine? Would they still on GOP News scream 24/7 "Liberals LIE! Liberals will eat your babies! Gays are gonna convert your babies! Saddam had WMDs!" even if it was Jesus on the Dem ticket?

Or would they finally grow the other half of their brains and stop worshipping the Republicans?

Edit: How many hours are you required to worship Bush? I've heard between 4-7 hours.

[edit on 12-10-2005 by Full Metal]

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 07:30 PM
That's a very good point. At this church I went to last year, the pastor couldn't say enough how Bush is "a man of character" and how the liberals were ruining the country.

I agree on the liberals-ruining-the-country thing...but I also believe that the neo-cons are running America into the ground in their own way.

I think he was about to blow a head gasket when I told him flat-out that Bush is evil.
Yes, I used the word "evil."

I had other issues with the church too (found something that went against the Bible that they keep teaching), and the upshot is, my name got taken off the membership rolls.

Oh, and check this out:

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 10:19 PM

asposted by Full Metal
Or would they finally grow the other half of their brains....
Would they still dedicate at least 5 hours a day to worshipping at their republican shrine?
How many hours are you required to worship Bush? I've heard between 4-7 hours.

Going to need to move this to the MudPit, cause quite frankly, Full Metal is talking out his arse so that he can provoke like responses.

Guess what?
It will provoke a response from me.

Just for amusement purposes, since I know you get your rocks off provoking Republicans, Full Metal, hypothetically here, but just how long would it take for a half-brained, Bush-worshipping Republican to pull his boot from your behind after he puts it there when you actually get bold enough to come from behind that computer screen and say such crapola garbage to one of those half-brained, Bush-worshipping Republican's face?

I've heard between 4-7 hours.

Can you verify and/or elaborate on this for us.

Oh wait....wouldn't that be like asking how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Lollipop? :shk:


[edit on 12-10-2005 by Seekerof]

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 10:46 PM
Problem, I am a spineless democrat, therefor I wouldn't say it to a half brained Bush worshipping republican. Although if they did put boot up orifice they go to jail for hitting a minor.

BTW, what republicans aren't Bush worshippers? GOP News is all they do! "We now take this minute to worship Bush, the next minute will be taken to worship Bush, so will the other 58 minutes in this hour, along with the other 23 hours in this day. Shut up! Republicans are speaking!"

The 4-7 hours, depends on the republican. Some go to Bush Praising on more then sunday, how they get those 7 hours in. Some just sit and watch GOP News to get the 4-7 hours of Bush Worshipping.

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 11:17 PM
I used to be a major Bushbot like two years ago. Then I wised up and joined the Constitution Party.

That pastor was SO worried that Kerry would win...I SO wanted to tell him, don't worry, Bush'll steal this one too....

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 07:29 PM
What kind ofg Poropogand are you selling to us now. I won't use the words "worship" It's the democrates who have strayed from religion. and besides that the whole Jesus vs. Saint Jesus would be the Rebulican and Saint would be the Democrate

posted on Oct, 14 2005 @ 01:44 AM
Please note that the church sign posted is from this site:

posted on Oct, 14 2005 @ 06:19 AM

Grady, that hurt! First thing I saw this morning.

posted on Oct, 14 2005 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by Amethyst
I think he was about to blow a head gasket when I told him flat-out that Bush is evil.
Yes, I used the word "evil."

He,he, Amethyst, I would have love to heard you talking to the church pastor, I know you are very outspoken and feisty.

I still imagining the poor man face after you telling him that.

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 12:36 PM
So all you church goers, when are you taking Jesus/Cross out of your church and replacing it with a Golden Statue to Bush? Or are they just doing that in churches in the South that raised the money to buy the golden statue? I think it's a great idea to help pay for the War for Oil, finally something Bush is doing that is good! Sell golden statues of yourself to replace Jesus on the Cross, a depressing image, and use the profit to help pay for the War for Oil he started.

Amethyst, did the man already have his order for the golden statue in the mail?

Edit: Grady, those are dang funny, but if you are God, who's Satan? I need to get ahold of him and find out why he won't buy my soul.

[edit on 15-10-2005 by Full Metal]

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by marg6043

Originally posted by Amethyst
I think he was about to blow a head gasket when I told him flat-out that Bush is evil.
Yes, I used the word "evil."

He,he, Amethyst, I would have love to heard you talking to the church pastor, I know you are very outspoken and feisty.

I still imagining the poor man face after you telling him that.

This was in my home where it happened. He looked like he wanted to go off on me big time. My husband later suggested that saying that to him, in his eyes, was nothing short of blasphemy.

Thing is, I got SO sick of tired of hearing Sunday after Sunday about what a Godly man Bush is (can you say sheep). The Bible says, by their fruits ye shall know them. In short, Christians are to be fruit inspectors, and too many of us have fallen asleep on the job.

After I said that, he started ranting about Democrats and liberals. He didn't seem to get it--there's not much difference between the two "major" parties anymore. They're no longer polar opposites--if they ever were. And anything negative said about Bush he chalks up to the Liberal Media--the same media, BTW, that won't report on half the stuff we discuss here!

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