posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 10:58 AM
I was recently again getting re-interested into how cell phones effect the brain negatively, such as how when they did a study with rats, 2hours of
exposure to a phone negatively effected the brain for 2months!
also, they also said that the effect seem to be localised to different parts of the brain, so one time it might be effecting 2% or neurons, another
time a lot lot more, but it tends to be concentrated in one area.
Another bit i learnt, is how the brain has a "blood barrier" which protects the brain from many things including drugs, so that even many
prescription drugs can't cross over into the brain directly. HOwever, apparently, use of cell phone excessively damages the blood barrier, and could
bring it down permanantly if used to frequently and for too long.
anyone else got anything to add on this topic of how cell phones effect the brain? like does it make it harder to conventrate since i find i cant
study well after using phone too much, and feel dizzy.
also, what about cordless house phones? do they have any effect? what about wifi? does that effect the brain or boduy in anyway? what about bluetooth?
i know everyone talks about cwell phones since they utilise microwaves and are dangerous, but what about the other types of waves utilised such as
wifi, blue tooth and cordless phones (radio waves?)
thanks for any knowledge