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Check Out This Bizarre Local News Article Featuring Fluoride

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posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 11:43 PM

The link above is local news from DC, it caught my eye because of the fluoride component, but as I read the thing, I was astounded by the contradiction I saw. The article is ABOUT fluoride in the drinking water, but the second to last sentence says explicity, "we're not using fluoride to treat the drinking water. Instead, it's used to prevent tooth decay."

What the hell?

Simple typo? Outright lie? If so, which is the lie? Or is it just semantics? Do they mean the fluoride is not necessary to make the water drinkable? If that's what they're saying, they're absolutely right. Quite the opposite...

This article really makes me wonder. Anyone else got anything to add, or another news article recently that has done the exact same thing, contradicting itself explicitly?

Wierd, in any case, so I thought I'd share. The fluoride shortage is also sort of interesting, but the main question I have is the reportage surrounding it.

posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 12:01 AM
screw the chemical companies and their flouride too.

I only drink filtered water anyways and so do alot of people.

what are the facts concerning flouride ? the good vs bad. like , how are other countries doing , without it. perhaps they're doing as well without flouride as they had without sugar [ before the diabetes sets in, eh ? ]

um...and it's NOT a contradiction. altho the water gets infused with flouride , it is not needed in order to drink it. the water wasn't contaminated [ of course it is NOW ! DUH ! ]

kinda like adding some oil to your gas so the oil gets to lube the upper part of the cylinder head....the oil isn't needed [ in the fuel ] to get power . the oil piggybacks on the fuel to get to a certain target area

posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 12:59 AM
I just saw a fabulous post on flouride

go check it out

like this ?

[edit on 27-9-2005 by toasted]

posted on Sep, 29 2005 @ 11:52 AM
This topic has been tlaked about before, Flouride has been shown to reduce the brain's ability to function.

It's for preventing tooth decay? more like dumbing down the masses.

We need water, and the gov knows that.

posted on Sep, 29 2005 @ 04:21 PM
argh i knew they are trying somethign on us and i bet its not just the water they include mind dumbing down chems didnt they find the same thing in cola, funny how its addictive. alcohol tabaco too seem to knumb my mind so i steer clear.

anyway does any know if they have conducted studies on filtered water and the content level of flouride in it? also mineral water but that may be a safer zone seeing as govt dont own their companies

posted on Sep, 29 2005 @ 04:53 PM
"I only drink filtered water anyways and so do alot of people. "

flouride can't be removed by most commercial filters I'm afraid

posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 03:36 PM
Could some people be immune to the dumbing down effect of Flouride I wonder?

It has never affected me in a substantial way.

It sure would explain a lot if it were true - of course I am still skeptical.

At the very least their is a valid carcinogen issue to consider with flouride.

posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 04:15 PM

In one of the studies reviewed for the PHS report, scientists at the National Cancer Institute evaluated the relationship between the fluoridation of drinking water and the number of deaths due to cancer in the United States during a 36-year period, and the relationship between water fluoridation and number of new cases of cancer during a 15-year period. After examining more than 2.2 million cancer death records and 125,000 cancer case records in counties using fluoridated water, the researchers found no indication of increased cancer risk associated with fluoridated drinking water (5).

And don’t forget to read the “Wackiest Fluoride Conspiracy ever

[edit on 4-10-2005 by HowardRoark]

posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by You Get Served
anyway does any know if they have conducted studies on filtered water and the content level of flouride in it? also mineral water but that may be a safer zone seeing as govt dont own their companies

I haven't seen any. I did a bit of research on this at the beginning of the year and found that it is chemically possible for fluoride to be removed with a reverse osmosis treatment, but done on a large scale..I would doubt the effectiveness. Personal Reverse Osmosis filters are a nice chunk of change, but then you still don't really know.

I even went so far as to look around for a water test that could give me percentages and specifics.....but wouldn't you know it....they don't seem to be available. Funny that. In my logic, however, I wouldn't expect to see them offered on a commercial scale for the subtle reasons......almost an implicit admission that water should be checked. What would happen if people became concerned about their water? They may just want to tug on the threads......which I happen to support......

If anyone here could assist in that regard, the information would be highly prized....I have alot of testing I would like to do.....

Originally posted by WyrdeOne
Simple typo? Outright lie? If so, which is the lie? Or is it just semantics? Do they mean the fluoride is not necessary to make the water drinkable? If that's what they're saying, they're absolutely right. Quite the opposite...

Nice catch, WyrdeOne. You are one hundred perccent correct regarding the seeming audacity of the news release. Really makes me wonder as well. Of course something like this could just be written off as a typo, to officially appease those literate enough to understand, but I wouldn't be surprised if the 'typo' was intentional.

I am of the opinion that the major news medias are indeed in the business to control the information outflow for the status-quo. Which is why I find it ironic that they are usually the only media outlets that are given the stamp of credibility.

Originally posted by WyrdeOne
The fluoride shortage is also sort of interesting, but the main question I have is the reportage surrounding it. that you mention it...I would think that the reporting of a fluoride shortage is an interesting bit of the 'may-bes'.......In my estimation, anything reported as being in short supply carries with it an implicit suggestion that it is indeed necassary and it will be procurred soon....

Kind of makes me think that the term "shortage" may be a media many people are going to analyze the news article like we have here? Especially when the article is

a) Fairly short
b) Full of subtle nuances thaht seem to suggest that fluoride is benefitial and necassary....with the addition of the oft repeated myth that fluoride helps tooth decay.

Spooky suspicious in my mind, but I do make concession that I am over exaggerating the piece.....despite the fact that I have seen many interesting articles that suggest fluoride is responsible for the disruption of healthy throidic hormone interaction with the body..(with physical application towards metabolic rates/assimilation...physical development which in my mind is a red flag since it has the capacity to subtly interfere with the maturation processes of our youth and in turn affect thier liklihood for mental attenuations...and even mental activity; China conducted a study at some point showing a decrease in I.Q. with fluoridated children as opposed to a control group.)

This is one of those conspiracies that in my mind is highly underrated. For all intents and purposes, this would count as forced medication. The inconsistency of the application (how many people come into contact with fluoride/varying levels of fluoride ingestion/differences in metabolic assimilations) only suggests to me that it is meant as a long-term. But long-term what? Dental Hygiene of the future generations? Yeah...because the government is really that concerned with our pearly whites.....something is definately going on there in my opinion....


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