posted on Sep, 12 2003 @ 03:49 AM
This whole week I have been getting posts in my U2U by people like you telling me of the laws and regulations of this place. I feel for you.
"The topic was reframed by Samara as hospitals and clinics, but I am sure it is capable of meandering through a large number of ramifications and
permutations in the names of Evil and Niceness. "
Well, it looks like I finally have some power in this place. The topic that was reframed by me Masked, was generally only known by you....because no
one else follows my posts as much as you do. Now that everyone else is capable of's true I have been sick and tired of you boys trying
to make "chit-chat" into something of a political conversation. I wish you would go back to your offices of Law and allow us to enjoy ourselves
having some fun. Now if you want to join us, then please do. The only law in 'Chit- Chat' is that you have to leave your politics behind.
And Alien, I know you work long hours. Still. Still yourself. This is one forum, live chat is another. I prefer oil paintings to water colors, o.k.?