Yes but im a genius with a fat wallet
i've also been told i can be a smart-ass.....but honestly i dont see it
Does anybody know the name of the company currently doing research in which the experiment stimulates particles on one side of the world, and others
react on the other side? :S i cant for the life of me find it and i wanted to check them out.
- I just thought i'd say, that anyone who thinks this is impossible, maybe you're right, but i plan to work on these and many other ventures
throughout my life, then take "anti-ageing gene therapy" (come on you must have seen it on ATS sci/tech) and work on them perhaps indefinately
(although when it gets to say 600 years, maybe its time to stop
Thats another thing isn't it, its annoying to see people spent their entire lives on something, only to leave it unfinished having run out of time
(and died obv.)
If anyone is at all interested, I'm currently working on hoverboard (basically anti-grav but what started out as researching "hoverboards" about 2
years ago) technology, I have a fuelless power generator already in prototype production,
I have plans on a headset device that allows "rapid learning" which could eliminate some or many years of learning (obviously i realise that it
would only reduce academic learning, social skills, artistic skills are a part of development, but say if your 30 and want to instantly learn to play
the piano like mozart? thats what it will be able to do)
There is obviously this, which is only speculative at the moment, but i am actually giving it some serious thought. Hopefully, someday in the future i
hope to begin work on devices similar to hyperdrive engines (so we can go place the "Stargates" where we want them), induced gravity systems (to
eliminate atrophied and other ailments in space, and make the overall experience easier.), even a artificial ouijja (to disprove! dont worry)and many
more that I wont bore you with.
But most of these are pretty far off, some are atronomically complicated, some long shots, some EXPENSIVE, etc. But! there is always light at the end
of the tunnel, my business is in the works (hopefully Arcangel Technologies
), and as so aptly put, you cannot fail if you never give up.
[edit on 21-10-2005 by Shadow88]