posted on Oct, 7 2005 @ 09:35 PM
Well I don't have anything to really add but to agree, so I don't think it really warrants a podcast.
"Guns don't kill people, people with moustaches kill people"
People look at me funny as well I imagine, although it isn't really super obvious or something. People just tend to....not sit down too close to me
. It's strange. People either completely avoid me, or over-talk to me. Not usually much of the in-between.
Anyways I just agree along the basic lines of you two. I think that something majorly bad is going to happen to the world. I don't know when, and I
don't know what, but it's just one of those really strong feelings. And the more you keep watching what is going on in the world, the stronger it
gets. I have also made basic survival preparations. I haven't really stockpiled my basement full of canned food or anything, but I have a good first
aid kit, a good knife, a good bike, and I have planned what I would grab if I had to leave my house in 5 minutes, and where I would go and how to get
there. I don't think people should get super-crazy about it, but I think the best thing that everyone can do is prepare for the worst.
On a strange sidenote, I get the odd feeling that I go to your college .
Eh, doubt it. Canada is a big place. lol.
Happy Thanksgiving to fellow Canadians! Americans.. er... you gotta wait a month. lol.
[edit on 7-10-2005 by Yarcofin]