posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 02:54 PM
Oh man, I was helping my neighbor with her Mac G3 powerbook. She was running Virtual PC and this Family Tree program refuses to run on Virtual PC, not
sure of the error but it had the standard "we're sorry but we have to close this program" message and it dies. She's freaked that the program that
says it is XP compatible isn't running on Virtual PC. It's just one of these no-name-brand software things in a Jewel case. Claims to run on 95
through XP but it doesn't seem to be compatible with this new version of Virtual PC. :shk:
Anyways, Virtual PC is AWFULLY SLOW on the system too. I mean really, really slow. It almost seems that running XP on Virtual PC is like towing a semi
truck with a car.
Anyhoo, any suggestions would be great.