posted on Oct, 8 2005 @ 06:31 AM
Hi Jessy
I'm sorry you're going through these attacks...I've suffered intermittently for years, and they can really be horrifying. Through therapy and
yes, medication (Buspar helped while I was learning how to deal with the attacks myself through self-help, meditation and therapy - I ended up taking
it for about 8 months, though meds aren't obligatory for everyone), I've managed to get to a point where I can usually recognise the signs and
prevent a full on attack for the most part.
I came across
TAPIR a while ago, and the forums there aren't bad at all - you can talk with and
exchange experiences and ideas with others there who aren't going to judge you or make you feel worse. There's some neat info there, too.
there's some great stuff here ....they have some breathing exercises too which really do
Part of the difficulty for me is recognising triggers...are there particular times or stressors where you're more likely to feel an attack coming on?
(that's assuming you actually get warning signs - many sufferers don't!). Recognising them and being able to "talk yourself down" is
sometimes a great step if it's possible to do so.
There's another great website here
And another here
The other thing I'd suggest is seeing your doctor too, if only to make sure you actually are suffering from anxiety attacks and not something
If there's anything else I can do, or suggest, or help with, please just give me a shout
Good luck - and know that you're absolutely not alone here!