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Poll on Aliens. Are they just aliens or are they demons?

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posted on Oct, 3 2005 @ 01:56 AM
I've been reading these forums for quite a while now. And in this forum in particular there seems to be a lot of remarks regarding the thought that aliens are really angels or fallen angels (demons). I would like to conduct a poll. If you think that:

A. Aliens are just that aliens nothing more. Please vote A

B. Aliens are angels or demons. Please vote B

C. If you are unsure Please vote C

I would like to keep this going for as along as possible. When you vote just leave a short paragraph about your beliefs. Don't go into a deep dialogue about it. Just keep it short and sweet.

I vote A.

I think they are another species in this universe who are exploring.

[edit on 3-10-2005 by Whompa1]

posted on Oct, 3 2005 @ 02:21 AM
Aliens are Aliens, nothing to do with god etc.

posted on Oct, 3 2005 @ 03:13 AM

Originally posted by PrimalDeaf
Aliens are Aliens, nothing to do with god etc.

I'll second that, and go with an A.

posted on Oct, 3 2005 @ 03:21 AM
If your going to have a poll, you need a poll.

Here ya go.

Vote Here !!!

[edit on 3-10-2005 by lost_shaman]

posted on Oct, 3 2005 @ 05:39 AM
demons and angels do not exist.
i believe there is a chance that extra terrestrial life exists and that it is a a good chance. have we been visited? most likely not but i wouldn't rule that out. there are so many hoaxers out there its very hard to decide for yourself what is really going on.

posted on Oct, 3 2005 @ 08:46 AM
The Poll is a bit silly.

Are humans demons? Well I certainly hope not!

In the same way, aliens are life forms just like us, nothing more and nothing less.

Demons and Angels are two completely different things.

[edit on 3-10-2005 by Manincloak]

posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 09:36 AM
My personal belief is that they are ExtraTerrestrials, rather than angels or demons but I also think it would be foolish to ignore the various alternative theories on the subject.

posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 11:25 AM
I think some are aliens, most are government and military intelligence agents. Do they count as demons?

posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 12:00 PM
Ill Vote A, But i seriously doudt that they have visted us, the distances are jsut way to vast! Now if they masterd traveling thru wormholes... But noone really knows!

posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 12:32 PM
I vote A.
They are overseers of this planet and have been for eons, benevolent beings.

posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 01:55 PM
What a "demon" is and what an "angel" is needs to be clearly defined.

My understanding is that when a bunch of common spirits combine into a collective consciousness or Group Entity, they can appear as a powerful "demon," when in essence, they are just a bunch of spiritually weak, common spirits.

Are Zetan-aliens demons?

If you mean are they Service To Self oriented and subtly imperialistic, then yes.

If you mean that they are the winged, horned beasts that are found within Christian mythology, then no.

posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 02:36 PM
>What a "demon" is and what an "angel" is needs to be clearly defined.

Thank you!

As to the original question, my vote is: "Aliens are probably a variety of things, just like 'Life on earth' is a variety of things. Some may be regular flesh and blood creatures from another star. Some may be regular flesh and blood creatures from anothre star...that happens to be at 90 degrees to any direction we can move in. Some are very likely to not exactly be 'flesh and blood' in the manner with which we are accustomed. Some probably occupy more dimensions than three. Some may be artificial constructs, and some are likely to be altogether non corporeal. And...some are almost definitely something else entirely that we would have a difficult time thinking up on our own."

So I guess that was choice D?

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by Manincloak
The Poll is a bit silly.

Are humans demons? Well I certainly hope not!

In the same way, aliens are life forms just like us, nothing more and nothing less.

Demons and Angels are two completely different things.

[edit on 3-10-2005 by Manincloak]

You're a bit silly for not reading anything in this forum. I never said anything about humans being demons. If you nose around this forum a good % of the threads some how always deviate into a general question "Are aliens really aliens? Or are they demons, angels, or spirits. Yes I am well aware of the difference between a demon and a angel.
That is not the point of the post.

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 11:26 PM
I vote D.) Techno Sorcery; Fusion of man made with demonic hierarchy.

Man made bio mechanical engineered fleshy bodies; living tissue, grafted cartilage, and sculpted out of the very evilness of mans imagination continually.

High level luciferian covenant handlers conjure and fuse flesh lusting demonic forces to animate and possess the lifeless vessels; Sadly there is many human tortures and sacrifices, babies blood is used to flow threw their deceptive veins. At the moment they are still working out the bugs with the deteriorating organ tissues, and their biggest problem real authoritative spirit warrior Christians. Whom can discern their evils and cast out the demons.

Perhaps once they drastically reduce the number of living Christians and have the cloning down to a science. Look out! The world will have their aliens...

hehe ok maybe not... Back to reality, but my point is we can make Aliens into anything we want. Because we just.. do not... know.

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 11:37 PM
There are no aliens. There is no life on any other planets anywhere else in the universe. Earth is the only planet with life.

There are such things as angels, and there are also fallen angels or demons. The Bible says the fallen angels can appear as "an angel of light." They are able to assume any shape. Scripture also says the fallen angels come for one reason -- to kill, lie and destroy.

So when one appears, it will not be for benevolent reasons. It will be to trick somebody into believing a lie. Or the fallen angel will appear to hurt the person, to oppress them in their mind and spirit, try to get them to do something harmful to themselves or others. The demon/fallen angel may promise their victim many benefits if they listen to and obey their instructions -- but demons never mean anybody any good. They are revolting, disgusting, evil and thoroughly wicked creatures who must be resisted on all fronts.

If some creature appears to you and tries to convince you of something, how do you know if it's a good angel or a fallen angel? You check your Bible. Scripture says if one of these creatures appears even as a breautiful angel of light and tells you anything that's contrary to scripture you reject what they say. You don't get taken in by appearances because APPEARANCES CAN BE DECEIVING.

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 06:08 AM

Originally posted by resistance
There are no aliens. There is no life on any other planets anywhere else in the universe. Earth is the only planet with life.

I hate when that happens.

Originally posted by resistance
There are such things as angels, and there are also fallen angels or demons. The Bible says the fallen angels can appear as "an angel of light." They are able to assume any shape. Scripture also says the fallen angels come for one reason -- to kill, lie and destroy.

In having dealt with and in having counseled others about discarnate demonic attacks, I see some truth to the biblical understanding of angels and demons, but there is more to it than just that.

For example, evil people who leave the flesh and who reject the lessons of their life review, cannot venture far into The Light and often combine their soul energies with others of like mind in order to appear as one powerful demonic figure, when in essence, they are really just a bunch of primitive discarnates in a Group Entity.

Additionally, I have found that not just common spirits/demons/subangels form Group Entities. Souls of basic spirituality in the Mid Realms or angels also like to form Group Entities in order to manifest healing and telekinesis. Why? Because an angel by itself is too spiritually/telekinetically weak to do it alone.

Originally posted by resistance
So when one appears, it will not be for benevolent reasons. It will be to trick somebody into believing a lie. Or the fallen angel will appear to hurt the person, to oppress them in their mind and spirit, try to get them to do something harmful to themselves or others. The demon/fallen angel may promise their victim many benefits if they listen to and obey their instructions -- but demons never mean anybody any good. They are revolting, disgusting, evil and thoroughly wicked creatures who must be resisted on all fronts.

I basically agree with all of that, with the caveat that demons/subangels work in groups for the sake of combining their power. But not only are subangels deceptive, so are angel Group Entities!

Ever wonder why there are so many god icons and that the miracles of any one religion never seem to outshine to any significant extent the miracles of the other religions?

It is due to the deception of demons and angels, all of which promote false hierarchies. There are Muslim Group Entities, Christian Group Entities, Jewish Group Entities, Buddhist Group Entities, Baha'i Group Entities, Pagan Group Entities, Hindu Group Entities, etc. All of which compete with each other and none of them really able to produce miracles of telekinesis and healing that are far greater than any of the others. That's why there are so many "gods" and none of them are very powerful.

The purpose of every GE is go get more power from new membership and to have more influence on those in the flesh.

Originally posted by resistance
If some creature appears to you and tries to convince you of something, how do you know if it's a good angel or a fallen angel?

Actually, there are a number of ways to do this. You judge them by their fruits, which is a biblical approach. Another is to judge them by the feeling of purity (or the lack of it) behind the message. Yet another is to discern the Dominant Aura Color of the discarnates who are delivering the message. If their DAC is Orange or Red, they are subangelic. If their DAC is yellow or violet, they are angelic and typically deceptive also. If their DAC is sky blue or white, they automatically have a certain degree of spiritual credibility.

Originally posted by resistance
You check your Bible. Scripture says if one of these creatures appears even as a beautiful angel of light and tells you anything that's contrary to scripture you reject what they say. You don't get taken in by appearances because APPEARANCES CAN BE DECEIVING.

Oh yes, appearances can indeed be deceiving, but you cannot fool The Light and the Universal Law which governs it. Time and time again, I have found that whenever a Group Entity attempts to deceive or hurt me in some way, they always lessen themselves away from The Light, resulting in their presence being degraded, weakened, dirty and frustrated, as they spiral down into damnation or soul oblivion.

Evil contains the seeds of is own destruction.

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 05:33 PM
I believe they're a sorta combination of both... not like hybrids (although that's possible) but maybe demons in cahoots with alien beings. We've heard of aliens "enlightening" cultures of our past with knowledge, who's to say they aren't demons that are enlightening us with their knowledge of how God created things? And who's to say they haven't found more... cooperative races elsewhere in the universe?

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 05:37 PM
I vote A

But I could understand if people in ancient times saw aliens and refered to them as Gods, Demons or whatever.

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 05:56 PM
After being a Christian for nearly 20 years now and having studied the whole UFO / Alien thing full time for the last 3 years, I have an opinion!

Aliens do exist, there's evidence everywhere. Maybe God did make them like he created us? They talk of a 'higher power' also so they must be sort of religious / spiritual.

Demons and Angels do exist also but are spiritual beings. You can't reach out and physically touch an angel etc. like you can an ET (similar to the hundreds of bodies now recovered world wide).

Do you think Satan has some kind of Canadian Tire / Halfords somewhere in hell manufacturing craft literally light years ahead in technology compared to what we have?

I think not!!

Enough said...........

posted on Oct, 7 2005 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by minkey53
After being a Christian for nearly 20 years now and having studied the whole UFO / Alien thing full time for the last 3 years, I have an opinion!

Aliens do exist, there's evidence everywhere. Maybe God did make them like he created us? They talk of a 'higher power' also so they must be sort of religious / spiritual.

Demons and Angels do exist also but are spiritual beings. You can't reach out and physically touch an angel etc. like you can an ET (similar to the hundreds of bodies now recovered world wide).

Do you think Satan has some kind of Canadian Tire / Halfords somewhere in hell manufacturing craft literally light years ahead in technology compared to what we have?

I think not!!

Enough said...........

Excuse me, Minkey, but angels are able to materialize. Just read your Bible. They visited Abraham and Sarah, stayed for dinner, spent the day with them. They visited Lot, spent the night, took them by the hand the next day and dragged them out of Sodom. There was an angel sitting on the stone of the Lord's tomb, the same angel who rolled that same stone away from the tomb.

So you are wrong when you say the angels can't materialize.

Furthermore, Scripture says that Satan can take any shape he wants, even appear as an "angel of light." (i.e. a good angel). Scripture also says Satan is a liar, and the father of ALL LIES. So you can EXPECT Satan to deceive and lie and take shapes to fool you.

The mind control experiments being done by the Illuminati use torture and human sacrifice to produce physical manifestations of demons. These demons then are sometimes allowed or encouraged to mate with humans.

Scripture also describes that at one time on the earth there were giants, the offspring of demons and humans, and the reason why the earth was "evil continuously" and why God decided to wipe out everything on the earth with the Great Flood.

The military has been infiltrated and taken over by the Illuminati, along with the government, media, education, science, finance and even the church. So the military itself is responsible for fostering the belief in UFOs and aliens. They are soon to stage a fake alien invasion (according to Illuminati defector whistleblowers) and these human/demon hybrids will be presented as bona fide "aliens." It will be a great deception as the Bible says. This will help to cement the NWO into place -- whereby everyone will follow after a world leader the Bible calls the Antichrist.

There is one plumbline we have to keep us straight in a world that's getting crazier by the minute -- and that's our Holy Bible (KJB 1611). In it you'll find truth, nothing BUT truth, and you should measure EVERYTHING against it, bar none.

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