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19 Questins still unanswered by negligent Bush Adminstration

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posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 09:55 AM
1. What did National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice tell President Bush about al Qaeda threats against the United States in a still-secret briefing on Aug. 6, 2001?

2. Why did Attorney General John Ashcroft and some Pentagon officials cancel commercial-airline trips before Sept. 11?

3. Who made a small fortune "shorting" airline and insurance stocks before Sept. 11?

4. Are all 19 people identified by the government as participants in the Sept. 11 attacks really the hijackers?

5. Did any of the hijackers smuggle guns on board as reported in calls from both Flight 11 and Flight 93?

6. Why did the NORAD air defense network fail to intercept the four hijacked jets?

7. Why did President Bush continue reading a story to Florida grade-schoolers for nearly a half-hour during the worst attack on America in its history?

8. How did Flight 93 crash in western Pennsylvania?

9. Was Zacarias Moussaoui really "the 20th hijacker"?

10. Where are the planes' "black boxes"?

11. Why were Donald Rumsfeld and other U.S. officials so quick to link Saddam Hussein to the attacks?

12.Why did 7 World Trade Center collapse?

13. Why did the Bush administration lie about dangerously high levels of toxins and hazardous particles after the WTC collapse?

14. Where is Dick Cheney's undisclosed location?

15. What happened to the more than $1 billion that Americans donated after the attack?

17. Who killed five Americans with anthrax?

18. What happened to the probe into C-4 explosives found in a Philadelphia bus terminal in fall 2001?

19. What is in the 28 blacked-out pages of the congressional Sept. 11 report?

I think these questions should be on everyone's mind.

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 11:17 AM
I know they're near the top of my "like to know" list. However, I'd have to have facts not conjecture to be satisfied. Good questions, though...doubt we'll ever have the answers and I doubt any one person has them all...well....maybe one person.

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 11:56 AM
Well, Colonel, since Bush wont satisfy our curiosity, i shall! Seems like it takes an elf to do the presidents Job!

1. What did National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice tell President Bush about al Qaeda threats against the United States in a still-secret briefing on Aug. 6, 2001?

Probably told Bush nothing that he wasnt already 100% aware of.

2. Why did Attorney General John Ashcroft and some Pentagon officials cancel commercial-airline trips before Sept. 11?

Because he didnt want to join the 3000 other Americans they sentanced to death that day.

3. Who made a small fortune "shorting" airline and insurance stocks before Sept. 11?

Those were were lucky enough to be close to Bush and get an inside scoop on what was gonna happen. His best Hommies, to be more presice.

4. Are all 19 people identified by the government as participants in the Sept. 11 attacks really the hijackers?

No. 7 Were found to be alive and well in thier home countries, victims of ID theft. That leaves the question of the other 12 hijackers, who the hell were they really?

5. Did any of the hijackers smuggle guns on board as reported in calls from both Flight 11 and Flight 93?

Thats unlikely. Even a #ty as airport security was before 9/11, smuggling a gun past the sensors would have been pretty damn difficult, unless all airport security on that day took a crack and herion break.

6. Why did the NORAD air defense network fail to intercept the four hijacked jets?

Wouldnt sufficiently scare the American public if the attacks only "almost" happened. NORAD dispatched them after everything was done so the jets could not interfere with the grand plan.

7. Why did President Bush continue reading a story to Florida grade-schoolers for nearly a half-hour during the worst attack on America in its history?

Because, since he knew he was safe, he prefered to spend his time in the company of people who were on his level and shared his mentality. besides, Bush wanted to learn how to read too!

8. How did Flight 93 crash in western Pennsylvania?

The govornment shot it down. Probably after they realized the passengers were trying to regain control, and if the plane survived and the passengers got out OK, there could be some....problems.

9. Was Zacarias Moussaoui really "the 20th hijacker"?

Given that the idenities of the other hijackers remain suspect, I highly doubt it

10. Where are the planes' "black boxes"?

In the same other dimensional blackhole that other damning pieces of evidence disappear never to be seen again

11. Why were Donald Rumsfeld and other U.S. officials so quick to link Saddam Hussein to the attacks?

Because he was sitting on the worlds second l;argets cache of oil, was planning a Euro conversion, and he also tried to kill Bush's daddy.

12.Why did 7 World Trade Center collapse?

Most likely from the force of the other towers....tho if they fell that hard, youd think a hell of alot more buildings would have gone too.

13. Why did the Bush administration lie about dangerously high levels of toxins and hazardous particles after the WTC collapse?

Because they wanted those damn wage slaves to get thier asses back to the grindstone to double thier efforts to make up for the monetary losses of 9/11.

14. Where is Dick Cheney's undisclosed location?

NWO bunker no. 5

15. What happened to the more than $1 billion that Americans donated after the attack?

In someones pocket who doesnt deserve it and should be shot

17. Who killed five Americans with anthrax?

Same peopel who committed 9/11, or at least were aware and aided.

18. What happened to the probe into C-4 explosives found in a Philadelphia bus terminal in fall 2001?

Same thing that happens to all other questionable probes.

19. What is in the 28 blacked-out pages of the congressional Sept. 11 report?

Things that if made public, would be enough evidence to convict the Bush admin of criminal conspiracy and the largest mass murder in US history.

I hope I have answered your questions, Colonel!

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 09:50 PM
7. Why did President Bush continue reading a story to Florida grade-schoolers for nearly a half-hour during the worst attack on America in its history?

Skadi, I think you're wrong on No. 7. I think he sat for a half an hour to read because if he left beforehand, he would be required to make a decision---like scramble our fighter jets immediately (or something) which any competent leader would have done at that time. If he made that decision too soon, the nefarious plan may not have been complete. So, he waited a half an hour.

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 10:09 PM
Ah, but Colonel, you assume our president is an intelligent being who can think without people doing it for him!

he stayed because he finally found a group of americans with literacy lower than his, and finally felt superior. Until he discovered the kindergarteners actually were several levels ahead, after which, he ran from the building crying and vowing revenge on the world of childrens book publishers!

If you want the truth tho, he stayed because he knew he was in no danger, that the planes would target people hundreds of miles away, and he was safe in his classroom learning how to spell "b-o-m-b........a skill he desperately needed since he wanted to drop them.

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 10:17 PM
Bush would *not* have been required to give the order to scramble the jets...According to the Eastern Seaboard Military SOP (Standard Operating Procedure), they're required to have air patrols constantly airborne 24/7 as well as have aerial backup jets "on alert" (Which basically means, jets fueled, pilots in the cockpit just waiting for word to go). Simply because the seat of government is housed there, that area of the country has the most extensive active-duty military protection than nearly anywhere else (except perhaps, bases that control ICBM silos).

But for *some* strange reason (sic), it appears that all jets already airborne were ordered to land & the "on alert" pilots never got the command to take off...

posted on Sep, 12 2003 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by MidnightDStroyer
But for *some* strange reason, it appears that all jets already airborne were ordered to land & the "on alert" pilots never got the command to take off...

I am personally still very happy to hold the Commander-In-Chief AND the VP, who will both be engaging in more mutual finger pointing on this, BOTH accountable for this grievous eventuality. I don't care if it's gross negligence or total complicity that caused it.

posted on Sep, 12 2003 @ 02:35 PM
As with all news....things can be seen to be quite biased...
We all have our own opinions and interpretations to "how", "why," etc on 9/11. I found the article that Colonel posted as being quite informative, yet we had already discussed many of the questions here on past ATS topics. I happened upon an opposite view to this article: (just for #z and grins)
"We�re winning this war"
Mark Steyn on the remarkable achievements of the Bush administration, and his enemies� remarkable refusal to give him credit.

I wonder....has anyone read the book:
"Why America Slept"?

This is a book that puts the brunt of the blame for 9/11 on one man: William Jefferson Blythe Clinton. Sorta hypocritical of the article to cite this book yet spend its entire length beating up on the administration that inherited Clinton's neglected problem(s). Gerald Posner, by the way, the author of "Why America Slept," twice voted for Clinton, voted for Gore, and was among those loudly protesting the Supreme Court's decision finalizing Bush's victory. He's also the author of "Case Closed," considered by many the most authoritative books on the Kennedy assassination. And Posner says Clinton dropped the ball. Hmm........ is all dealing with magic and illusions.....


[Edited on 12-9-2003 by Seekerof]

posted on Sep, 12 2003 @ 06:29 PM
I don't see questions as news, nor opinions as facts.

They are just lines of enquiry.

The commerciality of this material is obvious as well, there will be book after book and doco after doco on the stuff.

There is even an ATS member who has a screenplay 80% complete on the unseen events behind 9/11.

I see 11 of the 19 questions as being relevant to the work of an ATS Research Team to close out some of the issues in as scientific a fashion as possible. Some are pure politics and some are related to other security issues.

Interestingly, that is the same number as the number of 9/11 hijackers still believed to be the actual persons identified in "the magnificent 19" (not my phrasing.

posted on Sep, 12 2003 @ 08:30 PM
Yeah, I saw those idiots in London celebrating the magnificent 19. Even psychotic Muslim extremists show an extreme lack of basic comprehension, seeing how 7 of those hijacker martyrs are alive and well, and a couple others fates still a mystery, mainly mOhamed Atta and Ziad Jahrra.

In theory, yes, the Clinton Admin COULD be blamed for a security lapse if that was the cause. because Clinton REALLY killed the military and intelligence budget.

I was in Europe during the massive drawdowns. They were kicking people out of the army left and right, for things such as not getting promoted fast enough. bases got closed down like mad, expreienced experts in thier fields given early outs, many places reduced to skeleton crews. While the prospect of the US military leaving Europe completely was promising, unfortunately, they did a good amount of raping back home here too. deactivating entire divisions, cutting benefits to troops, even suggesting troops have to pay for thier shoddy health care. When i came home, I told my mother that Clinton really #ed up the military, and were gonna be in big trouble, because we were stretched so thin. Clinton was still deploying us on idiotic babysitting missions like Operation Desert eagle (the time inbetween gulf war 1 and two, when i was deployed to saudi, where we sat guarding the spoiled rat # sauds and bombed iraq to hell), Bosnia, which we are still in, Haiti, rwanda, and yes, we still have troops in europe, tho a MASSIVE reduction. (when I was there, i witnessed the total closure of 3, count them, 3 major military instilations, plus the stripping to a skeleton crew of like 10 others. Those that were closed down were Fulda, Berlin, and Bitburg, those stripped down to minimal were spagndahlem, grafenwehr, Rhein mein, Baumholder, parts of Hanau, and a few other i cant remeber off hand). So Clinton did # up national security royally. if he was going to downsize tyhe military, thats wonderful. But if he was, that means no more troops guarding foreign borders that dont need to be guarded. that means bring home ALL foreign stationed groups ot the US so they can be properly redistributed here and regrouped for better resources management.

In the US, we saw major clorues, from Ft ord and Moffet in California, amongst others.

posted on Sep, 12 2003 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
In the US, we saw major clorues, from Ft ord and Moffet in California, amongst others.

I was OK with all that, and admiring your fuchsia colored frocks, until the last sentence where you put too much code in.

posted on Sep, 12 2003 @ 08:50 PM
Im ok with it too, so long as foriegn stationed US troops are brought back home. But they werent. theres the problem.

A downsized military cannot occupy every fucing corner of the globe. If we are to downsize, then we need to draw our assets back here where they belong, period.

posted on Sep, 13 2003 @ 02:08 AM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf In theory, yes, the Clinton Admin COULD be blamed for a security lapse if that was the cause. because Clinton REALLY killed the military and intelligence budget.
I was in Europe during the massive drawdowns. They were kicking people out of the army left and right, for things such as not getting promoted fast enough. bases got closed down like mad, expreienced experts in thier fields given early outs, many places reduced to skeleton crews.

Actually, the "downsizing" of the military began even years *before* Clinton...
...I got an early discharge *by volunteering* for it: It seems that in 1990, I was getting word about military personnel being offered the chance to end their hitches early. They were first asking lower-ranked people before they got to the point of forcing early retirement on those people who were getting close to their 20-year mark.

Notice I mentioned 1990...Guess who was President then? Daddy Bush!

...Anybody got an opener for this new can of worms?...

[Edited on 13-9-2003 by MidnightDStroyer]

posted on Sep, 13 2003 @ 02:15 AM
Much like the oddity surrounding Pearl Harbor and assassinations during the 20th century, these questions will remain unanswered throughout time and will eventually be forgotten by future generations.

posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by heelstone
...will eventually be forgotten by future generations.

Unless we, the *current* generation, continue to guide them into continuing to ask the tough questions...We need to guide the children of today into putting thought & effort into maintaining their Rights & freedoms, otherwise they will wind up more as slaves than we ever were.

posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 05:50 PM
The drawdopwns of the Bush years were slight, tho, cpomapred to Clintons upping the ante. Bush was carrying out Reagans original plan, after the massive military spending of the 1980s, to balance it out with cutbackls after our big threat, the soviet union, was vanquished.

The cutbacks durings Bush Srs time were minor, and slow, Clinton Just SLAMMED it down, and failed to stop us from getting into other conflicts, failed to remove troops from foreign bases. You cant cut down the military size and still keep people overseas. Just aint gonna work.

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