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Why this war against USA?

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posted on Sep, 10 2003 @ 09:48 AM
why the usa? because they have the media, if u wanna get control of the world u need to control the media, thats my thought anyways, that and usa #s over anyone they can so long as the american people(the rish ones) are gaining from it

posted on Sep, 10 2003 @ 11:39 PM
Good article UnBalanced. Sounds like a Jim Marrs follower. I would tend to agree!

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 02:36 AM
Once again...You have hit it on the mark. And through corporations comes government. Military becomes corporations and thus foreign diplomacy.

The naming of these new military corporations will give you a clue on its motives. Very evil...

9-11 was a wake up least to me. Hit me with a 2 by 4 and I havnt been the same. I know understand my masters' goal and I am frightened. You should be too.
This is a matter of "why they hate us" ..this is a matter of cause and concern.

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 06:54 AM
The problem is, as far as I can see it, there is no way out. 95% of the money ( westen market) is fluctuating as investment in western countries and in 3rd world ( of course the people in 3rd world dont benefit much from those investments), therefore if countries would start to implement goverment controled import of foreign capital, limit the flow and investments, the whole economy would crash, leaving the earth in the state of complete chaos.
At the same time, if these countries stay on the level they are now, the western companies wont have a market to sell their products because the people are too poor to buy cars, TVs, etc, etc, and the people in western countries already have all that.

Another problem, there are too many people on this planet, there aren't enough resources for all of them to live like a mid-class american or european.

There is no way out of this situation.

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 10:59 AM

Mc Donalds? You can do better than that.

If people in foreign countries did not like mc Donalds, they would not last. This 98% of people offended is BS. If 98% of people didnt like Mc Donalds, then they would not eat there. The Mc Donalds overseas wouldnt last.

Yet I have been over seas. There are Mc Donalds in Saudi Arabia. There is also taco bell, Pizza hut, ect there. And guess what? 90% of the cutomers were Arabs. Arabs actually LIKED it. I even saw the Mutawa, the religious police, eating there quite often. Mc Donalds menus are adjusted depending on coutnry to conform with local tatses. You didnt find Mc Ribs in Saudi or any other pork product. The fact is, face it, not everyone in the world hates everything American!

I dont like Mc Donalds. But Ill not claim everyone else hates them, i have seen the opposite. When I spoke to many Arabs, it is not Mc Donalds or our exports that they revile. They actually like popular music, TV, ect in the US. Its our support for Israel and our foreign relations they have a problem with. Not our happy meals (I discovered many Arab adults were more enthralled with the happy meals than Arab kids). Our foreign policy.

Saunas were Finnish idea. Did you ever think that some people in the world dont like Saunas? Saunas are a silly idea, why sit in a room and sweat your ass off with little else to do? We have entire states we can do that in

As to the orgininal posting, the reasons for the war on America are many. Dome are very legit, some are pretty stupid.

Legit reasons:

Support for israel
Black operations and interfering with the internal affairs of soverign nations
Bombing small countries cuz they dont do what we tell them to do
Double standard international relations

Stupid reasons:

We are powerful
Our exports like Mc Donalds
Our culture
Our way of life
Our people are fat.

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 12:29 PM
People can say what they want, but I am convinced that the peoples of some countries hate America for either one of two primay reasons:

1) We support and will defend Israel (pencil in all Arab and Muslim-run countries here)

2) We place very little importance on the opinions and objections of other nations (pencil in "Old Europe" here)

All other reasons are mostly B.S.

Yes, we sometimes meddle in world affairs and weild a big stick. It's good to be big and strong, versus small and weak. It guarentees our way of life and our values and belief system. It also allows us to protect some of our weaker friends from their menacing neighbors, and from internal fanatics.

We have many troops based in other countries, this is true. But contrary to what the world thinks, this is a very unpopular policy with most Americans. Our line of thought is "why the hell should our boys be over their protecting (insert country name here) from their beligerant or unstable neighbor when all they do is bad-mouth us?" As far as most Americans are concerned, our servicemen would be alot better off stationed in the US wher they are respected, and you other countries can defend yourselves.

We sometimes wage war on other nations, but usually for the following reasons:

1) Very stupidly, you have attacked us or one of our friends either directly or indirectly, and raised the ire of the American people. We now see you as a danger to us, our friends, and the defenseless peoples who live near you.

2) You harbour those who have waged war or terrorism against us or one of our friends, and you support them actively. You are guilty by association.

We also lend support, military or otherwise, to governments and/or rebels whom we see as pro-American. If you are a fascist, communist, marxist, an Islamic revolutionary, or some other supporter of non-democratic or totalitarian movement, you WILL NOT be on this list.

Sometimes we are forced to support the lesser of two evils, in order to serve the greater good. Yes, the Shah or Iran was a corrupt man with strong grip on the Iranian way of live. But do you think the Iranians are better off now? Why dont you ask them? Sure, they can say that they are free of American influences, but at what cost? The Iran of 25 years ago was a prosporous, oil-rich nation of educated people, living for the most part in secular peace. Their only enemies were the hated Iraqis (geez, big surprise there). Now, they are a terrorist-sponsoring international pariah, full of repression and hate, and they are trying to develop nuclear weapons, probably to strike at Israel with (IMHO, this will sadly cause us to again take up the sword of justice and be branded as "meddlers" and "international cop" to prevent this).

We like Israel becaue in many ways they are like us. They also are strong, and care little for international opinion. They have also survived multiple invasions, and a never-ending tidal wave of internation spite and hatred. Good for them. They dont take any sh*t, and neither do we. They (like us) aren't perfect, but we are both trying to work things out from the inside, despite the efforts of our detractors.

As far as our culture and products are concerned, if you don't like it, don't buy it (or into it). We force nobody to buy anything. I know as an American, I can go out tonight an eat in French, Italian, Chinese, German, Thai, Poruguese, Mexican and Irish restaraunts within 10 minutes of my home. The same goes for international products. My house is littered with Japanese electronics, Canadian beer, Russian vodka, cloths from China, Singapore, and other oriental places, French wine and cheese, etc. Much of the food we buy during our winter months (especially fresh fruit and veggies) comes exclusively from South American destinations, where winter is warm. Russia and African countries export raw materials to us in vast amounts.

Should we stop buying your products because we dont like you? If we did, I wonder how it would affect your economy and quality of life? How many of you would fold and revert to anarchy? Go check out the economies of Libya and Iran, BTW. Reeaaaal powerhouses, I tell ya (despite being 2 of the worlds most oil-rich nations).

We do these things to stay strong and healthy.

YOU need us to be strong and healthy. Who else will bail you out when Russian reverts to communism or becomes a fascist state, and decides to "reclaim" lost territory and glory in western europe? Or maybe when China decides to "expand" its borders? Or when North Korea or Iran develop and product nuclear-armed ICBM's and decide they are going to blackmail you?

The neighborhood cop always takes alot of abuse for being a pushy oaf, but who do you call when you get in trouble, or who do you blame when he is not there to protect you when you needed him?

Us, thats who.....

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 12:43 PM
Thank you, Pyros, i can agree with most of what u said.

We should stop all foreign aid period. bring all US troops home. Period. Thus, terrorists will lose in legit reason to attack us, and, after that, will be attacking for petty stupid reasons. If they attack at all.

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 01:07 PM
the reason america is hated is correct, one of two reasons...

one; citizens are given the choice to be, good or otherwise...
capitalism actually prospers when citizens are not being all they can be...

two; the freedoms americans have are deemed not necessary when other nations are loosing the fight of life...

but my response; god bless us all. we are only human.
communism will not work...
capitalism will not work...
democracy may slow the unraveling...
theocracy may slow the soul...
seperate the two and allow men to make the inherent right choice...

posted on Sep, 12 2003 @ 12:36 PM
Why? Because we've been taking sides against whichever middle eastern country happens to suit our agenda at the time, for ages now! Our foreign policy has been, lend a hand to anyone who happens to be fighting those who we don't particularly like at the moment. Is it any wonder that these people aren't going to get pissed at us sometime? We've screwed them all over at one time or another, just by supplying arms and support to their enemies at times of battle. I only wish they'd attack those who really deserve it...our government.

posted on Sep, 12 2003 @ 12:48 PM

Why USA only, and not any other country?
Ask yourself this question....I have the answers, but I want to test your talent

The question itself is wrong...there are other countries so hated as well...Britain is chiefly among them, for supporting Isreal. While there are other issues as well, the primary reason for the hatred, is US support of Isreal, and it's failure to condemn Isreali response to terrorism (which they deem as terrorism on their own people, conveniently forgetting of course, that actions by Isreal are done in response to the terrorist attacks). Seems the Palestinians always have a bad sense of "cause and effect", hehe...

posted on Sep, 12 2003 @ 01:24 PM
The author of this short article states it the way it IS,no nonsense.

And saves me the time it would take to write basically the same thing.

posted on Sep, 12 2003 @ 01:34 PM
Without going to flamboyant digressions on 'value' issues...

I aim at the 'fundamental', live or die, aspect...

the answer is contained on this web site/page,,

my friends:
-->have been 'banned' in Arabia for neigh on a decade already...but 'barbies' may still be bought in the 'black market' inside Islamic States...would that make the US a despotic, great satan, and destroyer of peoples?..c.o.n.n.e.c.t.t.h.e.d.o.t.s...the 'nebulous' thread assertion, is as valid as theoreticals on democracy (actual or representative) or corporate greed or 'bankers' usury / fees / taxes / surcharges...etc etc etc

eh?...enjoy your journey

PS to alien signature: dat's cute...i'm impressed,
my 330 PC is a quaint ole steed, which may 'HAVE TO' retire soon.

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