Okies, being a wailing banshee owner myself...er Beagle owner, I may have some tips for you.
First up, 8 weeks IS very young to have a puppy. You are at a critical time for a puppy, ESPECIALLY a beagle. Beagles are very smart and stubborn
and if you don’t start off right, your doomed, DOOMED! I would have recommended you do this during a vacation if you were able too. But alls not
Toys aren’t going to cut it right now, so don’t push them, just make them available. What the puppy wants more than anything is your attention
(duh) right now, and due to the early age, she really needs it too. Most dogs at this age are still with their littermates and get all the attention
they need.
Instead of dropping what you’re doing all together and losing your gig, take 5 minutes each hour and play with her. But just 5 minutes and that’s
it, make it a strict routine and stick with it to the minute. This way you can give her REGULAR attention and not sacrifice too much of your
productivity. The dog will also get used to the routine and be comfortable with it.
I also HIGHLY recommend a crate, scratch that, I DEMAND you get a crate. Training crates are wonderful and the puppies will love them too. Crates
are SAFE places the puppy can hide in and feel secure, reducing its dependency for attention (bingo!). The reason crates are so awesome is that the
puppy can feel protected while still being able to see what’s going on around them. You will find over time that your dog will not only willingly
go into the crate, but be really happy about it. Try covering half the crate with a sheet or light blanket, but just half of it. Put a comfortable
towel or small blanket in there as well a COUPLE of toys, don’t throw too much in there. Crates are also great ways to potty train your little
howlers too.
At first the dog is going to hate it. She's going to cry and whine and you are going to feel like a big a$$ putting her in there. But don’t
waiver!! In just a day or so the dog will start to feel comfortable being left in there and then things will start to go perfectly. And with your
regular hourly play visits of 5 minutes, the dog knows you aren’t that far away.
IMPORTANT!!! Put the crate someplace where the puppy CANNOT see you. A quite, bright room is perfect.
Good luck (you’ll need it), and enjoy the little wailing beast!!
My Beagle is named "Buddy" and is 13 now. Way to smart for his own good, that little basta....Er, good boy!
[edit on 30-9-2005 by skippytjc]