posted on Sep, 30 2005 @ 03:58 PM
I've heard of this a while ago, good to see it finally reach fruition well almost heh. Back when I first heard of the project they had allot of grand
designs of imbedding high efficiency solar panels into the shell of the laptop, I see they have not done that and it's a shame. They should offer
more deluxe "Village" models that are more powerfull and have more robust recharging features. eInk screens as well as regenerative typing(eg
Piezoelectricity just a trickle but to certain low power computing operations a trickle can be a torrent... perspective
) would be great idea's. I
guess as all the required technologies come down in price it will trickle into the 100$ computer and the 100$ comp will become the 10$ comp lol.