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Why does this happen, can someone give me some clues?

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posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 06:16 PM

I don't know if it's coicidence or not but people near me tend to tripple and fall on the floor or drop things from their hands.
This does not happen all the time but enough times for me to notice.

Does it happens to someone else?


posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 06:19 PM
Might be your energy,

Do you have any other strange things happen around you?

how long has this been going on for that you have noticed?

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 06:34 PM
Maths in some timewarp of numbers and chance.

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by asala
Might be your energy,

Do you have any other strange things happen around you?

how long has this been going on for that you have noticed?

Nothing that i've noticed.

Well there is this situation, i don't know if it is connected or not, but when little children pass by me or i pass by them they start staring at me fixed and follow me with the eyes until i leave their sight of vision, i mean is so strange, i never understood that. This happens ever since.

It's like they could see something in me that i don't. This does not happen with all the little children, but almost all. Even my girlfriend notice that, without me telling her anything about it.


[edit on 6-10-2005 by crustas]

posted on Oct, 9 2005 @ 02:56 PM
Sounds interesting,

Maybe you should keep a log of all the times these things happen,.......

Maybe from that you can work out some form of pattern and to see if this is really something that is happening or just coincidence,

Another thing, Do you notice that this happens more so if your Angry ect? or is it just random?

posted on Oct, 9 2005 @ 03:21 PM
As far as the person who atracts the attantion of children, have you ever consedered the fact that you might be a vampire. You could have been born with an excess need for pranic energy and therefore have a vacuum like pull on energy. Perhaps children are more greatly effected by it. Of course it isn't certain, but I would suggest that you look into it. Vampires are amazingly gifted in a psychic way, it's not a negative thing. There are also some really great vampire support group websites out there. If you are a vampire, my advice is to accept it and use your talents to the best of your abilities. You might even want to get into pranic healing.

posted on Oct, 9 2005 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by asala
Sounds interesting,

Maybe you should keep a log of all the times these things happen,.......

Maybe from that you can work out some form of pattern and to see if this is really something that is happening or just coincidence,

Another thing, Do you notice that this happens more so if your Angry ect? or is it just random?

From now on i will keep a log.

Yes, sometimes it happens when i'm in a stress situation.

Yesterday night, i was in a friend's house arguing with him because we were late to go out. This arguing took place near his computer. After a few minutes, we gone out. When he arrived home he phone me saying that the PC was dead.
Could this be connected?

Thanks for the help


posted on Oct, 10 2005 @ 06:45 AM

Originally posted by crustas

I don't know if it's coicidence or not but people near me tend to tripple and fall on the floor or drop things from their hands.
This does not happen all the time but enough times for me to notice.

Does it happens to someone else?


Might be someone controlling those people near you. Perhaps, soon you will enter a new level in your life, a place whhere people will no longer tripple or ddrop things. Either because they cannot tripple, or there will be nothing to drop on the floor.

Ask those who are controling these peoplee, you know: mind control.

posted on Oct, 10 2005 @ 11:07 AM
I've never heard of the vampire thing but whatever...

As to excess energy try taking up form of martial arts or meditation, this would help keep your energy from "leaking".

posted on Oct, 10 2005 @ 02:46 PM

Well there is this situation, i don't know if it is connected or not, but when little children pass by me or i pass by them they start staring at me fixed and follow me with the eyes until i leave their sight of vision, i mean is so strange, i never understood that. This happens ever since.

You may be an empathic projector/receiver.... Kids easily pick up on this, before they "unlearn" the ability. In fact, they use a lot of the ability themselves since they lack the word knowledge to always communicate. Once they learn linguistic skills, this usually falls by the wayside, but not always....or at least that's the common belief on it. If you don't receive the emotions of others, chances are you're simply projecting fairly strongly.

In older times, they'd call this the "evil eye", and you'd probably be stoned or banished, hehe... In any case, "something" amiss supernaturally is detected, and the "normals" get the heebie jeebies, and often react to you (sometimes not even realizing you are the source) in the ways you mentioned.

This is just going from what you stated though, there may be other factors at play here, but I think this is a good estimation. Think about your own personal mood at the time when these things occur. Are you angry? upset? happy? Do the ones affected seem to mimic these emotions? Does it ONLY happen when you are feeling strong emotions, etc.????

posted on Oct, 10 2005 @ 03:07 PM

Do you have dark brown eyes?
I have been in management for many years, and have been written up by my superiors for "non-verbal communications"
IOW, my employees do not like the way I look at them, same happens with children, they see something in my eyes I do not know of.
I have been told, my eyeballs will turn black and watery, like a grays eyes do???
There is nothing I can find to stop this, but I joined this forum in April and on April 19th or thereabouts, I had had my right eye not being able to stay open for many years..
One morning, I woke up an it was healed! My doctors told me I would have to live that way for life.I thanked all that is reverent for my healing..
Either we have an unknown healer or the spacials are plugged into here..

Hope this offers some insight..Or NOT?

posted on Oct, 10 2005 @ 10:53 PM
lack of concentration is the answer. And as urbanoyster01 mentioned , meditation , yoga and martial arts help to be focused, calm, efficient and centered. Just regular stress in my opinion.

posted on Oct, 11 2005 @ 12:06 AM
Well, I have a problem kinda like this but its not exactly people tripping or falling,
I have noticed in the past, an it doent happen a whole lot, but certain times lets say, I have noticed, ok lets take for instance, a store, an I will be shopping an there will be a small child in the cart with there Mom, an I`ll look an there shoe fall off, Just one. so I`ll pick it up an say " your kid lost his shoe" LOL... now its happen in other places, its just so weird but then it could just be that kids lose there one shoe when Im around.. LOL... I dunno but I noticed it took much to where it happend so often.
So having people tripping an falling could be a connection to something I am just not sure what. or maybe its not nothing at all an we are just reading into things to much, maybe....?

posted on Oct, 11 2005 @ 12:51 AM
I would say I agree with lack of concentration along with lack of sleep and/or being tired. I tend to drop a lot more things when I feel rushed and/or tired. Many people today are sleep deprived so they will make more mistakes and drop more things. Ever notice that this seems to happen when people are more tired?

As far as energy goes, I could easily let my imagination run wild. I could say I often hear people say "I feel tired" when I feel slightly better. I remember I was feeling a bit sleepy and even went to sleep, woke up later, then went into a public building and a small kid near me fell asleep. Many other people looked a bit drained as well. I'm certainly not going around proclaiming to be a vampire because other people are sleepy. It does seem amusing or interesting thinking about what if you could drain some energy from other people. Now I guess I'm off to look for some pics of women with fangs, lol. Something about those sharp teeth look sexy.

posted on Oct, 11 2005 @ 01:01 AM
You could be an empath.
Your aura may be quite strong.
Your mental field generation may be powerful enough.

But I think it's your feet sticking out into the aisle

That's a JOKE son, a JOKE!

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by slightly_paranoid
As far as the person who atracts the attantion of children, have you ever consedered the fact that you might be a vampire. You could have been born with an excess need for pranic energy and therefore have a vacuum like pull on energy. Perhaps children are more greatly effected by it. Of course it isn't certain, but I would suggest that you look into it. Vampires are amazingly gifted in a psychic way, it's not a negative thing. There are also some really great vampire support group websites out there. If you are a vampire, my advice is to accept it and use your talents to the best of your abilities. You might even want to get into pranic healing.

Thanks. I'll read some info, regarding the subject you wrote.


posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by istvan1

Might be someone controlling those people near you. Perhaps, soon you will enter a new level in your life, a place whhere people will no longer tripple or ddrop things. Either because they cannot tripple, or there will be nothing to drop on the floor.

Ask those who are controling these peoplee, you know: mind control.

I don't think that could be the cause, there are better thing to do with mind control.. Thanks anyway.


posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by urbanoyster01
I've never heard of the vampire thing but whatever...

As to excess energy try taking up form of martial arts or meditation, this would help keep your energy from "leaking".

Thanks for the advice.


posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
If you don't receive the emotions of others, chances are you're simply projecting fairly strongly.

This is just going from what you stated though, there may be other factors at play here, but I think this is a good estimation. Think about your own personal mood at the time when these things occur. Are you angry? upset? happy? Do the ones affected seem to mimic these emotions? Does it ONLY happen when you are feeling strong emotions, etc.????

What do you mean by receiving the emotions? I can feel if someone is in good mood, bad mood or in apathy. Just by looking at them(without a word), but i think that could be of a facial reading.

If i go to someone's house i can feel immediately (on arrival) if there is "tension in the air", but i think we all can feel that, can't we?

This situation of "evil eye"
, happens without any specific emotion and in all kind of places.

I've never tried to see if they mimic emotions (reflex of my emotion at the moment i supose?), the only thing i see is they stop moving, stand still and their eyes looking at me fixed and following me everywhere. Their face look very surprised by something, like, it is the first time they see something.

I'll try to see anything mimic next time.



posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by siriuslyone

Do you have dark brown eyes?
I have been in management for many years, and have been written up by my superiors for "non-verbal communications"
IOW, my employees do not like the way I look at them, same happens with children, they see something in my eyes I do not know of.
I have been told, my eyeballs will turn black and watery, like a grays eyes do???
There is nothing I can find to stop this, but I joined this forum in April and on April 19th or thereabouts, I had had my right eye not being able to stay open for many years..
One morning, I woke up an it was healed! My doctors told me I would have to live that way for life.I thanked all that is reverent for my healing..
Either we have an unknown healer or the spacials are plugged into here..

Hope this offers some insight..Or NOT?

Thanks for the reply.
No not dark brown eyes, Grey.
Nobody looked into my eyes when that happen.
I don't need to look at their eyes in order to get their attention. When they see me they simply start staring at me fixed and they are standstill.

I'm happy for your eye recovery and i believe in auto-healing too (mind over body).


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