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Littering should stop.Its so easy.

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posted on Oct, 1 2005 @ 05:38 PM
Questions...Answer honestly.

1)Do you litter your garbage?Ever?, or do you only litter when your not around the a garbage can?

2)Do you advise friends to not litter or tell them to pick up thier garbage when you see them litter?

3)Do you go out of your way to pick up garbage you see while walking?

I wish everyone would do these things tell the truth, i wanna see how many people actually pick up garbage and put it in there pocket or just litter it all.

posted on Oct, 1 2005 @ 05:51 PM
Man, if I actually were a tyrant -- a benevolent one, of course -- I could stop the litter issue with one simple edict. All littering would be met with swift and decisive justice -- immediate, on - the - spot execution.

Sounds too drastic? Do you believe execution does not fit the crime of littering? Well, perhaps it is but the point I am trying to make here is that often it takes a bit of social engineering to "help" people behave in the manner in which society, in general, would like. No one actually likes litter, no one likes to waste their contribution to society, via taxes, to be wasted on a behavior that could be changed so easily. Simply putting up "do not litter" signs does not seem to work. Perhaps, if we added the word "please", littering would come to an end?

Behavior is often modified by making the action in question -- in this case littering -- not worth the penalty. It seems that a simple fine will not solve the problem. Perhaps the penalty should be increased? What would be a good and effective deterant to littering? A $100 fine? $200? $500? A cool one thousand dollar fine for tossing a gum wrapper on the street?
I don't think so. You might have a cleaner neighborhood but you will still find that errant gum wrapper. The only sure way of dealing with littering is through a mandatory death penalty for the least infraction of the littering bylaws. Of course if that doesn't work, the law could be expanded to include members of the offenders family -- wipe out that "littering gene" once and for all!

Thank you.....this has been a policy statement from the "benevolent tyrant" I have read this statement and I approve it.

benevolent tyrant

posted on Oct, 1 2005 @ 06:06 PM
Making littering a capital offense has merit, but I would not make it an immediate execution -- legalized slow torture may be better.

I pick up litter. My wife complains that after I hike in the woods my pack is fuller when I return than when I left -- it's full of trash. On the plus side I save all the aluminum cans I find and put them in a separate container from our household recycling. About once a year or so I turn all them in and treat ourselves to a nice dinner.

posted on Oct, 1 2005 @ 06:19 PM
Here are some litter stats for Fairhope Alabama.

* About 50% of litter is "accidently" deposited on our streets and highways
* 96% of accidental litter bugs are males
* 72% of intentional litter bugs are males
* Only 40% of litter is from vehicles
* 59% of litter is paper; 16% cans; 6% bottles; 6% plastic; 13% other
* Source: "Alabama Litter Laws" brochure

Litter is something that will never go away. There is always some jerk who doesn't care about anything but them selves. There are many campains directed towards childeren to teach them not to litter, there has been for years. Still some of them grow up and toss garbage around for other people to pick up.

posted on Oct, 1 2005 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by dave_54
I pick up litter. My wife complains that after I hike in the woods my pack is fuller when I return than when I left -- it's full of trash. On the plus side I save all the aluminum cans I find and put them in a separate container from our household recycling. About once a year or so I turn all them in and treat ourselves to a nice dinner.


Littering RULES!

You've gotta be COOL to litter!


posted on Oct, 1 2005 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by Umbrax
Here are some litter stats for Fairhope Alabama.

* About 50% of litter is "accidently" deposited on our streets and highways


I need to know what that looks like.
How do they know it was a accident?

posted on Oct, 1 2005 @ 06:39 PM

Originquote]Originally posted by Zipdot


Littering RULES!

You've gotta be COOL to litter!


If there were the enactment of the death penalty for littering, then social engineering would have the added benefit of eliminating people who actually thought that it was cool to litter -- to infringe upon the rights of others. Sure there would be casualties in this War on Littering, but there are casualties in all wars. Why should this one be any different except for the fact that we would have cleaner streets and Less "cool" people to cause traffic jams.....incidentally, the "cool" people are also the ones who are usually tooling around in their little late model honda civics with a million watts worth of speakers kicking out earth shaking bass rythmms that bother....well, everyone......oh well, i won't miss the litter or the supposedly cool.

posted on Oct, 1 2005 @ 06:57 PM
link way! Just the opposite. We'll pick up whatever we come across.

My family...all 4 of us...take special pains to recycle and reduce our garbage. My youngest son is active in the Environmental Movement (employee of Earth Day Canada) and has taught us more than I've learned in my lifetime.

My oldest son teaches philosophy at a university and is also commited to the environment. My wife is totally involved in ecological issues (we all call her Mother Nature) and she will run after a litterbug to set them straight.

Littering is a crime on the same level as torturing animals, imo, because that is exactly what happens when birds/animals get trapped by plastic. A couple of weeks ago I saw a raven with a black garbage bag somehow tied up on its leg. A sad sight to see such a noble, intelligent bird in a life threatening situation.

The fines for littering are not nearly severe enough.

On one happy occasion last week, a couple of young people were walking by our home. I saw the young man (16 or so) toss an empty pop can onto my neighbours lawn. The girl that was with him gave him a slap on the shoulder and went back to pick it up. Not all kids are bad...

posted on Oct, 1 2005 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by masqua

On one happy occasion last week, a couple of young people were walking by our home. I saw the young man (16 or so) toss an empty pop can onto my neighbours lawn. The girl that was with him gave him a slap on the shoulder and went back to pick it up. Not all kids are bad...

Well, that is "a happy occasion", indeed. It demonstrates that there is hope for the next generation. Maybe things aren't as bad as they might sometimes appear. Incidentally, I like your attitude on things. Thanks.

posted on Oct, 1 2005 @ 08:01 PM
I absolutely hate people that litter intentionally. It is an awful habit that lacks class and intelligence. My friends or family feel the same way I do. No one chucks anything from my car, and we walk across the strees if need be to a trash receptacle. Our city awards clean properties, especially ones in lower imcome areas. Environmental empathy doesn't make you a geek or a nerd. I respect those that respect Nature.
I don't have o be a tree-hugger, or part of Green Peace to say that either. Just keep the crap off the grass!
Oh, I do admit for not picking it up if it isn't mine. I don't know why. I just don't.

posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 09:10 PM
How can anyone be for littering?

The only arguement I have for littering is that it gives inmates something to do!

Very late at night...back one around...toss it!

posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by BirDMan_X
Questions...Answer honestly.

1)Do you litter your garbage?Ever?, or do you only litter when your not around the a garbage can?

2)Do you advise friends to not litter or tell them to pick up thier garbage when you see them litter?

3)Do you go out of your way to pick up garbage you see while walking?

I wish everyone would do these things tell the truth, i wanna see how many people actually pick up garbage and put it in there pocket or just litter it all.

If I am in the wilderness I not only do not litter but I pick up any trash I see. My grandfather used to tell us when we went camping to "take out more then what you brought in" (refering to litter). Yes I tell my friends not to litter when I am in the wilderness (or someones house).


I litter here and there when I am in the urbans walking on concrete; a worser form of litter when compared to petty personal trash! Lemme ask you: do you ever stop and think "who the hell put all this gray garbage on the ground?" Have you ever asked that person to pick it up?

[edit on 093131p://4u15 by Lucid Lunacy]

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