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Political Genealogy- Something Everyone Should Know

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posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 05:27 PM
Unlike other threads where the topics are mostly speculative, I would like to raise people's awareness about some genealogical facts that are thoroughly researched. From this you are free to conspire and think about whatever you would like. If you go to click on Family Trees and then go to the bottom and click Celebrity Profiles. According to this website and others, President Bush is distantly related to Cheney, Powell, Kerry, Quayle, FDR, Churchill, and others. It appears that they are all descendents of the British royal family. In addition, George Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and Monroe share the same lineage going directly back to Edward I (Longshanks) aka the guy who killed Braveheart. I have also read from other sources that 31 of our Presidents are related to each other. The implications of this are obvious. Basically, there never really was a transfer of power, but that's just my silly little opinion.

Now, you can argue that we are all distantly related to each other in some way or another, but before you do please take a look at the Skull and Bones list found here:

John Forbes Kerry and Bush Jr. are related through John Winthrop who was the first governor of Mass. Be sure to pay close attention to the middle names of the people on the list. I can personally attest to the authenticity of the list, but am not going to try to convince you of it or state the reasons why I know its real. This genealogical evidence alone is quite damning in my opinion, but when you compound it with the fact that all of these people were Masons and members of Skull and Bones it makes me angry. There is a plethora of information on this topic that would take too long for me to post. Look forward to hearing what other people have to say about it.

Also, I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could tell me how to get this thread posted on the Main Page because I would really like to get the word out about this.

posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 07:35 PM
I'm distantly related to " Cheney, Powell, Kerry, Quayle, FDR, Churchill, and others". You are distantly related to " Cheney, Powell, Kerry, Quayle, FDR, Churchill, and others"

a look at the Skull and Bones list found here:

You mean this list that marks if they were on teh CFR or also if they were jewish!? Think perhaps the compiler is a little too...paranoid??

SnB is a frat of the elite from yale, iow, they turn down those regular low class riffraff that are merely rich and elite enough to get into yale. Of course there's going to be people from that list that are in high positions. And the Bushes are from massachusetts, and they're upper class, old school upper class, its not suprising, or even that informative, that they're related.

all of these people were Masons

Bush, and Kerry, are not masons.

Also, I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could tell me how to get this thread posted on the Main Page because I would really like to get the word out about this.

This is not new information, nor is it a detailed investigation, it has no chance of being put on the front page or beign given a static page. Its a good thread, and there's a good bit of stuff to talk about, but its not going to get put on a static page.

posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 09:29 PM
Thanks for the brief bio on Skull and Bones. I think I already addressed the fact that everyone is related one way or another. HOWEVER, the difference is that they are direct descendents of European royalty. I also never said this was new information, rather it’s information that receives little publicity. Obviously it is commonly known if it’s on the largest genealogical website on the internet, where I doubt you took the time to check out the family trees on these people. Yes, I know that our current President and Kerry are not masons, however George Bush Sr. is as well as a large number of our founding fathers.

If you had actually taken the time to scroll down the Skull and Bones list you would have noticed that nobody is marked with a J for Jew. Its only on the reference table and is part of the ongoing research that probably paranoid person is doing

If you want to be nit-picky at least be accurate and try not to make irrelevant comments that don’t pertain to the discussion. I think the list was leaked to Icke if you want some Conspiratorial credibility. Whatever. For your convenience, here are the links to the family trees.

GW-founding fathers

I’m sorry if this information is too straightforward and not about a reported sighting of a hot air balloon with Jesus, a baboon, and a Catholic priest disintegrating into the sun, but did it ever occur to you that Powell sold the War, our main ally in the War on Terror is Great Brittain, and there are 10 Cheney's on the S&B list? Also Bush's mother was Barbara Pierce who is a direct descendent of Presdient Franklin Pierce among others. Cheney is likewise related to about 10 Presidents.

The point of all of this is that these people in office are familiar with the fact that they're related. It doesn't draw much attention because they all have different last names and are citizens of different states. Many of you already know this but I would like to point out that one of the Nazi dealing companies that Prescott Sheldon Bush owned during WWII was later incorporated by Halliburton. S&B was started by Russell who made all of his money from the Opium Wars. WAR is a common theme with this bloodline. Ok? Check out the family trees.

posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 09:43 PM
very interesting..sure makes you wonder just what could be going on deeper into that subject

posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 10:06 PM
If you're related to one European King, you're basically related to every King that has ever been on a throne all the way back to King David. In other words, Bush can say that he is related to Nero and Jesus. Check out all of the Kings and Queens that Kerry and Bush are related to:

I hope this sheds some new light on Bush's religious fervor and divine authority.

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by Balthasar
Thanks for the brief bio on Skull and Bones. I think I already addressed the fact that everyone is related one way or another. HOWEVER, the difference is that they are direct descendents of European royalty.

Kerry is not a direct descendant of any european royals because his paternal line is jewish emigres. A direct line can only mean a paternal line of male-male descent.

George Bush Sr. is

No he isn't

as well as a large number of our founding fathers.

Thats because in the 1700s, masonry was wildly popular.

If you had actually taken the time to scroll down the Skull and Bones list you would have noticed that nobody is marked with a J for Jew.

Perhaps you should look at the list, it has in the legend "j' for jew and notes that its incomplete and marks people as being jewish, such as

Albert Hessberg II S&B 1938 J
Thomas Henry Guinzberg S&B 1950 J

It also makes other marks but give no explanation, such as RS and W and E and MC. Maybe an E MC is an Evil rapper or somesuch.

If you want to be nit-picky at least be accurate and try not to make irrelevant comments that don’t pertain to the discussion.

its certainly relevant if your information is comming from anti-semitic lunatics. If they think that merely beign a jew is enough to put one 'in' on a conspiracy, well thats idiotic and their other assements are also blackened by that. There's obivously a logical disconnect with the person.

I think the list was leaked to Icke if you want some Conspiratorial credibility.

You 'think' it was leaked to icke?

The page lists its source. That source is an anonymous email to a email listserv.

Whatever. For your convenience, here are the links to the family trees.

This is absurd. Its an excellent example of how everyone is related to everyone else, these are not direct lines of descent. Also, notice the very large gaps here:

And the idea that anyone can trace the ancestry of Powell in any detail is just ridiculous, powell's black, his line was brought into north america via slavery, there are no records of what slaves breed with what other slaves nor which of the slave owner bred with what slaves.

All of the lines in the Bush-Churchill-Roosevelt chart involve lots of female lines of descent, this is entirely meaningless, they aren't even showing what lines of marriage are invovled. ANYONE can be traced back to royalty in this way, equally directly. And don't you notice that the Bush-Kerry tree is comletely different from the Bush-Churchill-Roosevelt Tree? Thats because everyone is related to everyone else, and you can draw multiple lines of descent between lots of different people. Every generation that you go back you double the number of ancestors, you are one, your parents are two, your grandparents are 4, 8, 16, 100, etc etc, there are lots of individuals to jump around a tree and draw scattered lines of descent.

one of the Nazi dealing companies that Prescott Sheldon Bush owned d

From what I recall, he didn't own the company, he had a stake in it, he wasn't the sole owner nor the director of it.

all the way back to King David.

Thats because all these kings make up pedigrees to show that they are divinely royal and blessed by god.

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 04:57 PM
I have the same common ancestors who came to Salem in 1635 with the following 3 US Presidents
Benjamin Harrison (second Harrison president - not the first)
William Howard Taft
and Warren Harding

and all I can say is it sure hasn't done much for me other than make for a little more interesting family tree.


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