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Why this war against USA?

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posted on Sep, 10 2003 @ 05:52 AM
Why USA only, and not any other country?
Ask yourself this question....I have the answers, but I want to test your talent.

posted on Sep, 10 2003 @ 05:59 AM

What war against the USA? If you mean terrorism in general it actually has struck the U.S. far less than most other countries. The U.S. has only been hit by foreign terrorists about 2 times in the past 10 years. Only once has it been a doozy, but it was a doozy. Terrorist attacks happen mainly in areas in and around the Middle East.

If you are talking about why is the U.S. the sole force invading other countries under the guise of stopping terrorism, you only need to look at who is in charge of the country. Total disregard for the opinion of other nations and disregard of just about every previous convention of war that was set up in the last 50 years. The U.S. can't be held accountable for war crimes and can hold prisoners in other countries so that they are far away from prying eyes, and thats only the beginning.

Anyway, your question is very vague and not well thought out.

posted on Sep, 10 2003 @ 06:01 AM
We test ourselves every day, and we'll decide if you really have the answers!

posted on Sep, 10 2003 @ 06:07 AM
Wow, you have the power to see into the hearts and minds of men? You have a 'secret insight' that allows you to decipher world events? To untangle complex issues of politics, economics, social interactions, prejudice, culture and religion?

Are you a prophet? A scholar? A philosopher? A messiah?

Tell us!

And after that, tell us why your syntax is so funny. Is English not your native language, or did you learn it through public education?

[Edited on 10-9-2003 by Mycroft]

posted on Sep, 10 2003 @ 06:09 AM
heelstone, your charges against this administration are incorrect, and not pertinent to the terrist assaults, assaults which number more than 2 in the last 10 years.

Our enemy is ideologically opposed to our concepts and principles. Democracy does not fit their way of life or religion.

Another reason we would be attacked is that, as the major power in the world and one that attempts to be a do-gooder throughout the world, people are going to blame their woes on us, whether or not our connection is real or merely a conspiratorial perception.

We also are allies with the only democracy in the region, Israel. It is the stated objected of the Arab nations to rid the world of a Jewishoccupied Israel. We stand in their way of going at the Israelis, or so they think.

posted on Sep, 10 2003 @ 06:18 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
heelstone, your charges against this administration are incorrect, and not pertinent to the terrist assaults, assaults which number more than 2 in the last 10 years.

Our enemy is ideologically opposed to our concepts and principles. Democracy does not fit their way of life or religion.

Another reason we would be attacked is that, as the major power in the world and one that attempts to be a do-gooder throughout the world, people are going to blame their woes on us, whether or not our connection is real or merely a conspiratorial perception.

We also are allies with the only democracy in the region, Israel. It is the stated objected of the Arab nations to rid the world of a Jewishoccupied Israel. We stand in their way of going at the Israelis, or so they think.

If you mean terrorist attacks outside the boundaries of the United States of America, like terrorist attacks in foreign countries, then yes, we have been attacked more. The U.S. mainland has been fairly free from attack.

posted on Sep, 10 2003 @ 06:25 AM

Originally posted by Alsaher
Why USA only, and not any other country?
Ask yourself this question....I have the answers, but I want to test your talent.

My answer is that:

It is US that stucks its ugly nose into others peoples business.. not the other way around..

People all over are mad at US as US is trying to dictate to the rest of the world what to do and there is also the US "cultural invasion" against other nations.. US forcing people to go to McDonalds and Drink Coca Cola.. and this is bad thing especially in Moslem nations.

posted on Sep, 10 2003 @ 06:35 AM

Originally posted by FULCRUM
...US forcing people to go to McDonalds and Drink Coca Cola...

Ummm....the US aren't forcing anyone to do anything of the sort. If people are going to Maccas and/or drinking Coke...its because they choose to do so.

Last time I looked there weren't little 'Ronald McDonald' Hit-Squads rounding people up and dragging them off to McDs.

posted on Sep, 10 2003 @ 07:07 AM
Well america has been known for attacking, bombing many countries, supporting terrorism(not the middle eastern ones you ppl are thinking of) Also, they hate countries that do not do as they say, they want everyone to embrace capitalism and democracy which can never happen or shouldn't happen in some parts of the world... I'm sorry I'm not very good at this so feel free to flame my post up.

posted on Sep, 10 2003 @ 07:16 AM

Originally posted by alien

Originally posted by FULCRUM
...US forcing people to go to McDonalds and Drink Coca Cola...

Ummm....the US aren't forcing anyone to do anything of the sort. If people are going to Maccas and/or drinking Coke...its because they choose to do so.

Last time I looked there weren't little 'Ronald McDonald' Hit-Squads rounding people up and dragging them off to McDs.

But, if most of the "target nations" population doesnt what these things there to begin with is it right to impose these on sake of 2% that MUST have this..?

And to offend the remaining 98%?

posted on Sep, 10 2003 @ 07:18 AM
actually there is more than the USA slightly like england,israel,spain,italy,yugoslavia,russia.but to the new extended REMIX the rapp just goes to USA maybe another phase of timeline they will reset straight and start from the egypt,turkey,greece,italy,france,spain,england and to usa. now a day either muslim country or christian country is not the priority course they are working together.
so in the future the attack will be a wide range of this global like MOTHER SHIPTON says remember the silver dragon you cant find it anywhere around this world but it will find you to where ever you meant even to a new advanced technologies it will be doom to the NWO

posted on Sep, 10 2003 @ 07:26 AM

Originally posted by FULCRUM
But, if most of the "target nations" population doesnt what these things there to begin with is it right to impose these on sake of 2% that MUST have this..?

And to offend the remaining 98%?

...not only haven't I seen Ronald McDonald Hit-Squads rounding up anyone...I also haven't seen Hamburglar Invasion Squads storming into any countries, capturing land and building their next base of operations...otherwise known as a McDs restuarant.

Instead...any chain restuarant is a such, once again, there is no-one imposing a dang thing...

posted on Sep, 10 2003 @ 07:31 AM
Alien, i am seriously starting to think that you are actually one of them.

Picture this: McDonalds at Mecca..

It is as good as having a Chinese restaurant with red stars in white house lawn..

US should really be "little" more sensitive

posted on Sep, 10 2003 @ 07:38 AM
That may clarify why they dislike the US so much.
Be Warned,It's a long article,but a good read and worth the time,the rest of the site is good too.
Knowing exactly why is a hard question to answer,if you asked one faction thay would say something different than another,there are no short answers to the question..
IMHO it is just history repeating itself because people have forgotten how they arived at the point which they now find themselves.
Human nature does not change.

posted on Sep, 10 2003 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by FULCRUM
Alien, i am seriously starting to think that you are actually one of them.

...and I'm starting to thing your dislike for America is blinding you to the obvious absurdity of what you are saying...

Picture this: McDonalds at Mecca..

It is as good as having a Chinese restaurant with red stars in white house lawn..

...I doubt you'd see a Chinese Restuarant on the White House lawn...why...because the White House has a say in what gets put on its lawn. Strangely enough. If however there was to be a 'Golden Bowl' Take-away on the White House lawn, I would assume it was there because it was allowed to be so...

US should really be "little" more sensitive

...once again...HOW is the US being insensitive??? What exactly has the US got to do with a Macca's franchise restuarant opening anywhere in the world?? Very little actually...

posted on Sep, 10 2003 @ 08:09 AM
Alien, take my word for it: Corporations have everything to do with "freedom"..

When we are talking about freedom of people, it actually should "say": freedom of American corporations to expand their markets..

posted on Sep, 10 2003 @ 08:18 AM
...and what, pray tell, is wrong with expanding markets?? Business can only really expand within a viable market...that of course is the nature of business...

Once again...if the people don't want it, as you state, the business will not be in business for very long and cease to exist...

...there is no Conspiracy of Global Domination involving hamburgers and large fries to go...there is no secret Shadow Take-over by militant Colonel Sanders chicken-troops...

...simple business...nothing more...

posted on Sep, 10 2003 @ 08:47 AM
They should just franchise Mecca. Then we can put a little mecca on the white house lawn. We could even have mecca playgrounds at select McDonalds(tm). We could even have the Mecca Bar and Grill with their special funky cold madinas.

All seriousness aside. The dehumanization of humanity is on. We need people willing to sell their souls for some inked paper. This offer ends soon, order now!

As for coporations, I think we need more laws that protect corporations from individuals. We haven't quite got the equalibrium yet. We are currently at 15% taxes for corporations and 30% tax for individuals. I'd say the government likes corporations twice as much as individuals. Now I'm sad.

posted on Sep, 10 2003 @ 09:06 AM
First of all, people in other countries dont give a damn about US freedom and democracy, they dont hate that, they hate US goverment because its them who trained Taliban, its them who destroyed democracy movement in Iran and put Shah as supreme ruler, its because US gave Sadam Iraq to fight Iran, its because US supported dictators in South America, orchestrated Coup in Chile, thrown Nicaragua into cilvil war... I think I should stop here.
"Enemies" dont give a sh*t about your right to keep a gun under your pillow, or strip a women to advertize every single damn thing on TV. They hate you because you took them the right to decide for themselves what they want.

Now, to McDonalds.... one of the major conditions to get finantial and economic ald from the West is to open your market to foreign investors. I have seen it happen in my land. You dont get any help unless you let big companies buy off your market. Now, Coke is in every single store, adds are on streets (drink coke, drink coke, all the cool people drink coke), TV, newpapers. The local companies making fizzy drinks dont stand a chance now... they go bancrupt, and Coke shareholders have money to build their 16th house and buy their 25th car.
The very foundation of western capitalism doeans allow 3rd world countries to develop their economy simply because the foreign countries have bought off every sinle valuable thing including the market in general. The local population doesnt benefit at all ( Venecuela is one of the poorest countries in the world, although it one of the oil-richest countries). The only countries who escaped this destiny are Japan, Korea, Taiwan, simply because the State there controls the import of foreign capital, keeps in to minimum. Thats why you have Cars from Korea, TVs from Japan etc.

posted on Sep, 10 2003 @ 09:28 AM
It seems that the US may have picked up where britain left off after WWII nearly destroted them.
The countries that britain dominated and exploited have seen it before,they see America doing the same thing the british did in the past,and they don't like it any more than they liked it when the british did it.
And yes,it is about business,but it has to do with how you want to do business.If you come into a country and tell tham you want to do business with them,but you are not willing to make it worth their while,you get a revolt eventually and have to crush it or be more fair in your business practices.
If you are greedy,you crush it.
If you decide to be fair,everyone benefits.
Business as usual,"GREED"as usual.
Get realigned with the flow of history,it has been a long time coming and you don't learn what you need to know in school unless you want to know more than they teach you.
Aquiring Knowledge is the responsibility of those who want to know the truth,who have the common sense to put it together.I am by no means a genius,but I do know that people don't develope over one life time,and unfortunately that fact is used by those in power to deny or eliminate past events in history for their own profit.

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