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Spike: The Oklahoma Suicide Bomber

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posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 05:19 PM

PODcast: Spike: The Oklahoma Suicide Bomber
Majic shares his concerns about the national media blackout surrounding the suicide bombing at the University of Oklahoma on Saturday, Oct. 1 2005. Contains some mild expletives.

length: 07:19
file: atspodcast_420.mp3
size: 1291k
feed: ats
status: live (at time of posting)

posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 05:34 PM
Related Thread

More on this story in this thread:

NEWS: Explosion Kills One at University of Oklahoma

posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 06:26 PM
Wow. This is pretty scary, that they don't bother covering the story unless someone gets hurt. If he WAS headed for the stadium and blew up a few hundred people, it would have been on CNN nonstop from then until now.

But nothing happened so we'll just take it for granted. That boat that capsized with elderly people on it is apparently more of a story than this (Which I think is just part of the cover-up to keep people concentrated on it, and away from this story)

Perhaps if enough people petition to CNN, they'll cover it? Doubt it, if it is being covered up by "the powers that be" lol. I can hardly see how they could just overlook a story with "SUICIDE BOMBER" in it.

Just one of those things that makes you go "Gah.."

I don't want to be a conspiracy nut or even believe in conspiracies, but crap like this just keeps happening...

The thing is... I thought Bush would jump all over this and use the fear to gain more control. What would strike more fear in people than to say "A white (only rumored) university student attempted a suicide bombing". Then we wouldn't be able to trust anyone. Why was it just completely overlooked... hmm.

[edit on 4-10-2005 by Yarcofin]

posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 07:26 PM
He blew himself up on a park bench with nobody else around. Why can't we wait for facts to come out and then get reports. Why the hammering-heck would we want MORE ERRONEOUS REPORTING???

Have you become addicted to it or something?

The local news is covering the investigation. There isn't anything coming out of that yet!!! So do you want the national news to make crap up - like they did in New Orleans?

With some people there is no winning.

posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 09:05 PM

PODcast: Spike: The Oklahoma Suicide Bomber (reply 1)
Majic responds to Val's post and attempts to clarify his position on this stopic.

length: 07:09
file: atspodcast_422.mp3
size: 1258k
status: live (at time of posting)

posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 09:34 PM

YEAH!!! It's kind of a long one.

If you want to know more about this event you should be reading the news out of's being covered through-out the day, every day, since it happened.

It's not a "bombing" - it's a guy blowing up...on a park bench. Listen, call ABC, NBC, CNN, FOX and all the rest of them and chew them out, ok? Tell them you're disappointment in how they have let you down.

Until the investigation reveals more, this is where we're at. Nobody - and don't you dare try to twist this to some one saying there shouldn't be questions asked - is saying "this is just a suicide for sure and for certain". But I don't agree that the freaks from the national news media being up in the investigation is going to make things go smoother! The local media is reporting this.

And I don't care how Reno would crap their britches over this. That's an entirely different national expose, now isn't it? Apparently places that get buildings blown up by Ryder vans don't tend to get quite as freaked out over a lonely kid offing himself on a park bench!

Listen, you're going to decide to view with this however you please, and I'm going to decide to view how this is unfolding in an entirely different manner. That's apparent by now. I just don't think having Geraldo stick a mic down a neighbor's throat is going to quicken or improve the fact-finding on this deal, and I don't think there's any basis in screaming "spike" or cover-up or anything else at this point because ONCE AGAIN - it's being covered. And I REALLY think you're way off base and down right WRONG to call Boren a liar.

Long story short - shorter than your podcast anyway! - flailing your arms about and calling names isn't going to change the facts in this deal, and the facts won't be revealed for a bit yet. So let's stay tuned, ok!

posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 09:38 PM
Simple reply.

Society becomes dangerous when peope need their media vacuum filled.

Stop and smell the Roses yo.

posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 09:42 PM
Thanks for the feedback.

It is instructive.

posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 09:42 PM
What majic may not realize is that the Oklahoma City metro area got pretty fed up with the national and cable news networks on the Alfred P. Murrah building bombing. They came here and acted like horse's asses.

I'm not sure they can even get in the state lines to cover this.


I'm almost serious.

posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 09:55 PM
Straight From The Horse's Ass

Originally posted by Valhall
What majic may not realize is that the Oklahoma City metro area got pretty fed up with the national and cable news networks on the Alfred P. Murrah building bombing. They came here and acted like horse's asses.

I'm not sure they can even get in the state lines to cover this.

I can imagine there is still some bad blood over that, and yes, the "big name" newspeople are accurately described as "horse's asses".

I would still like to hear something about this case from them, even if it really is just Geraldo harassing students for anecdotes on campus.

The idea of just sitting back and waiting for the FBI to say something seems wrong to me. Isn't the press supposed to investigate stories on its own, too?

Where is all this reporting I am supposedly overlooking? Why is it so hard to find?

For members in Oklahoma, this may not seem blacked out, but it sure as hell seems blacked out from where I live.

I may be misinterpreting things because I have seen NOTHING about this from my own local sources. Most people around here have no idea whatsoever that this happened.

The only source I have been able to find any information about this story from are on the Internet. And on the Internet, the information from the "mainstream" outlets is absent to such a degree that it is the absence of information itself that has caught my attention.

I realize that I may be overreacting. If so, I'll eventually calm down and that will be that.

The disconnect between the nature of this story and the coverage it's receiving, however, still seems extraordinarily odd to me.

Until I gain a clearer understanding of what's going on here, I will remain interested, intrigued and skeptical.

posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 10:57 PM

PODcast: Spike: The Oklahoma Suicide Bomber (reply 2)
Majic adds additional information on the OU suicide bombing from a local TV news source.

length: 07:25
file: atspodcast_423.mp3
size: 1306k
status: live (at time of posting)

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 07:29 AM

And I don't care how Reno would crap their britches over this. That's an entirely different national expose, now isn't it? Apparently places that get buildings blown up by Ryder vans don't tend to get quite as freaked out over a lonely kid offing himself on a park bench!

So are you saying that because they are desensitized in the area to more prolific explosions taking place, it is okay that they don't cover this one?
I think the point that Majic is trying to get across here is that it shouldn't matter WHERE someone decides to blow themselves up, if it is BY DEFINITION a "Suicide Bombing", I think it deserves more coverage no matter where it is happening. If this guy blew himself up 100 yards from the White House, Pentagon, or anywhere in New York City, you can imagine it would be getting a little more coverage. If this guy had even accidentally killed one jogger passing by, it would have probably made it to national news.

A university student had bomb-making materials and bombs at his disposal. Does it even matter what the reason was? Isn't that a big enough story in itself, that anyone out there could be building a massive bomb as we speak? What do all of the news stories say after something major like this happens? 9/11: We found bomb-making materials in their houses. Columbine: We found bomb-making materials in their houses. This young man had illegal explosives in his possession, no matter what his motive was. Should we not be asking ourselves how did he get the information and materials to make these bombs? Isn't anybody with the will to detonate powerful explosives on US soil without constructive purposes a terrorist, by definition?

There is a lot more to this story than just "Was he headed to the stadium, or was he just blowing himself up". Try to take a look at it in the grand scheme of things, and you might see why Majic wants some answers.

Why. why why why why why. Why that park bench in particular? Did it have any significance to him? Was he just tired from carrying heavy explosives and took a rest, but set the bag down a little too hard? Why didn't he just detonate out in the more open part of the field, or just hang himself in a tree in the park (which would cost a lot less and be much less elaborate, yet have just as shocking of an effect)? I think these are questions we want to know. No.. these are things we DESERVE to know.

Let's see what's in the news today:

Top court returns to physician-assisted suicide
Emotionally charged issue tests federal government's power

Oh gee, there is an article about suicide taking precedence over this one. If the news has time to tell me what the "Top 5 New Eateries" are, and "10 Tips To Not Cheat Your Diet", I think they can take some time out to discuss this event just a little bit.

[edit on 5-10-2005 by Yarcofin]

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 09:56 AM
Look, a potato chip that looks like Jesus for sale on E-bay got more coverage than this....Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie sneeze and get more air time on CNN,FOX,etc...

A person BLEW themselves up, 100 yards from a stadium packed with close to 80,000 people and no major News media is curious. lol:
That is the part that worries me the most.

This event is bieng censored, and I would like to know by whom....

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 10:23 AM
I also would like to know, when was the last time a person used a bomb to kill them self in the US

[edit on 5-10-2005 by SpittinCobra]

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 12:36 PM

PODcast: Spike: The Oklahoma Suicide Bomber (reply 3)
WTF this is crazy we have a right to know

length: 02:39
file: atspodcast_424.mp3
size: 315k
status: hold (at time of posting)

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by Yarcofin

And I don't care how Reno would crap their britches over this. That's an entirely different national expose, now isn't it? Apparently places that get buildings blown up by Ryder vans don't tend to get quite as freaked out over a lonely kid offing himself on a park bench!

So are you saying that because they are desensitized in the area to more prolific explosions taking place, it is okay that they don't cover this one?

[edit on 5-10-2005 by Yarcofin]

Why would I be saying that when I've said several times in two threads they ARE covering it? They just aren't freaking out for the sake of freaking out. There's a big difference isn't there?

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 01:43 PM
The Story Of The Story

Originally posted by Valhall
Why would I be saying that when I've said several times in two threads they ARE covering it? They just aren't freaking out for the sake of freaking out. There's a big difference isn't there?

It's being covered locally, and spiked nationally.

I want to know how and why it is being spiked.

Who is it that can shut down the national news like this?

I can't be the only American who sees this sort of national media control as a flashing warning light.

There is much, much more to this story than ab apparent terrorist attack that failed.

With each passing day, the national silence on this incident becomes more suspect.

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 09:37 PM

PODcast: Spike: The Oklahoma Suicide Bomber (reply 4)
This just in at ATS, "Majic Has Lost The Plot!"

But really, we need to be a bit more level headed and look beyond single events like this and remember all the other clues we're given.

length: 03:29
file: atspodcast_425.mp3
size: 1023k
status: live (at time of posting)

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 11:59 PM
I hear what your saying majic and agree totally. As I said in my podcast Any way you look at this, this should be news worthy. We are not invincible, if for no other reason people need to know so they can keep a eye out for safetys sake. Especially if it is a copy cat. if there is one copy cat there are more, so now why isnt this nationally news worthy.

On my Pod cast I stated my user name as dannos. Sorry about that thats my user name on a different site I got the two mixed up.

[edit on 6-10-2005 by aristoi]

[edit on 6-10-2005 by aristoi]

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 01:08 AM
That's Our Majic!

Hey, maybe I'm completely out to lunch on this.

If so, fine. Nothing new about that, now is there?

I feel bad about calling President Boren a liar, however, so I'm going to retract that and apologize in my next podcast -- I will also retract and apologize for that here.

President Boren, I'm sorry I called you a liar. That was wrong. I will avoid making such accusations unless and until I have proof, which is the right thing to do.

I did the wrong thing, and I'm sorry.

And The Beat Goes On...

Meanwhile, I'm not asking my fellow members to believe me. I'm asking them to look into this on their own and see what they think about this situation.

News 9 in Oklahoma City has been doing some genuine reporting on this story, and I'm impressed with what they're turning up.

Also, there's a lot coming out in the "blogosphere".

I encourage all members to be skeptical of all uncorroborated information. There's a lot of b.s. being pushed around.

As part of my recommendation, I include official sources as uncorroborated sources. If their stories disagree with reported news, I urge further investigation.

To be crystal clear on this, I am NOT pushing any particular theories at this time -- other than sharing my absolute amazement and dismay at the national news blackout on this story.

What I'm Fairly Sure Of At This Point

It smells rotten to me. Maybe I'm wrong -- I can accept the very real possibility that I am -- but I am reasonably convinced that:

1. This story is worthy of national attention.

2. Not everything the public needs to know about this case has been disclosed.

3. This was not a simple suicide.

I don't have proof yet, but I very strongly suspect that Joel Henry Hinrichs III did not intend to die in the manner, place or time in which he was killed.

It's more than a hunch. My intuition is going nuts on this one, and my intuition is a finely-honed professional tool that has earned me a lot of money. I'm not infallible, but I built a rewarding career out of being able to spot patterns, trends and anomalies.

There are several anomalies in this case, I can't resolve them without additional information, and I feel very strongly that this is one of those times where I would regret simply letting this slip down the memory hole.

What I'm basically saying is that we deserve to know more about this, that covering up this story is wrong, and that I am not comfortable with the idea of watching it happen without expressing my concerns and seeking more information.

I'm NOT going to let go of this.

Let's see what develops.

I'll be watching.

Collaborative Faction

I encourage my fellow members to investigate this story, and share your findings here or in the related ATSNN or ATS threads.

This isn't about me, it's about a story of genuine national interest that is being spiked by the commercial media in such a monolithic way as to inspire my suspicion.

Why the cover up?

I invite you to dig along with me, and let's find out why.

To know the truth, we must be able to recognize it when we see it.

But to see it, first we must look.

Let's look!

[edit on 10/6/2005 by Majic]

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