posted on Oct, 9 2005 @ 08:06 PM
Me? Well, my pet peeves mainly come every weekday, I hate school. Not because it is school, I like that stuff since it comes so easily to me, mainly
no life+Parents that insist on buying every book they see. We end up with 5 sets of the same book/series because one buys the book/series, then the
other, then later on they forget they bought it and repeat. But the people at school drive me nuts!
Druggies who think they are cool because they can't remember their schedule or where the room is at
Cheerleaders who think they are gods(or goddesses, whatever) but are just annoying. They really hate me since I am such an *** towards them when
everyone else worships them
Jocks who act like the King **** that they aren't. Also hate me since I don't bow down to them
Blondes in general, sorry just because you are blonde doesn't mean you have to be stupid, ignorant, a complete ditz. There are plenty of smart
blondes, just can't think of any...
The white kids who want to be black, I'm sorry, they live in freaking Bono! Yes Cleveland is only 70 miles away(only sarcastic) but still you are
not black, you never will be black, so stop using gang signs/eubonics. Eubonics is not a language unless gorillas grunting at each other is a
People who think I am stupid because I don't do any work at school. I don't need to, I get it done in 5 minutes at home and turn it in. We
haven't read a book that I didn't(or parents) already own/read. School is to easy for me so I don't do anything at school. They are gonna be
surprised when I get to do a speech at graduation.
And last but not least, Principal Holoe, she is such a ditz(blonde!) A druggie could snort a ten foot line of coke in front of her and she still
wouldn't realize there is a drug problem at our school.
Outside of school?
People in general
Christians(Pat, Dobson, your basic give me money or go to hell kind, or ones that think ID is real but science is evil)
Professional Baseball(Sorry taking steroids is not a sport)
Golf(God that's boring)
Green Bay Packers(We finally won a game!!!!!! 52-3! Now if we had just scored some of those during our other games... Lions lead the NFC North!
How sad is that?)