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British and American leaders likened to Nazi war criminals

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posted on Nov, 16 2005 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by Souljah
Because YOUR Source says so?
What Makes YOUR Source more Reliable then any other?
Becase your GOVERMENT Source told you so?

HA! A lousy shot at deflecting the subject - which is
Scott Ritter. He's an idiot who can be bought in a
moments notice by anyone. He's totally unreliable.
Why? Because the evidence says so.

Quoting Scott Ritter is like quoting Michael Moore.
Two peas in a pod. You can't believe ANYTHING they say.
They have both been proven to be liars and both have
been proven to be able to be bought off. Scott got his
$400,000 from Saddams regime to make his 'movie' (and
suddenly switched sides at that moment) and
Michael Moore was holding defense stocks in Boeing and
the rest while at the same time he was saying that those
who do are evil war mongers.

But please ... go ahead and continue to quote Scott Ritter
as a viable 'source' of info. I'll go pop some popcorn and
watch the puppet show.

Someone should make a movie about Scott Ritter and
Michael Moore. The new Abbot and Costello. Or better
yet - Scott Ritter, Michael Moore, and Barbara Striesand ...
the new three stooges.

posted on Nov, 16 2005 @ 12:08 PM
It seems that one doesn't have to look far to see 'Nazi's'. Not taking a side here but really, isn't there enough going on in your country Souljah to keep you occupied? I mean chill, have a Corona and take in some rays man. You need to get out more.

posted on Nov, 16 2005 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by WHOFLUNGGUM
It seems that one doesn't have to look far to see 'Nazi's'. Not taking a side here but really, isn't there enough going on in your country Souljah to keep you occupied? I mean chill, have a Corona and take in some rays man. You need to get out more.

Why dont you Comment the TOPIC of this Thread instead of hiding behind Me and my "Agenda", again? My country is small and every problem it has is small, barely worth mentioning.

I am Chill and Cool at the same time, d00d.

posted on Nov, 16 2005 @ 03:27 PM
It seems that Slovenia has a few skeletons in its closet as well Souljah.
Nazi militia made up of your own country men killing local folks and all.

Like I said before, one doesn't have to look far does one?
There's good and bad in all society. Funny how some people like to point out others warts without ever looking in the mirror.

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by WHOFLUNGGUM
It seems that Slovenia has a few skeletons in its closet as well Souljah.
Nazi militia made up of your own country men killing local folks and all.

Like I said before, one doesn't have to look far does one?
There's good and bad in all society. Funny how some people like to point out others warts without ever looking in the mirror.

My Grandfather was killed by the Slovenian Nazi Militia, only few weeks before the end of the War. So I know a "Little" about this Story, trust me. Still tha Nazis used the oldest trick in the Book, the Trick that is going on in Iraq today also: DIVIDE AND CONQUER. They divided the Nation into smaller groups, that hate each other. That way you keep a better control over the people - if they are not United, they are not so Strong. That is the Key to keep the Situation under control: to Fragmentize the Area. But when the Partisans of Yugoslavia United under one Banner, they were practicly Invincible. And so was the Former Yugoslavia: so strong, that Soviet Union and United States found it Dangerus and have tried to Assassinate the President several Times. Why? So that they could, again, Fragmentize the Country into smaller states, such as it is Today.

Same thing is Happening in Iraq - it is Divided into 3 Different States by 3 different Ething/Religious Groups.

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by Souljah
Same thing is Happening in Iraq - it is Divided into 3 Different States by 3 different Ething/Religious Groups.

Well from what I can tell, it always was.

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by devilwasp

Originally posted by Souljah
Same thing is Happening in Iraq - it is Divided into 3 Different States by 3 different Ething/Religious Groups.

Well from what I can tell, it always was.

Well I don't think it was always divided. I know that the Abyss between Shia, Sunni and Kurdish population is Big, and that Saddam only helped to make it Bigger, bringing only one side to power and killing other two. But, what is happening Today is the Same Story all over again - only the Roles have been switched. Let's not forget that Iraq with Saddam was supprted by United States and the West in Modern History, and was not always seen as the "enemy of the Free World".

posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 07:48 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Quoting Scott Ritter is like quoting Michael Moore.
Two peas in a pod. You can't believe ANYTHING they say.

Scott Ritter = Marine Officer and Fornt Lines Veteran from the Gulf War prior to being a lauded/decorated weapons inspector.
The narrative shifts to prop up an enemy in current day that is at a fraction of its 1990 strength - where it was only about in the top 40 of world military strength anyway VS. the TOP FIVE MILITARY POWERS.

Please, do all you want to blow smoke up your own skirt as to Ritters supposed price tag....the man's a brother in arms regardless of the smear campaign. The supposed money you quote - that's not even a 1/2% of what Rumsfeld & Cheney each made off of Saddam.....where's your beef with them?

posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
HA! A lousy shot at deflecting the subject - which is
Scott Ritter. He's an idiot who can be bought in a
moments notice by anyone. He's totally unreliable.
Why? Because the evidence says so.

Who is then a "Relibable" source of Information?

Which one for you is "Worth Anything"?

Bush Administration?


Faux News?

posted on Nov, 24 2005 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by Souljah
Well I don't think it was always divided. I know that the Abyss between Shia, Sunni and Kurdish population is Big, and that Saddam only helped to make it Bigger, bringing only one side to power and killing other two. But, what is happening Today is the Same Story all over again - only the Roles have been switched. Let's not forget that Iraq with Saddam was supprted by United States and the West in Modern History, and was not always seen as the "enemy of the Free World".

Frankly nothing has changed, he was not always but nethier were MANY leaders...

posted on Nov, 25 2005 @ 04:31 AM

Originally posted by devilwasp

Originally posted by Souljah
Well I don't think it was always divided. I know that the Abyss between Shia, Sunni and Kurdish population is Big, and that Saddam only helped to make it Bigger, bringing only one side to power and killing other two. But, what is happening Today is the Same Story all over again - only the Roles have been switched. Let's not forget that Iraq with Saddam was supprted by United States and the West in Modern History, and was not always seen as the "enemy of the Free World".

Frankly nothing has changed, he was not always but nethier were MANY leaders...

Don't you find it Strange that NOBODY wants to see the Dictators in Africa? Nobody wants to see the Massacres, the Genocide, the Breaking of Human Rights in Sudan? That nobody wants to see how many "BAD MAN" are in power down there? The US foreign Policies are FOCUES strictly on Middle East and a little on East Asia - but that is just to Counter the Rising Chinese Empire. Why do you think it is like that? If the WEST is so NOBLE and so DEMOCRATIC that they want to save the World and save those people that need Help (like the Iraqi people Under Saddam) - why do not they go to Africa and SAVE MILLIONS of people that need saving?

You are right - Nothing has Changed at all.

Empire rise and Fall - but EVIL is Immortal...

posted on Nov, 25 2005 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by Souljah
Don't you find it Strange that NOBODY wants to see the Dictators in Africa?

You mean the ones that the UN has been working on putting away but has been blocked?
You mean the ones that the US did try and remove in somalia and lost many men while trying to do what the world asked...

Nobody wants to see the Massacres, the Genocide, the Breaking of Human Rights in Sudan?

You mean the ones that the UN is trying to stop?

That nobody wants to see how many "BAD MAN" are in power down there?

Oh? You mean thats why the UN sends troops there..

The US foreign Policies are FOCUES strictly on Middle East and a little on East Asia - but that is just to Counter the Rising Chinese Empire. Why do you think it is like that?

Actually no it doesnt..
If you hadnt noticed US has involved itself across the globe, the ME is simply a very important area..

If the WEST is so NOBLE and so DEMOCRATIC that they want to save the World and save those people that need Help (like the Iraqi people Under Saddam) - why do not they go to Africa and SAVE MILLIONS of people that need saving?

We tried that....aparantly you hadnt noticed that...or you dont notice that we ARE doing it...unless ofcourse the UN doesnt count and NATO or the UK must go and be the sword of freedom and free everyone which you(the critics) deem as imprisoned.

You are right - Nothing has Changed at all.

Empire rise and Fall - but EVIL is Immortal...

What is evil?
I see men who dont treat women with a strict code of respect as evil but does that mean anything? No...
Evil and good, truth and lies, right and wrong are all about perspective and opinion....even YOU cant tell me that what I have said is not a fact.

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 06:46 AM

Originally posted by devilwasp
You mean the ones that the UN has been working on putting away but has been blocked?

So what? I remember Certain UN Soldiers in Bosnia watching as the Genocide was being execute infront of their Eyes.

You mean the ones that the US did try and remove in somalia and lost many men while trying to do what the world asked...

Yeah. Somalia. All the US soldiers Dead in Vietnam don't count here? Or all the Dead in Iraq? What about that? OH I see - the WORLD did not Ask the US and UK to Liberate Iraq - THEY DID THAT ON THEIR OWN!

You mean the ones that the UN is trying to stop?

UN is doing JACK # to stop them!

Oh? You mean thats why the UN sends troops there..

And? You see any CHANGES? Any PROGRESS? Any PEACE?

Actually no it doesnt..
If you hadnt noticed US has involved itself across the globe, the ME is simply a very important area..

Why is it Important? Because it Hosts Ruthelss Dictators? Because it is the Heart of the Islamic Radicals? Why? You don't think OIL has anything to do with it,right? Just plain old "Democracy" in Action.

We tried that....aparantly you hadnt noticed that...or you dont notice that we ARE doing it...unless ofcourse the UN doesnt count and NATO or the UK must go and be the sword of freedom and free everyone which you(the critics) deem as imprisoned.

You did? Damn - I guess I really DID NOT Notice that!

What is evil?
I see men who dont treat women with a strict code of respect as evil but does that mean anything? No...
Evil and good, truth and lies, right and wrong are all about perspective and opinion....even YOU cant tell me that what I have said is not a fact.

You are still Young - you will Learn. I hope not too late...

...Man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much... the wheel, New York, wars, and so on, whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely the dolphins believed themselves to be more intelligent than man for precisely the same reasons.
Douglas Adams

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 07:25 AM

Originally posted by Bout Time
....the man's a brother in arms regardless of the smear campaign.

What he was and what he is now are two different things.
He WAS heroic and honest.
Now .. he's just one more person bought off by Saddam.
His hands are soaked in blood money.

The supposed money you quote

There is nothing 'supposed' about it. He was completely against
Saddam and the regime. He went on and on about how they lied
and were decietful during inspections. Then when he gets his
$400,000 from Saddam, his 'opinion' of the situation suddenly
takes a drastic left turn into Saddam worship. He was bought off.
His opinion is now worthless.

that's not even a 1/2% of what Rumsfeld & Cheney
each made off of Saddam ?

What Rumsfeld and/or Cheney made or didn't make is of no
relevence to this conversation in regards to Scott Ritter. He
is useless as a credible witness.

[edit on 11/27/2005 by FlyersFan]

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 07:31 AM

Originally posted by Souljah
the WORLD did not Ask the US and UK to Liberate Iraq

..... and when we got there the Iraqis thanks us over and over.
They also were very ticked off at the French for trying to block
their freedom from Saddam.

When you say 'the WORLD' ... you mean France and Germany?
They are ones that voted NO on the UN security council because they
were very happy getting their illegal billions in stolen oil for food
money from Saddam. They knew if we liberated Iraq, their
pockets would no longer be lined with that blood money.

Of course they aren't going to ask to liberate Iraq. They much rather
would have continued to allow the mass murders as long as they were
getting their billions of $$$ (that really belonged to the Iraqi people).

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 07:50 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
..... and when we got there the Iraqis thanks us over and over.
They also were very ticked off at the French for trying to block
their freedom from Saddam.

And when good Old Rummy Handshaked with Saddam and sold him Chemical Weapons with which Iraq won the war with Iran - everything is fine? On the same day the UN released a report that Iraq had used mustard and Tabun nerve gas against Iranian troops. The NY Times reported from Baghdad on, that "American diplomats pronounce themselves satisfied with Iraq and the U.S., and suggest that normal diplomatic ties have been established in all but name."

When you say 'the WORLD' ... you mean France and Germany?
They are ones that voted NO on the UN security council because they
were very happy getting their illegal billions in stolen oil for food
money from Saddam. They knew if we liberated Iraq, their
pockets would no longer be lined with that blood money.

Ofcourse - Germany and France were the ONLY ones that made Money in the so-called Oil-4-Food SCAM. I suggest the following Article:
The U.N. is Us: Exposing Saddam Hussein’s silent partner

Of course they aren't going to ask to liberate Iraq. They much rather
would have continued to allow the mass murders as long as they were
getting their billions of $$$ (that really belonged to the Iraqi people).

And Ofcourse the United States ARE Going to "Liberate" Iraq. They can not be allowed to start selling Oil in PetroEuros to the countires of European Union! Imagine what that would do to the PetroDollars!

But I see that the Corporate Media is doing a Great Job keeping people Blind and focused on French and Germans, which are the Most Guilty ones today for the problems of Iraq.


Keep on dreamin'...

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 08:15 AM

Originally posted by Souljah
So what? I remember Certain UN Soldiers in Bosnia watching as the Genocide was being execute infront of their Eyes.

You want to know WHY they had to do that?
Because the people in charge cant agree..

Yeah. Somalia. All the US soldiers Dead in Vietnam don't count here? Or all the Dead in Iraq? What about that? OH I see - the WORLD did not Ask the US and UK to Liberate Iraq - THEY DID THAT ON THEIR OWN!

Notice you cast off that sacrifice the US made to do what the world asked with 2 words. "Yeah. Somalia." , what the hell man?
Veitnam happened udner the threat of two superpowers, you cant compare the two.
The dead in iraq? You mean the ones that died fighting for what they believed or the ones that died because of the mistakes of old men decades ago?
The world didnt ask, frankly we believed it was the right thing to do.

UN is doing JACK # to stop them!

Oh really?
Guess those warships and troops in africa and off her coast are there for the sight seeing.

And? You see any CHANGES? Any PROGRESS? Any PEACE?

And I see that this is going to take time, but yet again....unless its solved overnight its not working.

Why is it Important? Because it Hosts Ruthelss Dictators? Because it is the Heart of the Islamic Radicals? Why? You don't think OIL has anything to do with it,right? Just plain old "Democracy" in Action.

I think oil has a lot to do with it, but its not the only reason.
Tell me...which states in the middle east have the capability and drive to hit the USA and the UK?
Is it america that is sending islamic teachers and extremists to somalia and all over africa to buy lands, men, guns and matriels.

You did? Damn - I guess I really DID NOT Notice that!

Yes we did, but I guess that we dont care enough to send troops.

You are still Young - you will Learn. I hope not too late...

I may be young and I will learn, but I know enough right now.
You may be older and "wiser" than me but that means bugger all when it comes to questions.

As my old history teacher said; "Politions fear questions from young people", why? Because we ask the right questions.

BTW, if you want to start qouting other people thats fair enough....but all I have to say is this; you will live in thier shade forever.

posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by devilwasp
You want to know WHY they had to do that?
Because the people in charge cant agree..

Errr... What people in Charge? There was somebody in Charge?

And people "in charge" for Iraq CAN Agree?

Notice you cast off that sacrifice the US made to do what the world asked with 2 words. "Yeah. Somalia." , what the hell man?
Veitnam happened udner the threat of two superpowers, you cant compare the two. The dead in iraq? You mean the ones that died fighting for what they believed or the ones that died because of the mistakes of old men decades ago?
The world didnt ask, frankly we believed it was the right thing to do.

Because Somalia was not WORTH it, Man - and Iraq is. There is nothing of Importance in Somalia: no Oil, no Strategic Importance, no Nothing, just Desert. Iraq? Lots of Desert, Lots of Oil, Lots of Strategic Importance.

Oh really?
Guess those warships and troops in africa and off her coast are there for the sight seeing.

You always start with the "Oh Really?" - watching too muc O'reilly Factor?
What WARSHIPS? What TROOPS? Care to compare how many people are dead and dying in Africa to other Continents? Who needs more Help: Middle East or Africa?

I think oil has a lot to do with it, but its not the only reason.
Tell me...which states in the middle east have the capability and drive to hit the USA and the UK?
Is it america that is sending islamic teachers and extremists to somalia and all over africa to buy lands, men, guns and matriels.

As I remember correctly CIA started to Organize Islamists in Afganistan, they started to Gather then, and guess what; they came from all over the Middle East! You tell me how many WESTERN states have the Capability to HIT the Middle East? And then check how many Western states controlled Middle East in their Imperialistic Days. So, who Pissed of Who here?

I may be young and I will learn, but I know enough right now.
You may be older and "wiser" than me but that means bugger all when it comes to questions.

As my old history teacher said; "Politions fear questions from young people", why? Because we ask the right questions.

BTW, if you want to start qouting other people thats fair enough....but all I have to say is this; you will live in thier shade forever.

Yes Boy, you are Young - for you war is a Game you play on your computer. You have never experienced it. You have never seen it closer then on Sky News. Its FUN! Lets SHOOT!

BTW, you have quoted your Old History Teacher, youknowthat?

[edit on 29/11/05 by Souljah]

posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 03:43 AM

Originally posted by Souljah
Errr... What people in Charge? There was somebody in Charge?

And people "in charge" for Iraq CAN Agree?

The people incharge of the UN, the security council.

Because Somalia was not WORTH it, Man - and Iraq is.

Somalia wasnt worth it?
So your saying the world was wrong and YOU are right.

There is nothing of Importance in Somalia: no Oil, no Strategic Importance, no Nothing, just Desert. Iraq? Lots of Desert, Lots of Oil, Lots of Strategic Importance.

Eh? If that where so then why was it the US and the UN that sent troops, not the UK or the Coalition, no it was the US and the UN.

You always start with the "Oh Really?" - watching too muc O'reilly Factor?


What WARSHIPS? What TROOPS? Care to compare how many people are dead and dying in Africa to other Continents? Who needs more Help: Middle East or Africa?

Right now there is a french warship off the somalian coast.
So now its a number game? We tried to help africa, we got the hell shot out of and the world stayed silent about it.

As I remember correctly CIA started to Organize Islamists in Afganistan, they started to Gather then, and guess what; they came from all over the Middle East!

Guess what, that was over 2 decades ago. Your now telling me every fighter is now 40?

You tell me how many WESTERN states have the Capability to HIT the Middle East?

Many, how many would want to and how many preach death to the middle east every day?

And then check how many Western states controlled Middle East in their Imperialistic Days. So, who Pissed of Who here?

2. 2 countries controlled the most of the world, Britain and france.
BTW, if you hadnt remembered we gave them power, we LEFT , we didnt stay and keep control...

Yes Boy, you are Young - for you war is a Game you play on your computer. You have never experienced it. You have never seen it closer then on Sky News. Its FUN! Lets SHOOT!

War is no game, nor is it fun.
You dont think I feel sad everytime I see a british coffin come home? You dont think I feel it hit home every time the saltire is drapped over a coffin and the flag is at half mast?
I have never sene it closer and I never will probably....but dont you DARE try and judge me, you dont know havent even talked to me.

BTW, you have quoted your Old History Teacher, youknowthat?

[edit on 29/11/05 by Souljah]

Yes I know that, and frankly I will always live in his shadow history wise.

posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 04:55 AM

Originally posted by devilwasp
The people incharge of the UN, the security council.

You mean the Security Councily which DID NOT Approve the US-UK Iraqi Invasion?

Somalia wasnt worth it?
So your saying the world was wrong and YOU are right.

I AM SAYING, that nobody CARES for Somalia - and you know it. Nobody Carse for Africa or Africans - they die on Daily basis. But somehow there is Enormous interest for the wellbeing for the people of Middle East... Why is that?

Right now there is a french warship off the somalian coast.
So now its a number game? We tried to help africa, we got the hell shot out of and the world stayed silent about it.

AND? What is that single Warship doing? Helping the African people not to starve to Death? Or are they Hunting some Pirates? Ask yourself, would there be Pirates if there was no POVERTY and no Concentration of Capital in the West? Why are there no Pirates around US Coasts?

Guess what, that was over 2 decades ago. Your now telling me every fighter is now 40?

So? A 40 Year old Veteran is better then Forty 20 Year old Rookies...

Many, how many would want to and how many preach death to the middle east every day?

Preach DEATH?
Ask yourself How many People the US and UK have KILLED combined in their "Quests" around the Globe and then ask yourself why are the Empires so Hated.

2. 2 countries controlled the most of the world, Britain and france.

And look what a Great World we have Today.

War is no game, nor is it fun.
You dont think I feel sad everytime I see a british coffin come home? You dont think I feel it hit home every time the saltire is drapped over a coffin and the flag is at half mast?
I have never sene it closer and I never will probably....but dont you DARE try and judge me, you dont know havent even talked to me.

I don't know you, you're right - and You do not know ME too!
Do you also feel Sad when you see an Iraqi Mother crying over her Child?
Do you also feel Sad when you see Hundreds of Iraqis blown to pieces?
Guess not...

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