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Climate Change Severely Effecting the Artic

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posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 07:49 AM
The Artic's climate is the proverbial canary in the coal mine for global weather and that canary is dieng of lung cancer. Take note, it's worse than most have presumed.

Canadian researchers say lakes and wetlands in Alaska's Kenai Peninsula are drying at a significant rate due to global warming.

Scientists note the rate of temperature increase from 1976 to the present has been greater than at any other time during the last 1,000 years.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

More snow-free days each decade have led to the warmest Alaska summer temperatures in 400 years, according to a paper authored by Fairbanks scientists with data from colleagues in several fields. source

Continuation of current trends in shrub and tree expansion could further amplify this atmospheric heating 2-7 times. source

Apocalypse Now-How Mankind Is Sleepwalking to the End of the Earth


More artic maps, graphs and info here:

Famine is coming unless severe changes are made.

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 11:02 AM
Yes, I´ve read it too.

It seems that a record loss of sea ice in the Arctic this summer has convinced scientists that the northern hemisphere may have crossed a critical threshold beyond which the climate may never recover. Scientists fear that the Arctic has now entered an irreversible phase of warming which will accelerate the loss of the polar sea ice that has helped to keep the climate stable for thousands of years.
Source: Independent

Picture source and further information on glaciers

Over the course of a survey, which ran from from 1978 to 2000, about 1.2 million square kilometers of supposedly permanent ice melted away -- more than the total area of Ontario.
Source: Read it all

According to Indian Scientists, the cause of Tsunami is earth’s melting of permafrost in artic circle due to global warming, adding many more global landslides and earthquakes are possible.

According to these scientists we may be experiencing similar phenomenon where all on a sudden tectonic movements devastate the world.

The tsunami that happened was caused by an earthquake along a 600 mile fault line that got displaced. That is not common. It really never happened in recent history of the world
Source: India Daily

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 04:39 PM
This may sound callous but maybe a Famine is what we need to wake us up?

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 05:09 PM
Yep sardion - does sound callous. But hey - know you're not.

More of same:

Alaska landscape transformed by warmer climate
ANCHORAGE, Sept. 28 — Sinking villages perched on thawing permafrost, an explosion of timber-chewing insect populations, record wildfires and shrinking sea ice are among the most obvious and jarring signs that Alaska is getting warmer as the global climate changes, scientists say.

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 05:14 PM
It is a shame that many people out there think that Global Warming is only a scare tactic to promote personal agendas.

It is hard for people to 'wake up' when they have been shown so much disinfo they don't know what is true or false anymore.

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 07:08 PM
In the whole history of Earth humans have just been on for a secound and already were changing the weather, climat and making drastic effects on the planet. The stupid government is all about the short term effects and they dont see what could very easily come a reality, mass global fluiding and the possibility of another ice age!

posted on Sep, 29 2005 @ 05:16 PM
I would expect an extended summer/fall season in this regards to artic melt and is the coming months are forecasted to be above average temperatures. Perhaps even go as far as saying to expect an Gulf hurricane in November/December.

Seasonal Outlook for Oct, Nov, Dec - Temperature

external image
More long range forecasts here:

Recent News Articles

Fears over climate as Arctic ice melts at record level
· Coverage is 20% below average for time of year
· Destructive cycle could affect Earth's weather
Satellite pictures show that the extent of Arctic sea ice this month dipped some 20% below the long term average for September - melting an extra 500,000 square miles, or an area twice the size of Texas.

Arctic: Sea Ice Melting Faster; Air Temperatures Rising Sharply
The observations showed 2.06 million square miles of sea ice as late as Sept. 19. That's the lowest measurement of Arctic sea ice cover ever recorded, the researchers said. It's also 20 percent less than the average of end-of-summer ice pack cover measurements recorded since 1978.

The Arctic is melting faster then ever

"We see global warming hitting every corner of the planet," says Jennifer Morgan, Director of the WWFClimate Change Programme. "The rapid melting of Arctic Sea ice should send shivers up the spine of political leaders, spurring them to commit to the deep emissions reductions necessary to slow down this melting in the future."

Sea Ice Decline Intensifies

All four years are well below the long-term 1979-2000 climatology, which is shown in black (daily climatology values interpolated from monthly means). From July through the beginning of August, the 2005 extent was consistently 1 million square kilometers (360,000 miles) below the long-term mean, and 500,000 square kilometers below the previous three low years. By September 2005, the trend slowed to just below the previous low year in 2002. However, after mid-September, the ice began to melt again, only stopping on September 21. This means that the 2005 minimum came later than any year in the satellite record.

Study: Oceans becoming more acidic
They have found the level of carbon dioxide in the ocean has increased 50 per cent in the past 100 years and they predict it will double again in the next 50 years.

Perhaps the oil supply dilemma is a blessing in diguise, but in any event current standards of living will be changed in some form or another.

[edit on 29-9-2005 by Regenmacher]


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