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Hanger 18 aliens not realy aliens at all?

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posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 07:32 AM
In a previos post, a reply came in about the aliens of hanger 18.

Actually I know the truth about the little green men in building 18 under control of the Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory (AMRL) and why they were hidden. A person I know was in charge of handling the little green men as well as in charge of keeping them hidden. The little men were were dyed green and kept in a laboratory freezer in area B. When ufo organizations asked to inspect building 18 those organizations were taken to building 18 in area C where they of course found nothing. Oh I forgot to mention that our little greem wern't men at all, they were baboons used to test a human centrifuge and they were dyed green in order to make microscope slides from various parts of thier anatomy for examination by AMRL scientists.
If this was the case why would they hide them from ufo investigators you might ask. They were not hiding them from the ufo people. They were hiding them from the animal cruelty lobby that objected to the use of animals in testing. Since this is ATS I have no expectation that anyone will believe this explanation, but the above is entire truth as it was told to me many years ago by a source that I trust completely.

As you can see, he has no falters in his typing, suggesting that he is telling the truth. Does anyone here have any thoughts on the subject?
Questions, comments, concerns?

posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 09:35 AM
If this is in reference to the bodies pulled from the Roswell wreckage...then...they weren't green they were grey. I am unaware of any instance where people claim to have collected actual green bodies.

And the eye witness descriptions paint a vastly different picture to that of green baboons. Some are very detailed and most of the eye witnesses would be able to tell the difference between a green baboon and whatever it was that seems to have been recovered from the wreckage.

According to the story, the wreckage and bodies were only stored at Hanger 18 for a brief period . By the time UFO researchers got around to looking at the Hanger there would be nothing left to see anyway, so why send them off to "Area C" Hanger 18?

How exactly does having "no falters in his writing" suggest that he is telling the truth? It only suggests he payed attention during English class at school.

[edit on 26-9-2005 by shorty]

posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 10:33 AM
Hi ketoes13, could you please provide a link to the quote in your initial post.



posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 01:05 PM
here is the link.'

[edit on 26-9-2005 by sanctum]

posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 01:14 PM
By the way, the aliens weren't from roswell. Actualy, you have brought up a very good question. Where did the "aliens" in hanger 18 come from if they weren't baboons?

posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by ketoes13
By the way, the aliens weren't from roswell.

As far as I know, the only aliens rumoured to be taken to Hanger 18 were those from Roswell.

If they (and it's the conspiracy theorists with the craziest explainations?) why hasn't it all come out in the open yet? Stories much worse than dead baboons have been released in the last few years and it isn't as if some dyed green baboons would be the icing on the cake.

posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 01:26 PM
shorty has a point there. I mean, WPAFB has been pressed about this many times and they have refused to let on to anything. By the way, wasn't roswell in arizona?

posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 01:34 PM
It sounds a bit like this story mentioned on the liquid soap hoax site.

Authorities in 1953 found three dazed young men on a Georgia back road, the headlights of their truck illuminating a 2-foot hairless humanoid creature lifeless on the road. The Air Force and a horde of reporters descended.

The truth was one of the boys, wagering he could land himself in the newspaper, had purchased a Capuchin monkey at a pet shop, cruelly chloroformed it, shaved its hair and chopped its tail. Voilà: instant alien.

This story has been circulating around for years ( at least since '53). I originally heard that the young men were Ga. Tech students. LOL

The state crime lab in Atlanta used to have the poor monkey's carcass on display in a jar of formaldehyde......I saw it on a class trip in the 70's.

posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 01:41 PM
I can kind of see how you can get that idea, but I don't think that this is the same thing.

posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by ketoes13
By the way, wasn't roswell in arizona?

No, New Mexico.

Spot the difference.

posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 08:06 PM
lol shorty. That was so funny I forgot to laugh. jj. It was kind of funny in that odd sort of way.

posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by ketoes13

As you can see, he has no falters in his typing, suggesting that he is telling the truth.

My name is helium3 i give birth to green monkeys, i did falter ? i must be telling the truth . My point is you can NEVER EVER tell if someone is telling the truth by they typing.

posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 08:21 PM
dude, I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I realise that I made a mistake. Only about THREE other people have pointed that out to me!


posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by ketoes13
In a previos post, a reply came in about the aliens of hanger 18.

Actually I know the truth about the little green men in building 18 under control of the Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory (AMRL) and why they were hidden. A person I know was in charge of handling the little green men as well as in charge of keeping them hidden. The little men were were dyed green and kept in a laboratory freezer in area B. When ufo organizations asked to inspect building 18 those organizations were taken to building 18 in area C where they of course found nothing. Oh I forgot to mention that our little greem wern't men at all, they were baboons used to test a human centrifuge and they were dyed green in order to make microscope slides from various parts of thier anatomy for examination by AMRL scientists.
If this was the case why would they hide them from ufo investigators you might ask. They were not hiding them from the ufo people. They were hiding them from the animal cruelty lobby that objected to the use of animals in testing. Since this is ATS I have no expectation that anyone will believe this explanation, but the above is entire truth as it was told to me many years ago by a source that I trust completely.

Since you are quoting my post, I will add some context. I have no knowledge about the roswell aliens one way or another and the events above are in no way intended refute the roswell aliens. The events I detailed above were told to me around the time that the movie "Hangar 18" was released. Shortly after the movie played in theaters various ufo related groups picketed the gates at wpafb demanding access to the aliens because someone had mistaken the baboons for aliens and leaked it to these groups.

posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 09:15 PM
So were these baboons shaved? Would that help explain why people could mistake them for aliens? I still think even a shaved green baboon would be easy to identify.

posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 09:16 PM
interesting. can you refer your info source here so the mods will get off my back?

posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 09:32 PM
That reminds me of the headlines on the game 'Destroy All Humans'.
If you, playing the role of a grey clone, ever die or get caught in public, the headlines spin that Police caught a rabid Monkey and took it away for quarantine.

Sounds like a cover story really. I doubt the military might today would really care about upholding a secret of some monkeys being tested on 50 years ago when many places today still openly test on animals.

So far the Roswell aliens have been: Monkeys, dummy's, rag dolls, retarded children, japanese POWs after Nazi tests and a few more things - basically, everything expect an Alien has been reported as the REAL catch and after all these years they still can't prove a solid alternative to the UFO/Alien scenario.

I'll stick with Alien, they'll have to admit it sooner or later when it's obvious that Aliens' do exist - in which case the Roswell inncident won't have to be lied about then, it will be legit to talk about Alien/human history.

All it will take is the cover to be taken off the subject and a new line of history will be written that will extend well into the past and into the future.


posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by Mandalorianwarrior
So were these baboons shaved?

Im sure at least shaved partially because I was told they had been opened to get tissue samples of various organs.

I still think even a shaved green baboon would be easy to identify.

I've never seen a baboon or alien cadaver, so i wouldnt know if it was easy or hard.

Originally posted by ketoes13
can you refer your info source here so the mods will get off my back?

I can ask him if he will post here. Im not sure what the answer will be as I dont think he has ever used a message board.

posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by ketoes13
Oh I forgot to mention that our little greem wern't men at all, they were baboons used to test a human centrifuge and they were dyed green in order to make microscope slides from various parts of thier anatomy for examination by AMRL scientists.

I've been present at several autopsies in Law Enforcement context, and several more in an anthropological context.

I've also done a fair amount of labwork. Run a microtome and all that. While there are a wide variety of stains, all of the ones I can think of stain either acidic or alkaline structures purple,blue or pink. I've never heard of a green stain. Not that my experience is absolute. But in the dozen or so autopsies I've been present for or assisted in, any capacity, I've never seen any "green stain."

Here's a website that give a rundown of all the most popular types:

And here's another thing:

I have never heard of staining a whole primate in one fell swoop. Because stains react either to acids, bases, lipids, or some specialized cellular structure, they also alter the chemical composition of the tissue they stain.

Usually, you prepare microtomic sections first; making near-identical slides, and then you stain the slide, each a different color to highlight the differnt structures.

My point is, staining alters the sample. Especially if they were studying the Krebs cycle at high altitude, or the amount of oxygen/nitrogen in the blood, then staining the whole carcass will mean you cannot do comparative studies on the same corpse.

Now, there may be somebody here who's done altitude studies and can set me straight about green slide studies on blood gases or something. Until then, I say that the above explanation doesn't fit with standard scientific research practices, and if true, would stimulate more questions than answers.


posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 11:43 PM
dr_strangecraft, I am not competent to reply to your comments, however I have emailed your post to my source and I will be very surprised if he does not return a reply.

[edit on 26-9-2005 by df1]

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