posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 05:31 PM
a kansas couple is on trial for enslaving their mentally ill is a snippet from the article:
KANSAS CITY, Kansas (Reuters) - A Kansas husband and wife who ran a psychotherapy practice went on trial on Tuesday on charges that they kept mentally
ill people as slaves, forced them to perform sex acts on videotape and then billed Medicare nearly $1 million for the "therapy."
Prosecutors charged that Arlan Kaufman, 68, and his wife Linda Kaufman, 62, spent 18 years taking advantage of patients entrusted to their care. The
couple ran a residential care facility in Newton, Kansas, where they worked with at least 20 mentally ill individuals from 1980 until 2004.
full article:
Kansas couple
enslaves mentally ill and bills medicare
This is just disgusting to me. and i have to ask why medicare isnt looking closer in the treatments of patients before they are billed. there should
be someone that verifies the forms of treatment and tracks the length of time and how the treatment is working. i know that is a difficult thing to do
WTH..this stuff should not be happening. and to top it all off this is not only taking advantage of these poor mentally ill human beings, but using
our tax dollars to fullfill whatever fantasies these 2 sickos wanted to act out.
Kind Regards,
[edit on 10/01/2004 by DigitalGrl]