posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 04:15 AM
I'm no engineer but I think we need to know (as Dulcimer also asked) size of the machine, type of machine, materials involved, temperatures which are
safe for the machinery and what temperatures are required for optimum performance, etc. Oh, and price you're "willing to spend" ...
Oh, and
must it be an existing "machine" to do the cooling or will you be building it yourself?
Gas is the most effective, and there is no need to use nitrogen gas (although there are a couple of reasons why someone would want to use it). Ammonia
is popular for cooling used with hydrogen. The point is just that the gas has to keep moving (in one form of the other). Looking at your basic fridge
would give you some idea about this. (Or are you looking for something more high-tech? I'm not saying use your fridge as cooler for the machine - but
the science of heating & cooling gas as with fridges - and air cons - are the most popular...) Or maybe I'm way off on this one...
Edit: I made the post the same time as UofCinLA, saying more or less the same thing, although his post makes more sense, seeing that he uses correct
termanology, etc...
[edit on 26-9-2005 by Gemwolf]