posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 05:49 PM
for the last 13 years i have been being attacked by pulses, blows, spasms and other types of pains that i dont at present have words for, in all
different parts of my body. they come coinciding with my thoughts and during basic human actions. I have had three to five million pains during the
last 13 3/4 years - that is hundreds per day. It is unbearable - i am being terrorized day after day, year after year, it is hell on earth, a one-man
no doctor has been able to solve my problem, pain killers and anti-psychotic drugs have no effect, likewise hospital stays.
the cause has got to be aliens - maybe aliens 100s of millions or maybe a billion years or more in advance of us humans...they may be part machine
genetically refined for millions of years - as different again as humans are to amoeba, with the ability to insert thoughts, visions, voices and
dreams into peoples minds, and inflict pains, itches and feelings of varying different type into any human or being on this planet or other, from
wherever they are in the universe or other universes perhaps.