posted on Oct, 10 2005 @ 06:42 PM
Hello everyone, my name is Tatersack. I'm an ok guy.
I am very interested in Vernon Jenkin's work concerning the mathmatical flawlessness of the Bible's literary structure and construction,
freemasonry's links to the mystery religions and secret societies, quantavolution, and experimentation with hyperbaric atmospheres (ie- adaptations
of plants, animals, and other misc factors in a hyperbaric O2 rich environment. Also, in the field of aeroponic cultivation in hyperbaric
Along with being interesting in things that are very much over my head, I enjoy music, reading, sleeping, and eating. I try to breathe every now and
then. I'm a born again Christian who will probably be the president someday, although I think I'll lay off the bombing, wasteful spending, and
egocentric megalomaniacal landgrabbing the current "born again" administration indulges in. I can probably prove the flood with my research, which
will in return, prove the validity of the Biblical timeline, along with what the dinosaurs really were. I'm not big on theories that you can't
prove, and that includes the Darwinian theory of Evolution, big bang, or any others you couldn't possibly prove without a million or so years of
research. Not too fond of basing entire fields of science around theories, either.
Like, I said, I'm an ok guy. I do have my limits, and will not hesitate to either win an argument through logic, reason, and eventually just talking
someone into the ground. I'm glad you guys have censors.
I should have fun here.