posted on Sep, 12 2003 @ 08:30 PM
Yeah, I saw those idiots in London celebrating the magnificent 19. Even psychotic Muslim extremists show an extreme lack of basic comprehension,
seeing how 7 of those hijacker martyrs are alive and well, and a couple others fates still a mystery, mainly mOhamed Atta and Ziad Jahrra.
In theory, yes, the Clinton Admin COULD be blamed for a security lapse if that was the cause. because Clinton REALLY killed the military and
intelligence budget.
I was in Europe during the massive drawdowns. They were kicking people out of the army left and right, for things such as not getting promoted fast
enough. bases got closed down like mad, expreienced experts in thier fields given early outs, many places reduced to skeleton crews. While the
prospect of the US military leaving Europe completely was promising, unfortunately, they did a good amount of raping back home here too. deactivating
entire divisions, cutting benefits to troops, even suggesting troops have to pay for thier shoddy health care. When i came home, I told my mother that
Clinton really #ed up the military, and were gonna be in big trouble, because we were stretched so thin. Clinton was still deploying us on idiotic
babysitting missions like Operation Desert eagle (the time inbetween gulf war 1 and two, when i was deployed to saudi, where we sat guarding the
spoiled rat # sauds and bombed iraq to hell), Bosnia, which we are still in, Haiti, rwanda, and yes, we still have troops in europe, tho a MASSIVE
reduction. (when I was there, i witnessed the total closure of 3, count them, 3 major military instilations, plus the stripping to a skeleton crew of
like 10 others. Those that were closed down were Fulda, Berlin, and Bitburg, those stripped down to minimal were spagndahlem, grafenwehr, Rhein mein,
Baumholder, parts of Hanau, and a few other i cant remeber off hand). So Clinton did # up national security royally. if he was going to downsize tyhe
military, thats wonderful. But if he was, that means no more troops guarding foreign borders that dont need to be guarded. that means bring home ALL
foreign stationed groups ot the US so they can be properly redistributed here and regrouped for better resources management.
In the US, we saw major clorues, from Ft ord and Moffet in California, amongst others.