Well..I'm going to get a lot done and if I don't its not going to be because I didnt try. Im gunna listen to what you guys want on BTS and get it
done. Plus I'm on bts at least 10 hours a day. I have the time to dedicate it to the forums and everything. Plus I can help all the new people get
used to the very diverse and fun loving crowd of bts. It is also my intent to bring up new forums and try to get BTS chat back.....plus my cats better
than lysergics. So vote for me because if you dont you could be over run by ninja dictators and death squads.
Dedication to the site is very awesome, but what do you think should be done to BTS to make it better? What ideas do you think make you the better
candidate? Put simply, why are you better than anyone else? (Other than your time commitment.)
well, I have the personality for bts. Im not serious but I can when a certain issue comes up. I am good at helping people with there problems and I am
always open to suggestion. Some things that I would want to bring back are the BTS chat forum and maybe some better smileys. But I'm open to
suggestions from everyone.