posted on Oct, 3 2005 @ 01:30 PM
Originally posted by Grimholt
There are many out there who have yet to discover some of the great story arcs and characters in DC.
I don't know why but this comment seems to have been aimed at towards me. Before you make any judgements, I just want to let you know that this
opinion is from someone who was involved in fandom for nearly twenty years! Besides hosting comic book, science fiction and comic book convenetions,
I have been involved in publishing, editing and working in the comic book industry. Yes, the comic book medium is a wonderful medium but....BUT....I
have noticed that quality of the medium, the art and the writiing has, over the years, deteriorated. Of course, there are still many wonderfully
talented artists and writers but I believe that much has been sacrificed in the search of the big dollars that some comic books have managed to
The comic book has become inaccessible to their original target -- children and instead it has become merely a collectible, often simply for the sake
of "investment purposes" not for the art, the story or the character. It's become a genuine paper chase....but instead of trying to chase down and
collect comic books because they are "faves", the chase has turned towards chasing down an investment.
Perhaps I have become rather jaded over the years but comic books and comic book fandom have lost its' luster and appeal since the silver age of
comics .