posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 06:03 PM
Dude, file sharing isnt stealing, thats a load of crap.
90% of the songs i downloaded over the years between napster and Kaaza I already owned the cd, and i downloaded them simply to have the mp3s on my
computer so id have music to listen to. I already paid for the damn songs. And i dont have a coverter program to transform my cdas into mp3s. The
othet 10% were songs i downloaded to see if i was even interested in getting the paticular cd.
Riia is a bunch of #ing money grubbing pieces of #. Hell, the artists make like very little themselves off the percentages and stuff, until they have
made a name for themselves and have gotten big and recorded a few records, they dont make squat.
file sharing is little different than say recording a cd for your friend. are they gonna put tv monitoring in to see who is recording shows off the
history channel next?
I hope RIIA falls on thier asses for this. especially suining a little girl, a girl who is a good student, and whose momma actually paid for the
I would enjoy seeing a massice plummet in sales to really hurt the record industry and show them that people aint gonna put up with this #.
i shal;l boycott any recorded media from now on. almost all my favorite bands are dead or broken up anyway, so i dont feel bad at all.
its time to start downloading!