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What is a solitary practitioner to do?

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posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 06:30 PM

I recently tuned into an online radio show called "Dreamland" with Whitney Strieber. The interview that I listened to was about "dark forces" that surround occultic practices and so I just wanted to know what others thought about this idea. Though I have not practiced my hand at summoning spirits or anything of that nature, I have had an ongoing relationship with magick and occultism. I just never thought of the danger of being attacked by these evil forces before. Is there a real threat out there that I should be aware of? oh: one more thing - in the interview this guy Peter Lavenda kept saying that you need a certain level of initiation to be able to protect yourself.. I just don't get it. To be properly initiated wouldnt someone need to join an school of the mysteries? AND THEN there is all this talk of the ascended masters being DARK forces (err- I read something onlline about this after I listened to the interview) Ack! anyway: anyone out there who cares to share their opinion on this??

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 08:03 PM
first off welcome! This is a great place to learn and share all kinds of info.
I once studied the occult. Loved it too. I was told that you need to be careful of who you invite into your life. It is sort of like calling a public phone hoping to find someone in particular. Except you really cant just hang up. Be careful is the best I can offer. pm me if I can be of any better use to you.

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by MerryMistressMarie
Though I have not practiced my hand at summoning spirits or anything of that nature, I have had an ongoing relationship with magick and occultism. I just never thought of the danger of being attacked by these evil forces before. Is there a real threat out there that I should be aware of? oh: one more thing - in the interview this guy Peter Lavenda kept saying that you need a certain level of initiation to be able to protect yourself.. I just don't get it. To be properly initiated wouldnt someone need to join an school of the mysteries?

May I offer some advice on this subject?
I had a room-mate from Romania who was a 7th generation, one Scorpio daughter only majick tradition.
She was a POWERFUL one, but I was just a novice in black majick.
Under her control, she could control and summon, BUT I was left with a house full of monsters after an August Full Moon Sabbat.
It almost cost me my life and the others in the home.
I found out that obviously I was not ready to PAY the cost for them to do my bidding.Be very careful..

[edit on 28-9-2005 by siriuslyone]
mod edit to shorten quote

[edit on 13-10-2005 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 08:24 PM
wow, that sounds nasty. I once dated a 3rd generation practioner. She got me into it and I soaked up all I could. I had some scary moments, but I had a healthy respect for the practice from it. It seemed as though I attracted some negative energy that stuck to me for some time. I now don't study it. I keep my books for reference and maybe someday revisit the old ways.

posted on Sep, 30 2005 @ 08:25 PM
white magick or black magick makes no difference... if you work for yourself there will always be karma to be delt with at a later date... sometimes the karma is worth the magical result... sometimes not. There is a loop hole however, if you work selflessly you can avoid the karma altogether; act for the ultimate happiness of others. ...and yes, you can use black magic for another's ultimate happiness.

Before casting any spell or imposing your Will, always trace out every metaphysical repercussion... look into the future, look into the past. What will be altered? when where why? who? how? If the answers seem foggy or unclear you are not ready and should return to a lay life until you can gather your powers of intuition.

Be careful. These forces are very real. More real than all these illusions which meet our eyes each day. And yes, you can bleed.

Sri Oracle

posted on Sep, 30 2005 @ 09:03 PM
I've said this many times... There is no black magic, there is no white magic, there is only one work and it is the Great Work.

Magic is like any other action, harm others and you will pay the price, work magic that does not harm others(or attempt to usurp their free will) and there is nothing to worry about.

But as always, I advised against any kind of summoning without understanding exactly what you are doing.

posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 11:25 AM

But as always, I advised against any kind of summoning without understanding exactly what you are doing.

Thank you Vas.. Very good advice -- I concur!!!

posted on Oct, 9 2005 @ 01:41 PM
I would just stay away from all of it altogether--white or black. It comes from the same source. The occult is an invitation to huge trouble.

I'd look at what a former witch has to say.

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 07:04 PM
You should check youre local Occult stores to see if they offer classes to get more and more information before you try to summon anything. I have been studying for at least 5 years now and still feel that I do not have enough knowledge/experience to summon anything.

But I doubt I ever will since life is always learning. Good luck to ya and be very careful

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 10:17 PM

I was just curious as to the nature of your practices. You said that you have had

an ongoing relationship with magick and occultism.

But do you follow any specific path - are you Wiccan, for example, or do you follow a more individual style? The reason I ask is that it seems, from your questions, that you do not have any real guidance in this area. Most genuine Wiccans I have met, for example (as opposed to angsty teens who declare themselves such), are well versed in the topics you express concern over. If you do follow a specific path, then perhaps you can meet likeminded individuals (again, people who genuinely accept these religious parctices, rather than posers) to educate and assist you.

I think it bears pointing out that there is an inherent difference between the practice of magic and those religions which are commonly associated with witchcraft - Wicca, Druidism, Asatru, etc. One is the manipulation of energies to obtain a desired reult in accordance with your will. The others are genuine and acknowledged religions. A Wiccan, for example, does not have to practice magic to still be a Wiccan, since it is a religion based on very specific beliefs. I know many Wiccans who do not practice magic.

Those who do consider magic to be a very natural force, like electricity. Electricity can help you (by lighting and warming your house, for example) or it can kill you. Magic is like that. To Wiccans, there is no white magic and no black magic, there is only the force itself. How you use it is up to you.

As for initiations, most traditional covens have three levels of initiation, but for the self-practitioner this is impossible. You don't need to join any "school of the mysteries". Most pagans in my city meet informally at a pub once a week. If you are seeking guidance, I am sure there are many places you can turn.

I would suggest a book called Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham. Even if you are not Wiccan, you may be able to adapt some of its exercises to your own beliefs. It also has a good self-initiation ritual.

I hope this helped. Let me know if you have any additional questions and I'll be happy to try and answer them for you.

[edit on 13/10/05 by Jeremiah25]

posted on Oct, 14 2005 @ 12:44 AM

Originally posted by Jeremiah25
I would suggest a book called Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham. Even if you are not Wiccan, you may be able to adapt some of its exercises to your own beliefs. It also has a good self-initiation ritual.
[edit on 13/10/05 by Jeremiah25]

That was the first book I read and it was very informative and a great addition to any practitioners library.

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 01:12 AM
All i can say, is study your protections, your banishing rituals and what not.

secondly.. can we get off the terms white & black magick? these two colors have more to do with magick then just good and evil, and to call left-hand ritualism "Black" magick is a great injustice.

Remember that magick is a matter of intent, if you seek to do good, then do so without selfishness, malice, or desire for material reward.. and you should find that karma favors you when the check comes to the table.

But if you act in selfishness, or greed.. or you excersise your will without regard for those around you.. karma will slap you around like a cheap whore.

As to the question "Whats a solitary practitioner to do?", dont be so solitary.. lord knows that isnt easy, we live in a world were occultists are either laughed at by non-believers or shunned and often abused by christians who assume you are a devilworshiper... as our friends here have said, check around the local book stores.. look for the used book stores.. thats what i did.. and there i not only found a teacher, minister and friend.. but i found my moms best friend in there one day getting advice of herbal remedies :-p

as to your system, work with what ever speaks to you.. i myself feel a deeper connection to Qabalism (I know i know.. madonna and demi are ruining it for us all), once you break through the mythology and get to the cold hard science of it it works real nice.

And on that note.. Mythology is good.. but dont let it rule your thought, this is the true idolatry, when that lil totem that is the godhead on your altar stops being the godhead and starts being God. remember that it is just the symbol that helps you focus your energy

And lastly.. i reccomend against summoning of spirits.. remember that the spirits we summon have their own duties within the cosmos.. and it is not for us to pull them away from their work to serve our whims, if you must do so.. then do so without interest in fufilling your needs.. but with interest in serving the macro-cosm

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