posted on Sep, 13 2003 @ 12:56 AM
This is only an argument..not neccesarily my feelings.
Many would say that any group wanting to rule the world, be it an NWO or an alternate NWO was bad. Separation, ant-globalism, etc is the only way to
recognize true freedoms, and true liberty.
An ararchic system, made up of many states refusion to work together but forced to on some levels (liek international trade and commerce) woudl be the
most free and most NWO alternative, and for that to happen, we would have to embark on reduced cooperation and a more 'every man for himself'
attitude. this would thwart both the NWO and an alternative NWO, and would reduce the world to a SWO (self world order)
Lots of holes in this thesis, just trying to present a possible perspective....