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Icant stand it!

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posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by orangetom1999
the Oprah, Jerry,Maury,Montel genre would not have such a huge audience of drama queens. They would be out of a job.


Y'know I never thought of that angle. Lol. You might just be onto something there. Good point and well taken.

posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 11:33 AM
yeah...I know..many of us havent thought of it that way. This is obvious about Miranda by her labeling the other woman Olde Hag. It becomes a sense of self rightiousness instead of growing up. Men do this too but it is dominantlly a womans trait because they have a more developed sense of entitlement. These programs which so play to the "Im a Victim doctrine" encourage this sense of self rightiousness. Mind you ..not all women buy into this but it is very popular. It is also encouraged in the magazines you see at the check out know...redbook..Elle..cosmopolitan ,Seventeen Et Al. Its the "You deserve it the others dont" mentality. Makes billions of dollars for these companys keeping many of these women on the entitlement treadmill. You never have to grow up or question your value system.
It doesnt do in this type of format like Jerry , Oprah...etc to alienate your must stroke their egos carefully to keep them on the emotional string/treadmill.
Oh the way..this control mechanism has not been lost on the body politic. " Victimization " is core doctrine for some political partys in getting votes on election day. They too just like these buisnesses and television programs are playing the same " victim" card."
Be very careful about " Victimization" it is often a free pass or a default setting to play through to cover up the fact that some of us cant think a thing through outside of our provincialness. It becomes a control mechanism on the unawares. Thats why it is so effective. Until you catch on a cut the string.


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