posted on Sep, 18 2004 @ 10:23 PM
For skeptics/uninitiated: Energy healing/generation is a replicable, detectable, documented and real phenomena. It works on the basis of the bio
energetic field, which is caused by several energy voritices in the body, called Chakras, and it's interpenetration with a universal energy field and
intention of thought.
I myself have practiced healing and played around with the energy and have experienced healing from accomplished healers. Here is a crude exercise:
Bring your palms very close together, so that they cupple. Hold this position, focus your consciousness into your palms, and become aware of the
subtle heat energies, tingling or vibration in the palms. Once you detect this, tune into this sensation by focusing your consciousness more
intensely. Now, very slowly, move your palms an inch away from each other, while retaining the sensation and remaining in attunment. Start to move
your palms, slowly, in horizontal circles. You will feel, the build up of energy and pulling motions. Continue this motion for 15-20 seconds, and then
move your palms outward by another inch, and repeat the horizontal circles. Repeat this, moving outward, and circle motion, untill you can no longer
feel the energy. With practice, you will be able to feel the energy from as far as arms length apart. As I can.
You can try the same with a clear quartz crystal in the palm of your hand, it will amplify the energies, cause sharper tingling and intensify the
pulling sensation, identical to the repulsive pulling sensation of like poles on a magnet. I was able to cause the crystal to fall of my hand with the
repulsive force.
Recently, I met a very powerful healer. He placed his hands 12-15 inch above mine, and I could feel his energy burning into me, like a powerful lazer.
He then moved his hand up my body, and I could blatantly feel his energy surging up my body.
For psychics:
Do not use your own energies for healing, it will only drain you, and it's effects will be weak. Use the universal energies or Earth energies. You
can do this, purely by intention, affirmations, or by visualization and breathwork. Take a deep breath and imagine a golden-white light, with a tinge
of violet, entering you through your crown chakra, and filling your body with light, as it passes from your head, to the chest, legs, to the soles of
your feet. Then breath out, and visualize the light going back, through your legs, to the chest, the arms, and then out from the hands. Continue this
cycle for the duration of the healing/energy work. You can do the reverse for using the Earth energies, by visualising the engery entering from the
soles of the feet, right up the crown chakra, on the in-breath, and then leaving from your crown, chest(heart chakra), arms and hands, on the
[edit on 18-9-2004 by Indigo_Child]