posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 08:29 AM
I have to say I go with the 'all subs are basically a long tube with a tower on top' idea.
Having said that I thought that the German design cited didn't look completely identical either (the conning tower was nothing like the Chinese boat)
and the older Russian one a lot more like it.
In any event so many of the general design ideas on almost anything are freely available now why would it surprise anyone that a military *something*
looks like another militaries' *something*?
It is, as said, the details, the systems and the insides that count, not a basic outline.
.....and as for "copying"?
The usual reason why so many things look basically alike is no more mysterious than the design calling for it to be that way.
Why reinvent the wheel?
All subs share a high degree of similarity because it is the most efficient design anyone has come up with yet.
(and many of these designs have their roots right back in the old type 7/21 U-boat; so yes, in an way it's a German assisted copy.
Cue the German bashing - anyway of working France and the rest of Europe in too?
Maybe you could infer the EU arms ban is about to be lifted any second now or that Europe supplies China with less military equipment than the US or
that Europe sells China more military secrets than Israel?
....and round and round we go.