posted on Oct, 15 2002 @ 12:03 PM
I am sorry, but I was not able to post this for ats was down.
The breasts of Marylin Monroe came to me in a dream. They told
me that I was the one to vanquish the Arabs. I will soon get
the nuclear launch codes given to me by the breasts. I will
use them and my weak hacking skills guided by the breasts and
launch the nukes at the Arabs.
They had to wait for them to attack us first, and so they willed
9/11 to happen. Now they are using me to destroy the threat
to half naked women running around on beaches and playboy bunnies.
The breasts told me so, so this is true(I know, this is a page
from truth's book, but I like the whole the voice said it is
so it is)
All hail Marylin's breasts! For if not I will rain down nukes
on your cities. Mwahahahahaha! HAHAHAHA! with a HA! Ok, I'm
just glad ATS is back, and having fun with this post, thanks NC.
[Edited on 15-10-2002 by SetiPsychic]