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Iranian TV Drive To Recruit 40,000 Suicide Bombers

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posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by ArchAngel
If the State of Iran were to announce that they themselves were organizing suicide squads the response would be much less muted...

What delusional stuff are you smoking?

Your rebuttal was:

It says nothing about suicide soldiers....

Dude, not sure what the problem is with your interpretational skills but heed this from the link I gave and interpret what it means, k?

.....The report advised Iranians on how to volunteer for the Iranian regime-sponsored volunteer martyrdom squad, and mentioned an Iranian women's volunteer group that is dedicated to carrying out martyrdom operations against U.S., British, and Israeli forces.

Key word from above, in bold, is "martyrdom".
Islamic martyrdom is by way of sacrificing one's life in the act of suicide attacks via bombing?
72 virgins and all, etc.
Try this:
Suicide, Martyrdom, and the Rules of War in the Koran

Self-denial is well and fine and all, but to deny the obvious is simply mind-numbing. :shk:

Btw, this is old news via Nygdan finding and linking in the ATSNN topic on this subject matter:
Old News


[edit on 5-10-2005 by Seekerof]

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by NR
do you notice how old this news is? we have no intension in going to iraq right now, its for you guys but once your out we move in.

I hope you are accustomed to waiting, because freedom and democracy will come to Iran, long before we leave Iraq.

Sorry, to disappoint you, but I'd look to Iran's own internal strife before contemplating a foray across the border.



posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by Major Discrepancy

Originally posted by NR
do you notice how old this news is? we have no intension in going to iraq right now, its for you guys but once your out we move in.

I hope you are accustomed to waiting, because freedom and democracy will come to Iran, long before we leave Iraq.

Sorry, to disappoint you, but I'd look to Iran's own internal strife before contemplating a foray across the border.


haha funny guy, and you been saying that to yourself for the past 2 years huh? well its not gonna happen and your gonna live with it but you dont want to admit it and wheres the democracy in Iraq? go figures huh?

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 07:18 PM

The report advised Iranians on how to volunteer for the Iranian regime-sponsored volunteer martyrdom squad, and mentioned an Iranian women's volunteer group that is dedicated to carrying out martyrdom operations against U.S., British, and Israeli forces.

You said "has openly backed the use of suicide bombers within its own military".

It says nothing about these people being in the STATE military.

They are Partisans.

The translation is from the Zionist controled MEMRI, and there is a conflict.

In quoting the organization they deny government links, but the MEMRI commentary they speak of government sponsorship as if it is conclusive.

Is their summation[rather than direct quotes] of the report employing supposition, or are there some solid links?

[edit on 5-10-2005 by ArchAngel]

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by NR
haha funny guy, and you been saying that to yourself for the past 2 years huh? well its not gonna happen and your gonna live with it but you dont want to admit it and wheres the democracy in Iraq? go figures huh?

There is nothing funny about the Major, I'm as serious as it gets. I have actually been watching the control of the Iranian people slip through the fingers of the Fundamentalist regime for 25 years, all in good time.

Iraq is well on it's way to a democracy, when's the last time the average Joe in Tehran was asked what he wanted? Like anyone would listen.


posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 07:23 PM
Yeah, ok, your agenda was revealed from the get-go, ArchAngel [probably the reason for the continued play on words and self-denial] and is revealed again: the continued use of zionism/zionist.

Time for me to move along like a good ATS member should. :shk:


[edit on 5-10-2005 by Seekerof]

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by Seekerof
Yeah, ok, your agenda was revealed from the get-go, ArchAngel [probably the reason for the continued play on words and self-denial] and is revealed again: the continued use of zionism/zionist.

Time for me to move along like a good ATS member should. :shk:

Are you saying that to be a good member here you must be a Zionist?

I bring it up because it matters.

There is BIAS in your source.

They have a long history of dancing with words when translating what the Arab media says.

If not for propaganda purposes why do they even exist?

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by ArchAngel
Are you saying that to be a good member here you must be a Zionist?

No, a good member is one who stays on topic, a trait that all participants in this thread should try to emulate.

The topic at hand is War On Terrorism » Iranian TV Drive To Recruit 40,000 Suicide Bombers let's all do our best to confine the discussion to that subject, lest some darn fool monkey starts pressing buttons that he probably shouldn't.

Please resume within the boundaries of the T & C...

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 08:06 PM
I think they should ban all religions (christian islam judaism) After all they do nothing but start trouble wars and hate. I find it sooo funny that they all think there the correct ones
. And will die over this fact with little or no proof
. The one thing i look forward to is that you will all take each other out leaving the FREE MINDED PEOPLE TO RULE THIS PLANET AS IT SHOULD BE. With love and not BS and corrupt religions.

[edit on 5-10-2005 by helium3]

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 10:59 PM
The only reason suicide bombers have a bad reputation is the obvious killing of civillians and.... I'm not sure if anyone has picked up on this but when I hear the term suicide bomber I subconciously make a direct connection to Kamikaze pilots from Japan back in WW2. Also this whole wave of suicide bombers has had its effect of linking the war in Iraq to Vietnam.

Originally posted by Lysergic
and I thought this guy was a pain in the ass

mmm suicide bombage, how durkadurkajihadurka-ish

I used to watch this and I'm not even a christian. I have to say he was very forthcoming and in a way occluded by self delusion. I have to say his single-mindedness impressed me.

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 04:58 PM

No, a good member is one who stays on topic, a trait that all participants in this thread should try to emulate.

I just looked through all of the posts here and did not see where I went off topic.

And I do not see where what Kerof said is written within the page he linked too.

Am I wrong because he got caught making a false statement, and ran off in a huff?

[edit on 6-10-2005 by ArchAngel]

posted on Oct, 7 2005 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by ArchAngel
Am I wrong because he got caught making a false statement, and ran off in a huff?

First off, the name is seekerof, not Kerof, k?
Secondly, who is the one here that got caught making a false statement, ArchAngel?
From page one, where you said:

Note that the recruitment drive is being run by 'The Iranian Movement of Martyrdom Seekers' not by the Iranian government.

Emphasis added because it is within that bolded emphasis that you were caught making a false statement.
How so?
Because Iran has announced that that it is actively recruiting members of public to become suicide bombers. Iran equates to the Iranian Mullah run government.

Iran admits 'suicide column' program

Iranian government officials have long denied media reports about a long suicide bomber recruitment program -- until now.

According to the London-based daily Asharq Al Awsat, Ayatollah Muhammad Taki Misbah Yazari, a senior figure in Iran's leadership and spiritual advisor of President Muhammad Ahmadinejad, has issued a call in an Iranian newspaper for the public to join the swelling ranks of Iran’s homegrown suicide bombers.



[edit on 7-10-2005 by Seekerof]

posted on Oct, 7 2005 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by ArchAngel
The Iranian Movement of Martyrdom Seekers says it has 40,000 "time bombs" ready to attack carry out suicide bombings in Israel and the United States.

As has already been stated. martyrs do not kill anyone. To become a martyr is too not kill anyone.

I'm sure you remember this Archangel? What kind of statement is this?, when you have previously backed up another members claim about martyrdom?

posted on Oct, 7 2005 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by Bikereddie

Originally posted by ArchAngel
The Iranian Movement of Martyrdom Seekers says it has 40,000 "time bombs" ready to attack carry out suicide bombings in Israel and the United States.

As has already been stated. martyrs do not kill anyone. To become a martyr is too not kill anyone.

I'm sure you remember this Archangel? What kind of statement is this?, when you have previously backed up another members claim about martyrdom?

I believe you may be refering to where I said Saddam was not giving aid to the terrorists in Palestine, rather he was giving to the families of the martyrs which includes everyone Israel kills.

I do not believe I have ever said that Martyrs do not Ever kill, but maybe I said they do not Always kill.

Reply for Kerof later....Maybe if you would quit accusing people of being drug addicts you could earn enough respect to warrant the full use of your name...

posted on Oct, 7 2005 @ 07:32 PM
Can we keep this on topic?
I know its ironic that I , devilwasp hijacker of threads is saying this but frankly the debate going on and the information being supplied is quite interesting...I dont want this thread deleted because its got some interesting peices of information in it.
BTW, arch, what defines one of these suicide bombers "military" targets?

posted on Oct, 8 2005 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by NR

Originally posted by ArchAngel

MEMRI , the Arabic translation service, has obtained footage from the Al-Arabiya television network showing an Iranian suicide bomber recruitment drive.

The Iranian Movement of Martyrdom Seekers says it has 40,000 "time bombs" ready to attack carry out suicide bombings in Israel and the United States.


While the Zionist controled MEMRI is well know for their purposeful incitingly mistranslated Arab media reports I will accept it for now, and expect a slightly different story later to rebutt this.

Is this a counter in the face of America, and Israel threatening to attack Iran?

Would this be happening if they did not feel cornered and threatened?

If the trigger is an attack against them would you think twice about invading?

These people are kept for military purposes and i actually respect them for fighting for their country even if they have to kill themselves.

I don't know why you think they need to attack the US as of NOW..
Or are you talking abt this as a retaliatory measure IF the US decides to attack Iran..

And yes, from a neutral prespective,as somebody mentioned ,I feel that suicide bombing is a very retarded way of waging warfare..
It doesn't have any value for life whatsoever..
Give the guy a gun or something and train him in spec-ops..
Whats the point in him blowing himself up in front of enemy soldiers??!
Yor wasting a human life, which is a valuable resource in a war..

posted on Oct, 8 2005 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by Daedalus3
I don't know why you think they need to attack the US as of NOW..
Or are you talking abt this as a retaliatory measure IF the US decides to attack Iran..

And yes, from a neutral prespective,as somebody mentioned ,I feel that suicide bombing is a very retarded way of waging warfare..
It doesn't have any value for life whatsoever..
Give the guy a gun or something and train him in spec-ops..
Whats the point in him blowing himself up in front of enemy soldiers??!
Yor wasting a human life, which is a valuable resource in a war..

"The most dangerous creation of any society is the man who has nothing to lose." --James A. Baldwin

Probally got weapons too if somehow the bomb doesnt set off or for other reasons.

[edit on 8-10-2005 by shire19]

posted on Oct, 8 2005 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by ArchAngel
Reply for Kerof later....Maybe if you would quit accusing people of being drug addicts you could earn enough respect to warrant the full use of your name...

No problem, I will just call you ArchAss, till you earn enough respect to warrent the full use of your name, m'k?


posted on Oct, 8 2005 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by Seekerof

Originally posted by ArchAngel
Reply for Kerof later....Maybe if you would quit accusing people of being drug addicts you could earn enough respect to warrant the full use of your name...

No problem, I will just call you ArchAss, till you earn enough respect to warrent the full use of your name, m'k?

ArchAngel, Seekerof, Enough!

You've both been warned, end the baiting and personal attacks. Stay on topic.

[edit on 8-10-2005 by UM_Gazz]

posted on Oct, 8 2005 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by Mirthful Me
No, a good member is one who stays on topic, a trait that all participants in this thread should try to emulate.

The topic at hand is War On Terrorism » Iranian TV Drive To Recruit 40,000 Suicide Bombers let's all do our best to confine the discussion to that subject, lest some darn fool monkey starts pressing buttons that he probably shouldn't.

Please resume within the boundaries of the T & C...

Is there something vague or unclear about the above quoted material?

If there is, please send me a U2U, and enlighten me as to it's shortcoming. :shk:

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