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Katrina Conspiracies Discussion omg

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posted on Oct, 3 2005 @ 05:50 AM
i know every one here likes their conspiracies but could u have just left this one alone. instead u could post the names and\or address of funds and chartiys to give money and food to. instead you want to cut this down to a meaninless misshapp.

[edit on 3-10-2005 by sanctum]

posted on Oct, 3 2005 @ 08:44 AM

It's important, no - mandatory to consider every possible cause/outcome/solution of everything, and this includes natural disasters.

posted on Oct, 3 2005 @ 08:49 AM
Conspiracies looking at the hurricane being delibrate using some 'weather machine' may be other the top, but there are many different and relevant aspects that need to be looked at:

For example:

1) How it was dealt with/how it still is being dealt with.

2) The issues that deal with the climate change we are facing which cause these terrible storms.

Just off the top of my head, there is a lot to look at and some serious problems that need to be addressed.

posted on Oct, 3 2005 @ 08:53 AM
I think the overall membership here is really good when it comes to knowing when to discuss an issue or not. The 7/7 London bombings are a great example--there were a few threads that were started a little after it happened talking about different conspiratorial aspects of the situation, and the rest of the members came down pretty quick on them. I think the members here did a rather good job of keeping the Katrina disaster into perspective for the most part.

I understand you're probably saying this out of concern for those affected by the disaster, and the posts here may seem somewhat disrespectful towards them. In that regard, just about any post on here that's dealing with a serious issue can be considered somewhat disrespectful. Look at 9/11. There's tons of posts on here dealing with every aspect of the event. How is Katrina being turned "meaningless", but 9/11 isn't? Is it because of the length of time in between? There were theories--much worse than a lot on here--that were fully formed and in circulation on 9/12. At least on here they get an intellectual treatment instead of just being taken on faith.

The other side of the coin is also similar to 9/11. Wouldn't it be better to try and find out what went wrong so it doesn't happen again? I would think ignoring the problem would make it more meaningless than trying to learn from it.

posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 08:40 AM
i didnt bring up the 9\12 trashing of 9\11 because it ticks me off to even think about it.

as for what went wrong we are human and all people have flaws(some more than others) crap will come unglued and spirel out of control one day.

posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by DRAGON27
as for what went wrong we are human and all people have flaws(some more than others) crap will come unglued and spirel out of control one day.

You are most definitely correct here; we are all human (well, most of us at least), and of course we're all flawed. That I can see, there's two reasons why the tragedy (amid others of both greater and lesser magnitude) are discussed in such depth on this site.

First off, while most humans are flawed through ignorance, stupidity, or some other innocent cause, there's quite a few that are flawed through malice. By dissecting what happened in a given scenario, there's a chance--granted, most likely a small one--that the members of ATS can find out if it was stupidity that caused the flub-up or if some one intentionally screwed everything up. While it may seem almost laughable that a number of computer jockeys throwing hare-brained conspiracy theories around might uncover something major, it's most definitely a possibility, and probably just as plausible as something getting uncovered in an investigation ran by those who caused the problem.

The second reason is that, by "studying" the flaws of others, we can look to prevent those mistakes from happening in the future. Odds are not many of the people from this site will end up in a political office where they can make a direct difference in how FEMA is handled, for example, but if we're wise enough, we can take those lessons and apply them to our own lives. FEMA screwed up because of a lack of organization? Well, maybe there's more people from the board who've taken that to heart and decided that they need to develop their own emergency plan for a disaster situation.

Of course, there's also the cynical approach that we're all just drama queens, addicted to tragic news. While that's definitely a possibility, and I'd go so far as to say it's true to varying levels for each member, I prefer to save my cynicism for areas I can have a quasi-intellectual argument about it. Like whether Regis Philbin is Satan.

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 08:56 AM
some of the "hair-brained" sceams are nothing short of idiototic like the gov created this storm. now i do beleave that by appointing a horse breeder to the head of FEMA it was doomed from the start.

i do beleave that by send most of our armed forces to a country that ovusly doesnt want our help because the are still killing us. we didnt have the man power to clear the city and stop the flooding for a week.

i also beleave that its 51+% of the countrys fault for relecting Mr. bush

posted on Oct, 19 2005 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by DRAGON27
i also beleave that its 51+% of the countrys fault for relecting Mr. bush

Or we could blame the democrats for not having a stronger candidate.

But the point (I hope) is not to place blame, but to find out what really happened so that it doesn't happen again.

posted on Oct, 19 2005 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by darkelf

Originally posted by DRAGON27
i also beleave that its 51+% of the countrys fault for relecting Mr. bush

Or we could blame the democrats for not having a stronger candidate.

But the point (I hope) is not to place blame, but to find out what really happened so that it doesn't happen again.

OR accept the fact that neither party is in control and that all of the politics is FIXED.

Your second point is quite valid, let's hope something was learned.

posted on Oct, 25 2005 @ 09:46 PM
i never said i blamed anyone i said what i beleave went wrong with the whole thing.

you cant place blame any one person or group because it will come back being everyones fault

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 03:16 PM
I like to throw something out here on this subjuect.

First the levees are mostly earth, in some places reenforced with concrete or steel. The channel (the one in front of 17th St. 9th Ward) had a design flaw, it scowered(like in a pipe) and just added force to the surge coming in. Couple that with the fact the funds to fix the levees were either cut or misused, didn't help matters any. So with the barge going into it....

But here's the part I have trouble understanding. There was an explosion that was heard during an interview. People were told that it was a warehouse that went up. Then they said it was the barge that hit the levee, and then the sink. Problem with that, depending on what direction the barge came from. From the angle of the barge it couldn't have come from the Lake, so had to come from the Veterns bridge. There wasn't enough force to do the damage they were talking about.

Now, do I believe that levee was blown? In 1927 the City fathers did the same thing to save the French Quarter, the Quarter was in danger again. But I doubt we'll ever know for sure. My family got out and that's all I really cared about.


posted on Dec, 11 2005 @ 04:06 AM

Originally posted by DRAGON27
i do beleave that by send most of our armed forces to a country that ovusly doesnt want our help because the are still killing us. we didnt have the man power to clear the city and stop the flooding for a week.

i find it hard to believe that there weren't enough armed forces personell to call out in this disaster. the canadian navy sent the athabaskan,ville de quebec,and another city class destroyer down to help with the cleanup(about 600+ppl) soon after the devistation.the cf only has about 60 000 members and we have ppl over seas too.who dropped the ball?or were they hoping for some old fasioned population control(darwinesque #)

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 08:09 PM
any disaster such as this should be investigated with as little credence to the government's story as possible. See who will benefit in the future. as the saying goes, "follow the money".

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