posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 07:25 AM
I dont know your opinion on the biblecode book.
This book is for sell at
I recently talked with a rabbin about this book. He told me that it was strictly forbidden to read the future, in the jewish religion. He also told me
that the theoris of Drodin, who is jewish, go at the end of the book to very strange theories, he think that there is a sort of artefact in the
dead-sea or in the red-sea (I dont rememer...) wich is the key of the bible code, a sort of triangle of metal, made by aliens, of course...
By mockery, Dave Thomas found that SILLY, DUMB, FAKE, FALSE, EVIL, NASTY, DISMAL, FRAUD, SNAKE-OIL and HOAX also appear encoded in Drosnin's first
In fact, there is really a sort of code and some secret hidden in the bible, but these secret are only know by scholars, rabbins and hight qabballah
"This code can be dangerous in the hand of a person who dont believe in God, in the jewish sense of the word..." told me the rabbin...