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Writers Wanted for Writing Workshop

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posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 11:15 PM
School distracts me from ATS sometimes these days, but when I can I'd love to help with writing workshops. I'm looking forward to getting into some of that.

posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 11:34 PM
I do NOT want to dampen ANY enthusiasm here but I have to bring a little reality of the business of the site to play here...

I LOVE this idea and think it is way overdue as well (15,000 points to nikelbee for setting it in motion

BUT (there's always a but eh?) we can't have folks with "official looking" signatures with "councilor" in it. That is potentially confusing to the members seeing as how we have a "Member Council".

Also, it's best to stay away from terms like "enforced by", or anything disciplinary/authoritative sounding, again WorldWatcher is the Moderator here and we don't want any confusion about that at all.
Trust me, she works HARD for you all.

If WorldWatcher will bring us the "document" for approval, she'll make sure it's "Topped" and "Flagged" in the forum for all to see.

Again, I LOVE IT we just have to mind the "P's" and "Q's".
Heck I might even take part in it if I ever get any free time.


posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 06:18 AM
Hello everyone,

I'm glad the workshop is getting off the ground and also getting a lot of support and enthusiasm from members and mods alike. Thanks for that.
It will be great to be able to sink our teeth into some real work soon.

My idea for having the workshops run as smoothly as possible, is to get a small committee together to collaborate on rules and regulations and the nitty gritty of submissions. Once this is done, I don't foresee a lot of work left, except the occassional change or additional tweak. Really, if done correctly, we shouldn't have to do too much and the workshop should run on it's own, fuelled by the work of the writers that is, because without it, no matter how many great ideas, it won't go anywhere.

I think too many people collaborating the rules will mean we may spend hours/days/weeks even coming up (and discarding) regulations.

My suggestion is we choose 5 people to sit on the writer's organisation committee. This will in NO way have anything to do with stories or writing ability. This is to iron out and come up with a rota for 1. chairs 2. submissions. 3. submission lengths 4. format, exercises, etc...

Ideally we could invite a mod as well to weigh in with ideas and suggestions of their own as well as the DISC councillor, BUT if this proves to take up too much time, maybe just review our guidelines when we are finished with them.

Once the rules are in place we will submit them for approval and suggestions - and once that is done (deep breathe) we can start the business of writing.

Just to recap about the workshop

1. EVERYONE who wants to take part of the actual 'writing workshop' should say so - we need to know how many peope are interested

2. EVERYONE will have a chance to chair a workshop - rotating chairs they are usually called.

3. EVERYONE will be required to participate, perhaps not every week, for those with time committments, but as often as they can. It is unfair to show up when your piece is being reviewed and never for anyone else's.

4. EVERYONE is invited to join the writing workshop despite expertise and experience

Finally - thanks for the points Springer
I agree completely about the 'councillor' title. I prefer to think of it as a working committee.

I think perhaps 5 people tops with the addition of a Mod (either hands-on or in name) and the DISC councillor to sit on the rules and regulations committee.

I would like to nominate myself to be part of the organisation if no one minds. Jeremiah25 has also expressed interest, i'll leave it up to him if he wants to nominate himself.

That leaves 3 slots. If I could make one more suggestion... if you want to help take part in the working bits of the workshop, please ensure you have enough time and energy to dedicate to setting things up and also ideally some experience with organising groups or partaking in workshops.

Good ideas Mr Wupy! I like the writing tools and suggestions for contests and submissions. I think that's excellent and we should celebrate and support these attempts.

And thanks for the move to short story Worldwatcher, I didn't realise other people couldn't contribute to it.

I have hopes for this project. We have a talented community of writers and it will be great to work together with all of you.

[edit on 28-9-2005 by nikelbee]

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 06:51 AM

Originally posted by nikelbee

...enough time and energy to dedicate to setting things up and also ideally some experience with organising groups or partaking in workshops.

While I certainly have enough time, I have not had much experience participating in workshops of this type. I do, however, have a lot of experience in planning, gained as a supervisor during my career (now retired).

How I could possibly help is a mystery to me, but I am willing to participate.

Please consider me as a 'back up' should you fall short of candidates.

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 09:47 AM
Much to my shame, I have something of a penchant for bureaucracy, so if nobody is chomping at the bit to get onto the comittee to help organize the workshop, I wouldn't mind being a part of it.

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 09:48 AM

Count me in, Nik.

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 09:59 AM
I've not much experience governing things---but I can offer expertise as far as poetry--if there was enough interest I could do something beneficial as far as taking a turn leading the workshop.

Other than that, I'm just here to participate.

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 12:45 PM
Excellent Masqua and Queenie - so that leaves one more person, or two, if you want to stretch it to 6. I think any more than that might prove excessive.

Again this is for people who are interesting in setting up the workshop and its rules, not leading it or submitting stories - that is open to everyone.

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 12:47 PM
Sorry Vagabond, I didn't mean to overlook you - that makes 5. Do we have one more?

Going once... going twice... *pounds little hammer*

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 01:09 PM
this sounds great. I am a little bit busy so I can't do much now, but as time allows I will be as active in it as possible.

I've been wanting something like this for a while, I just never could find one. Never thought to create one.

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 03:22 PM
My appologies (you know who you are)

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 06:14 PM
Hi Guys

As you know I absolutely support the idea of Writer's Workshop, however after reading a few of the posts, I've noticed that the while the intention is good, the method isn't quite what works best here.

No committees, no special titles, none of that frilly stuff is needed. Anyone with the "Writer" tag should be able to participate in all aspects of this workshop, from suggestions, criticism to participation.

I'm not ruling out any possibility about a committee in the future or something more alongs the lines you suggest Nickelbee, but I think we need to at least try out one or two workshops before making any decisions as to how to proceed from there on.

Time limits are very hard to work with, so I suggest that individual workshops should run for a minimum of 2 weeks.

As you know I will have contest for October (the Halloween Contest) is one of our more popular writing contests, so I would advise from adding additional writing deadlines to our members and writers. I also try to provide some sort of mini contest if not a full one every other month at least.

I nominate you Nickelbee to prepare the first workshop, Brodband can start the second after the completion of the first and so on. This should be of course by voluntary basis and We can still have a rotating chair however we don't need a committee. If you need someone to organize this...well you have me.

As for the what the workshop should start with, well I recommend readdressing some of our earlier submissions. Pick an aspect you would like to work on and then review the story. All members who have shown interest in participation can then write reviews of course or whatever the program calls for.

Now for criticism, I feel that anyone willing to share their writings with us on a public board are also willing to accept criticism both good and bad. However I do ask that when offering criticism, we remember the terms and conditions of the site and criticize the story, not the writer. No special rules are neccessary, criticism will be moderated just like any other post found throughout the site.

Don't get tied up with all the rules and planning and formalization, it will not work, just get writing and start the first workshop. We will revist the concept from time to time depending on the response and participation.

and btw, my writings are open to full inspection and criticism if you need a starting point to jump from.

[edit on 9-28-2005 by worldwatcher]

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 07:25 PM
Hehehehehehe....I was beginning to feel like i'd become party to a coup. I got to admit though, the last 24 hours were quite a ride.

OK everyone, lets all just settle down and take a deep breath and see where we stand. Lets also pray that those still in power aren't folowers of Machavelli and come riding after our heads

I think the new DISC councilor will go a long way to solving allot of the problems that we've just discussed and more smoothly implement the plans being hatched. Hopefully the elections will come soon and we can see how that angle might go.

All i'm saying is perhaps we should attempt to work within the present power structure before we attempt to overthrow it. The results may surprise us all.

If I become DISC councilor I will do everything I can to make sure our plans are brought to fruition. Seekerof has been here allot longer than me and has allot more experiance, he'll be tough to beat.

Love and light my friends,


[edit on 28-9-2005 by mrwupy]

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 07:50 PM
This is definately what i've been looking for. Since i got into writing about two years ago, i've been looking for a place to get some ideas and help on some of my stories, as well as writing techniques. i'm definately in

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 07:51 PM
It is admirable that you've set out to help those of us who would aspire to be writers. I feel you may add some preliminary instruction by directing your readers to an online treasure - The Elements of Style by Strunk & White.

Ask any writer about its value. It is a Writer’s Bible. There is a free copy to be read here:

Hope you enjoy it.

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by FEMA
It is admirable that you've set out to help those of us who would aspire to be writers. I feel you may add some preliminary instruction by directing your readers to an online treasure - The Elements of Style by Strunk & White.

Ask any writer about its value. It is a Writer’s Bible. There is a free copy to be read here:

Hope you enjoy it.

We have a new thread FEMA that consists of writing tools. We can list the tools we use and preview them for other writers who want to work together and share what they have found and learned along the way.

I think you should list this there. It was wonderful of you to have shared it.

Love and light,


posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 08:00 PM
Please forgive me, I was unaware of the other thread.

Just an old columnist.

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by mrwupy
If I become DISC councilor I will do everything I can to make sure our plans are brought to fruition.

Gee wupy, are you running for DISC councilor or something?

I cannot wait for the Halloween contest. We don't really celebrate Halloween here in Oz but it is beginning to catch on. Last year we had a bunch of neighbourhood kids come to the door in costumes but nobody had any candy. This year I must remember not to disappoint the children.

I also have a really scary story I've been saving for just such a contest.

posted on Sep, 29 2005 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by worldwatcher
Hi Guys

As you know I absolutely support the idea of Writer's Workshop, however after reading a few of the posts, I've noticed that the while the intention is good, the method isn't quite what works best here.

No committees, no special titles, none of that frilly stuff is needed. Anyone with the "Writer" tag should be able to participate in all aspects of this workshop, from suggestions, criticism to participation.

My intention regarding the committee (sans frilly title) was for working on rules which I think are needed, as I have a feeling an adhoc workshop will fall apart. People need guidelines. It was never to exclude anyone from writing or critiquing, or even from making suggestions - far from it.

...This should be of course by voluntary basis and We can still have a rotating chair however we don't need a committee. If you need someone to organize this...well you have me.

Don't get tied up with all the rules and planning and formalization, it will not work, just get writing and start the first workshop. We will revist the concept from time to time depending on the response and participation.

Sorry worldwatcher - I don't agree with this, but this is your forum, so I leave the decision to you. I would be happy if you could list at least some brief guidelines that we can then alter if need be in the future, but simply to assume it is just like any other post would preclude this being a true writing workshop. I hope you understand I am not being difficult on purpose. I will respectfully state my objection, but if that is how you say this will go, there is not much I can say about it.

That being said - I'll probably post something by Monday, I hope people are still keen to participate, I'll outline what the writing exercise is and then post it. After that you are free to post either something you have written on the subject that best exemplifies it - or maybe something new just for the occassion. If you have already posted a story here that already fits the theme, then less work for you
Make sure it relates though - if the topic is on the best way to write about monkeys, a story on the first time you kissed someone is not going to work - unless it was a monkey of course
then that would *really* be interesting.

As this is our first 'exercise' do you think 1000 words is long enough? Or should we just say 2000 words max and if you want to write 500 fine but nothingover the limit? As much as I go on about guidelines, some flexibility *is* necessary. Also, I forgot to say this before but workshops are great not only for all the reasons everyone has listed, but because you feel like you are working, if you know what I mean - great for those long writer block days or when you don't feel you are accomplishing anything. If the exercise makes you write and you don't feel like posting it that's fine too. You can hold on to it and post something else. Does that sound fair to everyone?

Okie - I'm back to my boring project. See you all on the weekend.

posted on Sep, 29 2005 @ 07:16 AM
However we proceed, what has already been accomplished is a step forward, and I happily anticipate the exercise we are about to begin. I know my writing needs polishing and there seems to be a large number of excellent writers already posting in ATS, some who have, as yet, not ventured into Collaborative Fiction.
It could be that a workshop will lure them to active participation.

We already have Worldwatcher and Springer backing this effort and that is a leap forward. If the workshop gains popularity, through the success of noticably improved writing skills among participants, then it will evolve as needed.

Time is on our side, nikelbee, as are the forces which mold ATS. What you will choose as the first exercise intrigues me...

One small step for writers, one giant leap for ATS

btw...chimps have atrocious breath

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