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Americans Now support Interacial Dating

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posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 12:41 PM
"Race" is just a popular social fiction anyway.

The human race cannot acurately be divided into separate and distinct subspecies by genotype. Ethnicity exists, but it's a continuum, not a set of distinct categories. There is no line you can cross where people on one side are "Caucasoid" and on the other "Negroid" - "race" is an 18th century kludge, it's as obsolete scientifically as phrenology...

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by SportyMB

I agree with you. I think I could have an affair with a black woman if she was pretty, but as you say, when it comes to having a family and having kids, I think it is better to do it with a person of your own race.

RK_Pr0t0c0l, Why? Why an affair and not marriage or children?

Are Black women not good enough for you? Or is it that YOU are not good enough for them? Is it the culture issue? Afraid ya can't hang with a black chic? Come on man, explain yourself!

I love all women of all shapes, colors, ages and sizes....however, when it comes to "dating", Im all about eastern Europe
(Souljah knows what I mean)

[edit on 12/10/2005 by SportyMB]

I'm ony expressing my personal thoughts. I just can't imagine myself having children with a black woman, that's all. They're just not my type of women. But again, that's just me.

My stance is the same as most of you. I believe everyone should be able to marry whoever they want without being afraid or intimidated. But I certainly don't believe intermarriage should be encouraged.

[edit on 12-10-2005 by RK_Pr0t0c0l]

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 04:40 PM

I'm ony expressing my personal thoughts. I just can't imagine myself having children with a black woman, that's all. They're just not my type of women. But again, that's just me.

Well You have your own opinion and I agree everyone is entitled to who they should like, and marry.. U see that Poll is so dumb, by casting evryone of us , into that same pool, Most people support interacial marriage, sheesh! i don't support, neither many people.

Hell yeah, there are many cute, blondies, and whatever, but i will never marry, or will i see myself in a relationship, with a caucasian woman..

Personal, reasons and obvious reasons, too..

Most people of olden times 6th century B.C, married people of diffrent cultures for one reason:


A king will marry a foreigner of a diffrent race to forge alliances. Simple, in this day and age we have no alliances to foster, but to stay true to our selves, and do humanity a favour Marry within the group!: Peace to all my diffrent coloured brothers and sisters , whether they be black, white, yellow, or olive, etc. peace!

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
...and cooking skills has much more to do with it.

Many women would call that sexist and say that men should have the same domestic responsibilities as women.

You know what I call those women?

One night stands.

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 11:39 PM
I'm not too fond of interracial dating (much less marriage), and my husband detests it.

Funny thing is, I have some Cherokee ancestors, but it's been several generations; I'm predominantly white and married to a white man. My ancestors are primarily from Poland, Germany, Scotland, and England, and further back (1000 years) Ireland, France, Wales, Scandinavia, etc.

Now here's my issue with interracial relationships: Typically a black guy thinks he's all that if he has a white girl. That in itself is racist IMO...he's saying that white is superior (we're not when it comes to human worth). My question to that guy is--if we're equal, what's wrong with your women? Okay, I know there are cases where they actually love each other, but from what I can tell that appears to be the exception and not the rule.

I don't hate black people (in fact I have black friends). I just prefer that black stick with black, white stick with white, Oriental with Oriental, etc. There's nothing wrong with loving one's race as long as it doesn't come to the point where you hate the others.

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 11:53 PM
I have seen studies that indicate that less than 10% of the U.S. population dates and marries interracially. I would hardly call that supportive, but most of us accept whatever mate one chooses without reservation.

[edit on 12-10-2005 by TheAvenger]

[edit on 13-10-2005 by TheAvenger]

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 12:40 AM

Originally posted by xmotex
"Race" is just a popular social fiction anyway.

The human race cannot acurately be divided into separate and distinct subspecies by genotype. Ethnicity exists, but it's a continuum, not a set of distinct categories. There is no line you can cross where people on one side are "Caucasoid" and on the other "Negroid" - "race" is an 18th century kludge, it's as obsolete scientifically as phrenology...

I am in this boat here....
I am an American white male with an Irish and Dutch can't get much whiter than me

I have dated women of other "races" and I don't see what the real problem is.....race is an illusion......instead of something like "Caucasoid" or "Negroid" as Xmotex puts it, how about "Humaniod" or just good ol plain "Human", eh?

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 12:48 AM
Since the race riots people in this country have been having a "new" attitude about race relations.

I am 30ish and from the south. From as long as I can remember we have been taught all about equality.

After spouting it on TV and various other media OF COURSE the US will have a new attitude on interracial relations.

My best friend's daughter is 1/2 black. SO WHAT I love her as my own.

What's the big deal and why do we need a thread to discuss it?

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 12:52 AM
Interesting comments and I am surprised at the number comments from white males stating they would not date or marry a black female. They are not attracted to black women.

If you polled white women (and certainly I am one of those) they would tell you that many, many white women are attracted to black men.

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 01:25 AM

Originally posted by TheAvenger
I have seen studies that indicate that less than 1% of the U.S. population dates and marries interracially.

99% of statistics are made up.

Originally posted by ShadowXIX
I have a question would mixing all the races help increase or decrease genetic variation? Im thinking it would decrease it but im not sure.

Mixing races makes for an increase in genetic variation and overall health.

Ashkenazi Jews (probably the least race mixed of any race barring certain towns deep in the appalachians) have a significantly higher risk for cancer and many other diseases (specifically genetic disorders) because they lack of genetic variance.

Originally posted by Amethyst
I'm not too fond of interracial dating (much less marriage), and my husband detests it.

I think it's sad that this type of sentiment still exist in America.

I'm predominantly white and married to a white man.

I never would have guessed.

Now here's my issue with interracial relationships: Typically a black guy thinks he's all that if he has a white girl. That in itself is racist IMO...he's saying that white is superior (we're not when it comes to human worth). My question to that guy is--if we're equal, what's wrong with your women? Okay, I know there are cases where they actually love each other, but from what I can tell that appears to be the exception and not the rule.

No one said that black guys think there's something wrong with "their" women if they date outside their race. The same holds true for white people, latinos, asians, and all people who choose to date outside their race. Maybe it's their preference, just like some people are attracted to people of the same sex. What this sounds like is your suspicion of black guys seducing white women "away" from the white race. I dont see what's "typical" about your example at all, I think that's just you projecting your own prejudices on to the situation and seeing what you're preconditioned to see: a black man "duping" a white girl (because she wouldn't do so otherwise) into going out with him.

It's funny how you say there are cases where they actually love each other, so what makes up the rest of the cases? If a man and a woman are getting into a relationship, what besides love motivates them to do so? In your opinion it must be because the black guy is trying to get with someone who he perceives to be racially superior. But you failed to elaborate on what motivates the white girl to be with him.

Why do you think white girls hook up with black guys, or for that matter why do you think white guys hook up with black girls?

I just prefer that black stick with black, white stick with white, Oriental with Oriental, etc. There's nothing wrong with loving one's race as long as it doesn't come to the point where you hate the others.

I think that wanting people to stick to their own race is pretty close to hate, and I think many people would agree with me. I don't understand why you prefer other people to follow your standards when it comes to interracial relationships. You are free to stick with white men, but your way out of line to try and tell other people that they should stick to their own race. I think views like this come from white people being afraid that other races are "taking their women" and that white women need to somehow be protected from other "savage" races, specifically black men. White women (and men) are often branded as "race traitors" in less tolerant communities when they have interracial relationships. Have you ever read a book called "To Kill a Mockingbird"? If not I suggest you read it. It's about how a black man gets wrongfully convicted of raping a white girl because the "innocent flower" perspective of white women needs to be preserved in the south.

Whenever someone clamors about their disdain for miscegenation it always causes me to be suspicious of them, because it clearly reflects their insecurity.

I'm an Indian (east Indian) guy, I date mostly blonde, blue eyed, white girls. It's not because I think Aryan (the western definition of the word) girls are racially superior to Indian girls, but because I just have a certain type of girl that I'm attracted to and I click with (and because white girls put out a lot more than Indian girls). I don't have to dupe any of them into dating me, they do so because they're attracted to me and I'm attracted to them. I don't think I'm "all that" when I'm dating a white girl, though I do think I'm "all that" when I'm dating a hot girl (which are not necessarily white) and try to flaunt it as much as possible.

But then again, what do I know?

Zeig Heil.

[edit on 13-10-2005 by ShakyaHeir]

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 08:08 AM

I'm ony expressing my personal thoughts. I just can't imagine myself having children with a black woman, that's all. They're just not my type of women.

This is so cute. Cause he could definately bang a black chick...but wife her?? NEVER. I rarely speak for all black women but today i'll say...puheez suh, don't do we's no favors.

As for the poll, you do what you do. I think that's all America is saying now. Marry who you love and divorce them in three years. Think that's how it goes for this generation.

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by crusader
Hell I don't support interacial Dating between Blacks and whites


call me racist,

See above.

What u all think about the poll?

Seems like good news, people are thinking rationally. Looks like you fall into the 5 percent Racists/Bigots category.

Take my word of advice do the Human race a favour:
Reproduce with your own Kind

All populations of humans are the same kind. Why should anyone take your advice, seeing as how its ignorant, closeminded, bigoted, and

it's essential that evry race keep to it's own to maintain thsi identity

Nonsense. Races have no characteristics and no reality. There is nothing to preserve.

see that Poll is so dumb, by casting evryone of us , into that same pool, Most people support interacial marriage, sheesh! i don't support, neither many people.

No, not many, only around 5 percent of people ages 19-whatever. The poll isn't dumb merely because it identifies you as a narrowminded and ignorant person.

Most people of olden times 6th century B.C, married people of diffrent cultures for one reason:

This is incorrect. There was lots of 'racial' diversity in those times and people mixed as they do today. When the greeks came into greece they mixed with the pelasgians, simply because thats what people naturally do, breed, not because of wanting to forge 'survivor-esque' alliances.

so we can all end up as one race, and lose the racial divide.

We'd just invent new racial classes and kill eachother over them. Heck, thats what the current racial classes are, mere inventions. Race has no biological reality.

mixing all the races help increase or decrease genetic variation?

Mixing populations would result in more genetic variation, however this is tricky because the human population has allways been mixing. Mixing populations means exchanging genes, not eliminating them, nor really even increasing them. If mixing is very high, then there's less difference between people, but genes that were, say, seperated at different points on the globe are now mixed into one individual. Is that more or less variation?

Capt. Proton
So technically speaking, your race is whatever your mother's race is

I understand what you're saying, but since when did anyone say 'we've don't serve mVariant 421wYs 'round he-ah!' And as someone else pointed out, you inherit the whole of the mitochonrial dna, because mitochondria are present in the egg, but not the sperm, and they replicate on their own. Basically your mother's mitochondria just continue living along like normal, irrepsective of whether its her cells or your cells.

Most ads on TV now or print ads, will typically feature the following pairing:

Holy crap you noticed that too!? Its very subtle, like it'll be an add for bandaids, and there'll be a woman who's all like 'my kids are so gosh darn rambunctious, they're allways getting scraped, thats why I use acme brand bandaids' and then in the background is the kid running around like a lunatic and then another woman of the same age as the mother.

the conspiracy here is to breed out water down a particular color or race, if you will, by promoting the women of one race

its not a conspiracy, its marketing, appealing to a demographic thats out there. Besides, there is no such thing as race, so it can't be 'watered' down.

I haven't seen many that I'm attracted to.

So you think Halle Berry is fugly or something?? I can understand it tho, some people don't like brunettes or red heads, so something similar might appy. But, again, the problem is, all the 'races' are extremely variable within themselves.

This is commonly known as hybrid vigor

If a black and a white person have a kid, the kid is not a hybrid, the kid is simply a kid of the same class as the parents. Hybrids are mixes of species. The human population is too invariant as a whole to have what used to be called 'sports' or 'subspecies', etc etc.

seems way more acceptable than when I was a kid

Heck, it used to be downright illegal in some places.

ut they would have to look stunningly pretty for me to be physically attracted to them.

So you're saying that you'll mess with an unattractive member of your own race, rather than a more attractive member of another race??
How about forgetting the ugly chicks and just going out with the good lookin' women??

They can't be considered fully white nor black, and that creates and identity problem.

It only creates a problem because of bigots who insist that they identify as one race or another. IOW, its not a problem, because those people are irrelevant.

I just can't imagine myself having children with a black woman, that's all. They're just not my type of women.

How is pigment concentration 'not your kind of woman'?? How is cheek bone angling 'not your kind of woman'? Your wife isn't fit to be the mother of your children when she gets a tan?

it seems evident that most nations can handle such activity and still maintain their identities.

Indeed, take Italy for example. Its made up of lots of different races, longobards, sabines, alans, germans, huns, sicils, greeks, dalmatians, latins, etruscans, gauls, samnites, etc etc. Those were all distinctly different 'races' in their day. But now people from Naples, Tuscany, and Syracuse all consider themselves Italians. Heck, people outside of italy consider themselves italians. The previous divisions are meaningless. What possible import can the concentration of melanin in the epidermis possibly have?

Our genetic diversity as a species is, apparantly, lamentable when compared to many others

Chimps have more diversity than humans. They all look alike to me tho.

'm not too fond of interracial dating (much less marriage), and my husband detests it.

Ok so you and your husband are racist bigots, good to know.

I don't hate black people (in fact I have black friends).

My question to that guy is--if we're equal, what's wrong with your women?

What part of your brain is malfunctioning such that you think that because a black guy is dating a white chick that he is saying 'black chicks are no good'?? He's simply dating a person, an individual, the only statement he is making is that he wants to date that individual.

but from what I can tell that appears to be the exception and not the rule.

You don't get out much do ya?

I am an American white male with an Irish and Dutch background

Yuck, what a disgusting mixing of pure races, how horrible, thats just irresponsible of your parents, producing a two race child, you're neither dutch, nor irish, how the heck can you survive. [sarcasm off]
See how stupid that sort of stuff sounds?

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 09:27 AM
Man this can be a touchy subject!!! I personally don't support it, but if my son or daughter decided to have an interracial relationship, I wouldn't try to sabotage it. I may not like it but then again it's not my life.

I believe that everyone should have pride in their race and want to keep it as pure as possible. Believing this does not make me a racist.


posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 09:45 AM

I believe that everyone should have pride in their race and want to keep it as pure as possible. Believing this does not make me a racist.

Sure it does, but that's just a matter of opinion.

Pride in your race...pshh. What is the point of that? It would stand to reason if you have pride in your race then you should also harbor some shame too. But, then you don't wanna be held responsible for the shameful things your race has done, do ya now?

Pointless really, isn't it?

logic: I'm more of a reddish-brownish-bronze so maybe I should be proud of the reddish-brownish-bronze race and only date reddish-brownish-bronze men to keep our race "pure"=clean, untainted, unpolluted…hmmm sounds like the makings of a genocide.

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by Dr Love
I believe that everyone should have pride in their race and want to keep it as pure as possible. Believing this does not make me a racist.


No. That makes someone racist look at you and go Dude, that guy's a Nazi.

Keep your race as pure as possible?

Eugenics is a social philosophy (sometimes labeled a "science", a "movement", or a "pseudoscience") which advocates to improve human hereditary qualities. Proposed means of doing so have included but are not limited to selective breeding, encouragement and discouragement of certain types of reproductive practices, genetic engineering, and, historically, extermination of the designated "unfit".

I'm not just picking on you Dr. Hate, but the longer this thread goes on the more disgusted I am to even know half you people. Deny ignorance indeed.

[edit on 13-10-2005 by RANT]

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 10:03 AM
It's all good RANT.

I'm certainly no Nazi!
That's really ridiculous and laughable as far as I'm concerned.

"Dr. Hate"?????? C'mon man, you're better than that. That's weak!!

You see now why I used the word "touchy" in my original post. Most people are not capable of approaching this issue in a mature and civil manner. Think before you snap.

If I were African American or any other race would my original post's meaning be any different?


[edit on 13-10-2005 by Dr Love]

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by Dr Love
If I were African American or any another race would my original post's meaning be any different?


I don't know your race at all. Never did. Wouldn't change a thing. That "pure race" stuff is bunk, but not just your average everyday bunk, it's pretty dangerous bunk.

Didn't you see Wrath of Khan?

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 10:19 AM
what a boring, boring world this would be if everyone were the same race.

Call it rascism, or whatever liberal label you want to apply, but race-mixing isn't going to end racial prejudice and bigotry. Truth is, it fuels it.

To be a child of a mixed marriage is not a pleasant thing to be. It is hard for that child to find acceptance from either group, leading to teenage angst and frustration. IMO this is selfishness on the parent's part.

I like the fact that I can go to Chinatown, or Little Italy, or Jewtown, or the South Side of Chicago (black), and experience all the best of what the various people's have to offer.

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 10:20 AM
No race will ever be totally pure. When I use the word "pure" I don't mean it in the Hitler/Mengele sense.

Pride and purity are one in the same to me.

It would be so cliche of me to break out the "I have good friends of a few different races" I won't.


posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by nathraq
Call it racism, or whatever liberal label you want to apply, but race-mixing isn't going to end racial prejudice and bigotry. Truth is, it fuels it.

Racism isn't some liberal label.

1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

Believing others should not mix races is racism by its very definition. I don't see why this has to be made out as a 'liberal' thing.

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