posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 09:11 AM
I saw an edition of "weird US" on the history channel.
They were talking about the "Beale Papers," a hoax that caused an uproar in the 1880's. It was supposedly a code using the declaration of
Can you say "story concept for American Treasure?" I knew you could.
Well I have an urge to do something like that with the estate we leave my kids. I think it'd be hilarious, the thought of them digging up the garden
after me and the Mrs. are gone.
But I think Frau Dr. would not approve of torturing the kiddos that way. But everyone love a mystery, don't they.
The other thing I notice is that the originator of the hoax, Ward, sold pamplets of the cryptograms and made a profit. hmmmm.
so, anybody want to try to build a hoax we can cash in on???