posted on Sep, 30 2005 @ 03:41 PM
There was recently & still currently a flap over how he lost 92 pounds in 13 months.
A flap?
1. A flat, usually thin piece attached at only one side.
2. A projecting or hanging piece usually intended to double over and protect or cover: the flap of an envelope.
3. The act of waving or fluttering: the flap of the flag in the wind.
4. The sound produced by this motion.
5. A blow given with something flat; a slap.
6. A variable control surface on the trailing edge of an aircraft wing, used primarily to increase lift or drag.
7. Either of the folded ends of a book jacket that fit inside the front and back covers.
8. Medicine. Tissue that has been partially detached and used in surgical grafting to fill an adjacent defect or cover the cut end of a bone after
8. Linguistics. A sound articulated by a single, quick touch of the tongue against the teeth or alveolar ridge, as (t) in water. Also called tap1.
9. Informal. A commotion or disturbance: a flap in Congress over the defense budget.
Ah...number 9 it is! Where was and is this flap happening? In what world?