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$1,000,000 For Safe Capture ( Announced By Loren Coleman )

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posted on Oct, 9 2005 @ 08:00 PM
Found this on Loren Coleman
She just announced this on her website Oct. 8, 2005. This should get everyones attention. We had better all hit the woods . What do you think ? We need Ideas to capture one.

At the 5th Annual Texas Bigfoot Conference in Jefferson, Texas, October 15-16, 2005, and the Bates College Cryptozoology Symposium in Lewiston, Maine, October 28-29, 2005, Loren Coleman will be unveiling the details of a $1 million bounty to encourage the public to assist in the safe capture of a Bigfoot, Yeti, Lake Monster, Sea Serpent, or other cryptozoological specimen.
This is for real. Cryptozoology's creatures can truly come in from the cold.

Details to follow. Stay tuned. The time is very near

posted on Oct, 9 2005 @ 08:05 PM
Nope, not in this lifetime. I saw a Bigfoot once and the most memorable part of it was the deep primal fear that raced thru my body. There was no fight or flight instict, it was all flight. RUN RUN was all that went thru my mind. Well, I was in a car and I hit the gas and didn't slow down till I got to the next town.

I hope I never see another Bigfoot as long as I live. Don't look for me on the hunt my friends, i'll be safely back in town.

Love and light,


[edit on 10-10-2005 by Thomas Crowne]

posted on Oct, 9 2005 @ 08:11 PM
We have a cabin in the woods in north eastern Ohio and I swear every fall I hear these bigfoot calls/screams at night. I just might have to set up a video camera, put out some bait, and nets, and try and bag one of these things this year. That video could be worth millions but of course there is a good chance I wouldn't be around to enjoy it.

posted on Oct, 9 2005 @ 08:24 PM
Does Australias big black cat count?

I also knew of a farmer in Tasmania who's seen Tasmanian Tigers still alive and well on his ruggered property but valued his and their peacefull lives more than any fame that would come from "proving" it and good on him for that attitude.

There was also a claim of Tassie Tigers being sighted and photographed on the Australian mainland. Anyone who has 'lost' their dogs, who are trained to come when called, in our Australian bush would understand how easy it is for a shy and clever animal that doesn't want to be found, to hide.

posted on Oct, 9 2005 @ 08:38 PM
I was just thinking, this is being announced here at the peak of hunting season across the country and you know that this will be on the minds of all hunters as they enter the woods. Safe capture probably means you do not get paid if you kill it.
I would think that people whom have witnessed first hand these creatures as mentioned above would not attempt capture or killing one.

posted on Oct, 9 2005 @ 08:48 PM
If you shot one you could pretty much name your price. The Scientific Community will pay 8 plus million for a good T-rex skeleton. A one of a kind Bigfoot body I would expect to fetch far more at auction.

posted on Oct, 10 2005 @ 01:48 AM

Originally posted by ShadowXIX
If you shot one you could pretty much name your price. The Scientific Community will pay 8 plus million for a good T-rex skeleton. A one of a kind Bigfoot body I would expect to fetch far more at auction.

I was just going to say that... If wonder above wonder I did catch Bigfoot, I'll advertise it on EBay or somewhere... You'll get much more than $1 mil...

(And Loren Coleman is not the first to do this, is she? There's a couple of these "bounties" out there, if I'm not mistaken... Even one on Nessie's head... No wonder they're hiding...)

posted on Oct, 10 2005 @ 08:11 AM
Safe capture... it's hard enough to capture an animal when we know a lot about it's habits. Cryptos would be even harder to catch alive. It's not like we can just set up a racoon trap for it and magically one morning it will be in a cage. Not unless we have traps large enough to capture moose alive. lol. And if bigfoot is really as smart as they say (or just even up to the level of most other advanced primates like chimps), wouldn't it probably be able to find it's way out of most traps anyway?

Sounds far too much like the James Randi challenge to me. "Details to follow", probably going to be a whole lot of ridiculous, unaccomplishable details. Either way, you can bet you'd probably end up suing to get your prize.

The definition of Cryptozoology is:

The study of creatures, such as the Sasquatch, whose existence has not been substantiated.

So once the creature is found, it isn't cryptozoological any more. That's probably how they would scam you out of the money and take the specimen at the same time. Plus what is defined as Cryptozoological anyways? That is a fine boundary on it's own. I consider it any species that someone sees that hasn't yet been proven/fully documented. So wouldn't this bounty also apply to a lot of deep-sea fish and animals in the Amazon? What does Coleman define as crypto.... only the creatures mentioned on his site?

Found this on Loren Coleman
She just announced this on her website Oct. 8, 2005.

By the way, Loren Coleman is a man. And if I'm not correct, isn't he the one that said he had caught a real, live bigfoot not so long ago, and ended up to be a scam? What does he want to pay a million dollars for a bigfoot for anyway, he isn't a 'real' scientist.

If you're out hunting cryptos for the chance of making a lot of money, I would give up on it, because they will probably just screw you out of it in the end, anyway.

I remain hopeful that some time, probably in the next 10 years, a bigfoot will be brought forward. I have seen the Coelacanth re-discovered in my lifetime, and most recently the giant squid. So I do believe that animals like this can exist out there undetected for periods of time. But once we start looking in-depth, we are bound to find one.

posted on Oct, 10 2005 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by Yarcofin
By the way, Loren Coleman is a man. And if I'm not correct, isn't he the one that said he had caught a real, live bigfoot not so long ago, and ended up to be a scam? What does he want to pay a million dollars for a bigfoot for anyway, he isn't a 'real' scientist.

Whoops... So he is... I thought it was a woman as well... Loren... Anyhows, the person who claimed he caught Bigfoot was Tom Biscardi discussed in this thread.

posted on Oct, 10 2005 @ 09:14 AM
Only $1,000,000? How much is that in pounds sterling? Hardly anything. It would probably cost mroe to catch one, you would need teams of people searching, tranqs, nets, transportation, doesnt seem worth it to me.........

posted on Oct, 10 2005 @ 09:30 AM
Ah Tom Biscardi... yeah. I thought I remember hearing the name Loren Coleman somewhere in all that ruckus too though.

Zanzibar, $1Mil US is approximately £570,000 GBP, or a little over 800,000 Euros. Yeah, a million dollars isn't really that huge of a reward. They give out millions just in poker tournements here
. To be a professional, full-time, well-known bigfoot hunter, I would imagine you would have at least a million dollars worth of equipment. To the average person, a million dollars is a lot of money (at least 10 years in wages with a good job), but to organizations it really isn't. Maybe they are trying to motivate the "average joe" to get out and try to catch one. Hopefully nobody gets hurt trying. I can imagine getting attacked by bigfoot would be about the same as being mauled by a bear, and a Nessie attack about as bad as a shark attack. Better hope Bigfoot doesn't know Kung Fu

[edit on 10-10-2005 by Yarcofin]

posted on Oct, 10 2005 @ 11:17 AM
I'm with mrwupy on this one. One million is just not enough to get me to tangle with one of these creatures and if I did manage to capture it I would have a hard time turning it over to someone to cage. I believe their best left alone to be wild and free.

posted on Oct, 10 2005 @ 04:25 PM
$1,000,000 will just about cover the fine you will recieve for capturing a bigfoot
Your on your own for the jail time!

posted on Oct, 10 2005 @ 08:25 PM
Does it have to be captured alive ?

posted on Oct, 10 2005 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by imbalanced
Does it have to be captured alive ?

It says "safe capture", so I would assume that means alive and unharmed. It's not much good dead.

posted on Oct, 11 2005 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by suzy ryan
Does Australias big black cat count?

I also knew of a farmer in Tasmania who's seen Tasmanian Tigers still alive and well on his ruggered property but valued his and their peacefull lives more than any fame that would come from "proving" it and good on him for that attitude.

There was also a claim of Tassie Tigers being sighted and photographed on the Australian mainland. Anyone who has 'lost' their dogs, who are trained to come when called, in our Australian bush would understand how easy it is for a shy and clever animal that doesn't want to be found, to hide.

Ehm didnt someone in Australia have some prize for people proving that tazmanian tigers are still alive.. ive heard of this somewhere.. it was less than $1.000.000 but it was still alot maybe $800.000 ive forgot where i did read about this

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 05:00 PM
Well I'm sure such a feat would certainly command a much higher price than one million.
But it is nice to know that at least that much, is being offered.

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 09:02 PM
Boston News Story

October 16, 2005 October 16, 2005

LEWISTON, Maine --A Maine scientist is preparing to release details of a $1 million reward for a photograph that leads to the live capture of Bigfoot, the abominable snowman or the Loch Ness Monster
The $1 million bounty would be paid by a company to anyone who produces a photograph that leads to the live capture of one of the three creatures, Coleman said.

"We don't want people running around with guns trying to kill something to get the money," Coleman said. "It's not a contest, either. It's a very specific bounty that depends on the permanent capture of a live specimen, with emphasis on 'live.'"

Coleman, a cryptozoologist who is considered one of the world's leading experts on Bigfoot, said he would release some details about the bounty at a Bigfoot conference over the weekend in Texas. He's saving the rest for Lewiston, where he will speak at the symposium on Oct. 28 on the Bates campus.

I am very glad to hear this change in the offer for the million dollars and just think what you could make from the picture. Get your trail cams out and be the first to make the claim.

[edit on 16-10-2005 by Harry55]

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