posted on Sep, 12 2003 @ 01:52 PM
I will never recommend that anyone stare at the sun but when I briefly peered out my windshield as parking the other day, I caught the glare and the
spots or spot rather that followed was located where the third eye should be on everyone I looked at while sitting down right after parking at the
coffee shop I was at.
It was a gold spot ovoid hovering on everyone's foreheads for a couple of minutes following until my eyes had readjusted. It was a
strange chance phenomena and oddly supports my hypothesis that while the sun is our distribution mechanism for light here on the Earth. If one is in
conversation they will often see imagery in their mind as the interpret the verbal audio data of voice patterns.
But, (some unfortunate people are apparently incapable of seeing in pictures I have heard) when you close your eyes while talking you see nothing.
Reality as it appears seems to offer such infinite symmetry patterning that it has every angle or coordinate light sourcing features to opportune us
picture-heads with reorganized light patterns to produce the picture of the conversation topics while we speak. There is a science here. Light can
be mentally reorganized from the reality into desigantional portions. This is to say that some human beings have the ability to reanimate light
sourced features. Deja Vu is a subliminal recognition of variable patterns that must coordinate on almost infinit levels to occur. For, if one had
deja vu outside on a cloudy day, than the clouds themselves, trees and the like even lighting would all as unit factors have to accomodate a pretty
static template. Which is why a small organized room in a home does not promote deja vu as frequently though its entropy contains many less feaured
units or forms and colors but maintains higher stability as static in design.
I could go on but.....hit me later....