Originally posted by Springer
Just in case nobody noticed, PTS is WIDE OPEN with NONE of the Restrictions placed on ATS.
Have at it, but... REMEMBER, PTS ONLY DO NOT allow yourself to get "caught up" in the sniping/baiting/hijacking on ATS.
None of "that" moderation will be enforced on PTS. Obviously, directly attacking a fellow member or breaking any of the standard "civility
rules" on ATS WILL get you in the "dog house" beyond that - HAVE AT IT!
Let loose the opinions and diatribe;, 2006 is neigh upon us and soon the quite visible lines will be drawn. House and Senate Seats, along with
Gubernatorial Offices will be vied for. Polarization with an Emeril Lagassesque “kick it up a notch” (get your spice weasel ready
) is welcome
and expected.
However, even in ancient times, a fight to the death had a rule or two.
First and foremost, members of ATS are off limits… You may despise their political party, beliefs, opinions, policies, and candidates that represent
said party, but you still have to be polite regarding the
ATS Member. In short, no personal attacks.
A word from SimonGray regarding Staff Warnings.
The following warning which will still be administered on offending posts, and which have
nothing to do with political ideology, but simply
posting technique/style:
ABOUT ATS: Warnings for one-line or short responses. This simply means you didn’t
enough content, and does not reflect upon what the content may be.
ABOUT ATS: Warnings for excessive quoting, and how to quote. This warning is pertains
to the extent of previously posted material that has been incorporated into your current post, not what the content is.
ABOUT ATS: Vulgarity and The Automatic ATS Censors. Once again, not the preferred way
for getting a point across (and a darn tootin’ good way to lose a few points). Are you just so steaming mad at a member that only a four letter word
could possibly sway their opinion? I doubt it would work, and so does the rest of the world, but a well reasoned post, supported by facts, may just do
the trick!
Leave the salty language to the sailors, and keep the threads of
ALL ATS Forums clean.
Now there will come a time where the above guidance is disregarded by a particular member, and the temptation to “take the law into your own
hands” is… Well… Tempting. Resist said temptation, and if you feel that you just can’t look at a particular thread or post one more time
without a retaliating with a “post of mass destruction,” take a deep breath and use the
Gripe/Idea Button. It may seem like a cop out, but it will save everyone a lot of wear
and tear on the drama cog in the great ATS machine. Nothing sends coffee and donuts flying around the Staff break room like a new Gripe/Idea popping
up. You will have the full attention of the Staff, and the situation
will be resolved.
Last and most importantly, the Super Moderators, and Moderators of PTS are human beings (and one monkey); with opinions and beliefs of their own.
Moderation within PTS (and anywhere else within the family of ATS Forums for that matter) is based solely upon the
Terms & Conditions Of Use, and the current stated policy as outlined by the
Administration of ATS (The Three Amigos:
SimonGray, SkepticOverlord, and
Springer). This means it’s not based on what we (the Super
Moderators, and Moderators) think, or believe about an ATS Member’s posted content, but strictly how it conforms in relation to clearly stated and
previously agreed to (by all participating members) guidelines.
If you have any questions regarding this or any other matter, feel free to U2U myself or any other Staff Member, or use the Gripe/Idea button and get
the full attention of the entire Staff.
Thanks for your attention,
Mirthful Me, PTS Moderator for the Conservative, Liberal, and Moderate Forums.
Political Monkeys, not just for poo flinging anymore…