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SIDS Disinformation

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posted on Oct, 11 2005 @ 09:44 AM
SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) demonstrates a classic case of counter liability propaganda. That news blackout is expensive, because it can cost your baby. Sleep positions are noted as a solution, and loads of money goes into research but infants continue to die everywhere but New Zealand, which instituted a Mattress cover campaign.

SIDS New Zealand Solution Get the Right Mattress Cover

See Also the following:

Victory Over Crib Death

We propose a new paradigm. The conventional paradigm, or system of thought about crib death, assumes the cause is unknown; and preventing it is hopeless; that SIDS is multifactorial, that several mechanisms can function, possibly several at the same time. Further, that no one of these may be fatal, but a combination can kill; and that one can only lower the risk and offer sympathy afterward. This approach to crib death is a cop-out and a failure.

The New Paradigm

(A) SIDS has one primary cause, which we identify, noting a very few exceptions.

(B) And we present the preventives that have achieved 100-percent success; whence the title: VICTORY OVER CRIB DEATH.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is an unexpected infant death, after which thorough autopsy and examination of the death scene and circumstances at time of death reveal no identifiable cause of death. SIDS risk begins about two weeks after birth. It is the leading cause of death in months one to six, declines rapidly after a peak in the third month when the immune status received from the mother is ebbing, and is rare after a year of age.


SIDS statististics increase from one pregnancy and birth to the next. It appears entirely plausible if not already proved that mattresses are at cause for SIDS. Fungus grows inside the mattress interacting with chemicals yielding gases that can kill your infant. Of course sleeping right side up cuts the rates of infant death! The baby is further away from the mattress chemicals.

This important information should be part of the repertoire of common knowledge, which has become a reservoir for common ignorance and special interests promoting superstition. The direct cause of SIDS has all but been proven to be chemicals and fungus in mattresses. Get a mattress cover of the right type for your baby today. Science should cease and desist being mumbo jumbo to enforce corporate ignorance. The solution to SIDS should be widely published, not ignored and even debunked, the price is far too high for mindless politics.

P.S. Okay I stand corrected on the "rates of infant death," statement above, if all the research below is applicable.

[edit on 11-10-2005 by SkipShipman]

posted on Oct, 11 2005 @ 09:50 AM
It appears the common thoughts in the medical field are against your opinions. It apears that vaccines are believed to be the cause of SIDS. I will come back to edit with some links on the topic!

Edit to add these links:

This next one is interesting. Some believe SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome to be caused by vaccinations):


According to medical historian Harris Coulter, Ph.D., "There is no way that a pathologist can tell the difference between crib death and death from vaccination.... I called attention to this fact at a vaccination committee meeting in Washington, D.C., where they had a panel of people from about ten countries and I asked, 'How can you tell the difference between sudden infant death syndrome and death from vaccination?'

"The Americans simply could not answer the question. They waffled and couldn't state any guidelines. But the European representatives were more honest and said, 'Indeed, there is no way in the world that we can tell the difference between them and it is a very big problem for us.' It appears that M.D's invented the term sudden infant death syndrome to explain away the 'coincidence' that babies die about the same time they receive vaccines," says Dr. Coulter.

This last another essay that discusses the correlation between SIDS and vaccinations. Seems highly likely that vaccinations are what has been causing SIDS all these years!

This last one more on the SIDS correlation.

This inforamtion came from my thread on vaccinations. Figured it had it's place here. SIDS doesn't appear to be as cut and dry as you propose.

[edit on 11-10-2005 by XanaX]

posted on Oct, 11 2005 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by XanaX
It appears the common thoughts in the medical field are against your opinions. It apears that vaccines are believed to be the cause of SIDS. I will come back to edit with some links on the topic!

One of he articles notes vaccinations also. The Mattress cover solution has worked very well in New Zealand, claims of very near 100 percent elimination of SIDS in homes have these covers is more than only statistically significant. Such results scream at you. There is a synergy operating here with the vaccines, so that is not the primary issue although the entire picture of vaccines is very important. Common thoughts in the "medical field," are far too often at the bidding of big money, so how reliable is this enforced "science?" Common thoughts in the medical field, such an environment as JAMA filled with pharmaceutical ads may have a certain direction and flow.

Why wouldn't you protect your baby from mattress gases with such statistics staring you in the face in one location as a precaution? You don't need common thoughts from corporate approved doctors and scientists to know the possibilities. Can anyone prove the mattress cover is more harmful than fungus and internal gases escaping from it?

Yes vaccinations alone may well cause SIDS but not necessarily all SIDS, the difference in these "opinions," is the "not only also," verses the "either or," mode. Honestly I prefer the "not only, also," as expanding rather than contracting knowledge.

[edit on 11-10-2005 by SkipShipman]

posted on Oct, 11 2005 @ 10:03 AM
"Of course sleeping right side up cuts the rates of infant death! The baby is further away from the mattress chemicals."


Thank you for continuing this discourse on SIDS. I don't know if you read the thread I started regarding the AAP's new sleep positioning directive, but I included a link to a study that concluded infant deaths have remained constant, even in the face of the successful Back to Sleep campaign here in the U.S. Here is a new article about that study:

U.S. Study: Recent decline in SIDS deaths illusory
"Deaths attributed to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome dropped by half in the 1990s due to a campaign to put babies to sleep on their backs, but recently reported declines are likely illusory, a study said on Monday.

Medical examiners, coroners and others charged with determining cause of death have been classifying more of the mysterious infant deaths as by suffocation or from unknown causes rather than from SIDS, which itself is a general term for unexplained infant death...

During the same three-year period the overall infant death rate remained stable while deaths attributed to suffocation or unknown causes rose, indicating blame was shifted away from SIDS, Malloy wrote."

This study would seem to indicate that change in sleep position had no effect on overall infant deaths as a group, noting that statistical analysis suggests coroners, etc. were merely assigning a different cause of death other than SIDS, presenting the illusion of a decrease in SIDS occurrences. It appears to be at odds with your ascertion that sleeping supine offers protection of the infant from chemicals in the mattresses.

If what this study says is true, than overall infant deaths are not decreasing, and sleeping supine offers no protection. This doesn't rule out that mattress chemicals are a culprit, just that back sleeping has no effect on overal infant deaths, and they aren't decreasing. I would be very interested in reading any additional published studies on mattress protection issues, as bells are ringing and I think I remember that being debunked on occasion.

I am aware of New Zealand's efforts around baby sleep safety. Unlike the U.S., they have worked feverishly on education efforts and product development to address deformational plagiocephaly prevention, starting with prenatal counseling and education of NICU personnel forward. Deformational Plagiocephaly (misshapen skull) is acknowledged to have reached epidemic proportions by the AAP as a direct result of its successful Back to Sleep campaign.

posted on Oct, 11 2005 @ 10:16 AM

Honestly I prefer the "not only, also," as expanding rather than contracting knowledge.

I certainly believe there could be more than one cause. Vaccines seem to be the overwhelming one.

posted on Oct, 11 2005 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by XanaX

Honestly I prefer the "not only, also," as expanding rather than contracting knowledge.

I certainly believe there could be more than one cause. Vaccines seem to be the overwhelming one.

There is no question that big money behind vaccines is a good candidate for disinformation detection regarding SIDS, however the dimensions of this are clearly mitigated the most when statistics with mattress cover and without mattress cover are fully accountable. The New Zealand sampling is sufficient in size, the use of boron in mattresses in Japan as a fire retardant instead of other harmful chemicals is clear when measure upon the low or almost non-existent SIDS rate in Japan.

One would think after a President of the United States, John F. Kennedy lost his son Patrick to SIDS, that our nation would favor the infant over litigation possibilities, however that is apparently not the case. The main issue here is the information blackout, and vociferous criticism of the chemical mattress factor as a dominant cause of the problem. All of this is evidence that has been suppressed far too greatly, when compared with the value of human life which is apparently on the short list regarding government, major media, and disinformation from what should be science in its pure form responsive to duplicatable laboratory proofs.

In my opinion I would neither vaccinate, nor use a mattress having bad chemicals released by fungus anywhere near my infant. For many people that option is not practical, so a mattress cover continues to be a much ignored and simplest solution, all backed by research and statistics. Please read the links provided in the first posting.

posted on Oct, 11 2005 @ 07:18 PM
I just read an article on SIDS today. They say now that you should have the baby sleep in a crib in the room with the parents, and have them use a pacifier when they go to sleep, and sleep on their backs.

posted on Oct, 11 2005 @ 08:20 PM
as a father i am glad my child made it past the age of sids. however what we did will support the new zealand theory by one account anyway.

when my daughter was born, we did not buy a crib. instead we bought and used a playpen with a "sleep area". we used this till she was able to move around. we then moved her to a crib with a serta mattress (made for babies).

I just wanted too add my 2 cents.

either way I am glad my daughter is alive. Thanks for listening.

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