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Evidence of Little people?

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posted on Sep, 30 2005 @ 05:33 PM
Pedro Mountain Mummy

In 1932 two gold prospectors came across this strange mummy while blasting the walls of a gulch in the Pedro Mountains, 60 miles southwest of Casper, Wyoming, USA.

This mummy known as the ''Pedro Mountain Mummy'' is about 6 1/2 inches tall in its seated state and estimated to be 14 inches tall when standing.

It was sold by the prospectors and Displayed in carnival freak shows for several years, the remains were eventually purchased by Ivan T. Goodman. It was then that the mummy recieved it first real scientific study.

Dr. Harry Shapiro of the American Museum of Natural History X-rayed the body, and was certified as genuine by the Anthropology Department of Harvard University.

Shortly before Goodmans death in 1950, the mummy was stolen and never found again.

X-ray picture exist of the Pedro Mountian Mummy exist to this day but I have been unable to find them yet online. I have seen them on TV and they show a full skeletal system. They also show a full set of developed teeth which is of interest along with fragments of skull that could suggest blunt trama to the head.

Photographs of the X-rays were given to a Dr. George Gill, professor of anthropology at the University of Wyoming. He concluded, was that of an infant or fetus of an unknown prehistoric tribe of Indians. He proposed that the infant suffered from anencephaly, a congenital abnormality that would account for the deformed skull and he claimed the adult proportions of the bones.


Anencephaly is a neural tube defect (a disorder involving incomplete development of the brain, spinal cord, and/or their protective coverings). The neural tube is a narrow sheath that folds and closes between the 3rd and 4th weeks of pregnancy to form the brain and spinal cord of the embryo. Anencephaly occurs when the "cephalic" or head end of the neural tube fails to close, resulting in the absence of a major portion of the brain, skull, and scalp. Infants with this disorder are born without both a forebrain (the front part of the brain) and a cerebrum (the thinking and coordinating area of the brain). The remaining brain tissue is often exposed--not covered by bone or skin. The infant is usually blind, deaf, unconscious, and unable to feel pain

The fact that the mummy appeared to have a full set of developed set would contradict with his findings though. A infant even one with Anencephaly would show two sets on undeveloped teeth still in the gums not yet decended.

Dr. George Gill also concluded that the mummy was of a prehistoric tribe of Indians. Discoveries of mummified remains are not wholly uncommon in Wyoming, but they way this body was found doesn't seem to fit with native american burial practices. Im not aware of any other natives mummies found in such a seating position like this.Infact its position is much closer to the tradition of the seated Buddah then any Indian burial style I have ever seen.

Strangely the Indians of the Wyoming area such as the Shoshone and Crow Indians had legends of " Little people " only inches tall yet with amazing strength.

Sadly the location of the mummy has been lost for many years now. Though it was studied well for its time technology now like DNA testing could help answer many questions that were impossible in the 40s.

Was it simply a deformed child of some yet unknown tride with strange burial customs? A unknown Native American tribe of Pygmies? Or perhaps proof of the ''Little people'' and elves of legends.

posted on Sep, 30 2005 @ 05:49 PM
I found a site with a picture of the X-ray taken. Its not the best quality
I have seen much clearer X-rays which make it easier to make out detail like the teeth.

Heres the link anyway it also has some more interesting information on the mummy.

The race of little people described by the Native Americans of the area were called Nimerigar " a small race of people who it is said would attack them with tiny bows and poisoned arrows. It was also said they used to kill their own kind with a blow to the head when they became too ill to be a useful and active part of society anymore"

posted on Sep, 30 2005 @ 09:43 PM
Please do not laugh , I found this claimed to be Bigfoot black and white photo HERE. The thing that stuck in my mind was how similar the face looks to the mummy in this thread. Look above the eyes and the mouth area. I saved the picture I found and used photo shop to brighten and zoom to this pic size to better view. I am sure there is no connection, but to me they have similar facial features . Just thought I would share.

posted on Oct, 1 2005 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by Harry55
Please do not laugh , I found this claimed to be Bigfoot black and white photo HERE. The thing that stuck in my mind was how similar the face looks to the mummy in this thread. Look above the eyes and the mouth area. I saved the picture I found and used photo shop to brighten and zoom to this pic size to better view. I am sure there is no connection, but to me they have similar facial features . Just thought I would share.

Ive seen a more recent picture of a chimpanse like ape the about the size of a gorilla.. dunno if this is one is the same species, i read about it in a sciense magazine (Illustrerad Vetenskap 6/2005).. i know its in that mag but cant seem to find it, i think the ape was from Tanzania, maybe this is one of those in this picture you have, but its been dead for a while and is not all that pretty..

found an online article and image

[edit on 1-10-2005 by SilverSurfer]

posted on Oct, 3 2005 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by ShadowXIX
I found a site with a picture of the X-ray taken. Its not the best quality

Thats definately not an X-ray but a normal photo.

Originally posted by SilverSurfer

Originally posted by Harry55
Please do not laugh , I found this claimed to be Bigfoot black and white photo HERE. The thing that stuck in my mind was how similar the face looks to the mummy in this thread. Look above the eyes and the mouth area. I saved the picture I found and used photo shop to brighten and zoom to this pic size to better view. I am sure there is no connection, but to me they have similar facial features . Just thought I would share.

Ive seen a more recent picture of a chimpanse like ape the about the size of a gorilla.. dunno if this is one is the same species, i read about it in a sciense magazine (Illustrerad Vetenskap 6/2005).. i know its in that mag but cant seem to find it, i think the ape was from Tanzania, maybe this is one of those in this picture you have, but its been dead for a while and is not all that pretty..

found an online article and image

[edit on 1-10-2005 by SilverSurfer]

The photo first posted is of a Spider-monkey. The later one is of a new species of apes found in mid-Africa. THe photo is from 2004 if im not mistaken and is the only one that excist of it.

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by Thain Esh Kelch

Originally posted by ShadowXIX
I found a site with a picture of the X-ray taken. Its not the best quality

Thats definately not an X-ray but a normal photo.

[edit on 1-10-2005 by SilverSurfer]

You have to run your cursor over the normal pic to see the X-ray pic.

It says "Put cursor over Pedro to see his X-Ray" right above the picture on the site.

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 07:59 PM
First of all the original picture is broken so I can't really comment on it. But my two cents about the bigfoot image is... why is it's head propped up by a stick? This suggests to me that it is dead, and they have it propped up to display it. I've never seen a dead monkey so I don't know. The face does look sort of odd, but I don't know how a monkey's face could contort when it is dead and all the muscles are completely relaxed. My second thought would be that it could be a ceremonial suit of some sort, made out of a dead monkey.

Weird thing that I noticed zooming in on the picture.... does anybody see the image of the white bird on the 'bigfoot's chest? That white patch... bird's head just below the creature's left shoulder. Quite detailed and proportionate. Whats up with that?

Edit: The mummy picture is working now, but I don't have anything to add really. My only thing was if it was in proportion with an adult or not, but the article says it is.

[edit on 5-10-2005 by Yarcofin]

posted on Oct, 5 2005 @ 08:25 PM
Wow, I never noticed that before. Just take a look at this. I have no idea where this came from. This existed on the original I took from the site I found it on.

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 10:39 AM
There was something on BBC 1 a couple of months ago called something like real life hobbits (or something like that) about a tribe of very small people in indonesia who were only about 1 meter tall

Some good photo's and info on the link, check it out.

Oh yeah to all the football fans out there, yes cincy are still 4 and 0

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 06:21 PM
Woaw, ever noticed the big bird! Good catch! Quite strange actually...

posted on Oct, 7 2005 @ 05:11 PM
The monkey with it's head held up by a stick is known as 'Loys Ape'.
Loy was in a South American jungle when he claimed that his expedition came across two of these monkeys. Allegedly the monkeys walked upright and after screaming and and throwing fecal matter at the men, Loy shot one and took this picture of it.
Loy proclaimed that the dead animal was as large as a man.

There was much investigations to prove the size of this creature and eventually, the leather case that the monkey is sat on , or a case like it was found and this assisted in proving that the monkey was quite small and this it was probably a species of Spider monkey.

The bottom image of the darker ape, is a picture of the supposedly larger-than-usual chimpanzes found in Africa. They were supposedly a breed that were more intelligent and further along the evolutionary line.

posted on Dec, 1 2005 @ 10:33 PM
yes i was watching the discovery channel and they said they had found the bones of several little people. then some how they came up with the conclusion that these people lived in caves and would come down during the night and kidnapp children. they also said that they where very mean creatures.
love Abydos

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