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Christians Will Be Criminals If ADL-Pushed Hate Law Passes

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posted on Sep, 25 2005 @ 02:58 PM

The House of Representatives on September 14, 2005 approved 223-199 "The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2005," HR2662, as an amendment to the Children´S Safety Act, HR3132. The Senate is expected to approve a similar amendment within a month.

This federal legislation, orchestrated by the Anti-Defamation League of B´nai B´rith will lead to the creation of a vast anti-hate bureaucracy similar to that of Canada. In Canada, it is a crime to publicly criticize homosexuals or Jews or evangelize or proselytize in public in some areas.

1. It breaks down all barriers between federal and states´ rights in law enforcement. Federal "thought police" can meddle in states´ enforcement of civil rights laws.

2. It requires all states to pass and enforce ADL-style anti-hate laws.

3. It enforces nationwide the ADL definition of "hate" as "bias" against federally protected groups such as homosexuals. This makes the Bible "hate literature" and preaching from it becomes "hate speech." Bible-believing Christians become hate criminals.....

Much more at:

When does hate speech itself become hate?

When it attacks people for non-violent religious beliefs.

posted on Sep, 25 2005 @ 04:02 PM
What do you expect from the jew run ADL?

posted on Sep, 25 2005 @ 06:25 PM
This would be a serious violation of free speech rights. But on the other hand, it would mean no more KKK or white supremitist rallys. As soon as they opened their mouths, they'd be arrested.

posted on Sep, 25 2005 @ 06:39 PM
Perhaps its time the christian community stopped preaching hate and started spreading the word of one of their greatest teachers, If I remember correctly his name was Jesus.

I'm sure you've heard of him, he was the weirdo that taught turn the other cheek (no pun intended)

I mean, If i'm not mistaken the message of Jesus was one of love, and yet the christian community today spews only hate and intolerance towards anyone or anything that doesn't conform to their ideas. These are the very people, the money changers, that Jesus drove from the temple.

I do not believe any form of speech should be censored or outlawed.

I do believe that when that speech leads to crime against the innocent that the speaker should be held accountable.

There is a differance.

Just my two nickels on the subject.


posted on Sep, 25 2005 @ 07:08 PM

This federal legislation, orchestrated by the Anti-Defamation League of B´nai B´rith will lead to the creation of a vast anti-hate bureaucracy similar to that of Canada. In Canada, it is a crime to publicly criticize homosexuals or Jews or evangelize or proselytize in public in some areas.

It is not against the law to critize homosexuals in Canada. It is illegal to incite breaches of the peace against people due to race, religion, ethnic origin or sexual orientation.

319. (1) Every one who, by communicating statements in any public place, incites hatred against any identifiable group where such incitement is likely to lead to a breach of the peace is guilty of

(2) Every one who, by communicating statements, other than in private conversation, wilfully promotes hatred against any identifiable group is guilty of

And most importantly:

(3) No person shall be convicted of an offence under subsection (2)

(a) if he establishes that the statements communicated were true;

(b) if, in good faith, he expressed or attempted to establish by argument an opinion on a religious subject;

(c) if the statements were relevant to any subject of public interest, the discussion of which was for the public benefit, and if on reasonable grounds he believed them to be true; or

(d) if, in good faith, he intended to point out, for the purpose of removal, matters producing or tending to produce feelings of hatred toward an identifiable group in Canada.

Things aren't quite as bad up here as portrayed in this article. But it's always fun to see how evil we get made out to be. Probably still seems crazy to some Americans. *shrugs*

All legal mumbo jumbo taken from The Canadian Criminal Code.

posted on Sep, 25 2005 @ 07:30 PM
A Jew Run Run Run, A Jew Run Run

Originally posted by evildoer
What do you expect from the jew run ADL?

I suppose the same thing one could expect from the "jew run" House of Representatives which passed this bill, and the "jew run" Senate which is also expected to pass it.

Of course, both legislative bodies are controlled by the "jew run" Republican Party, and there are unsubstantiated -- and therefore believable -- rumors that President Bush may, in fact, be secretly Jewish.

Since Jews already run the world (ask anyone), however, this is just a formality to bring all the slave nations in line with the whims of their Jewish masters.

That is, if I read into all this what I'm apparently supposed to read into it based on your comment.

Am I wrong?

posted on Sep, 25 2005 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by mrwupy
Perhaps its time the christian community stopped preaching hate and started spreading the word of one of their greatest teachers, If I remember correctly his name was Jesus.

and yet the christian community today spews only hate and intolerance towards anyone or anything that doesn't conform to their ideas.


Here is the Definition of tolorance: Including any idea, belief, and or conviction so long as it does not contain the name Jesus!

Exclude Jesus from everything, we do, and as soon as an emergency arises all we here is, "pray for our country," "God bless America," etc etc etc!

Noone wants to Know Jesus they just want him to bail their

Go on and shut him out completely I will sit up at the top of the hill and watch you babies cry for salvation when your day finally arrives.

How's that for Hate speech!!!

[edit on 25-9-2005 by Graystar]

[edit on 25-9-2005 by Graystar]

posted on Sep, 25 2005 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by Graystar
How's that for Hate speech!!!

Under Canadian law that would not be considered a hate crime.

You didn't go as far as to call for violence against anyone. That's the difference up here.

posted on Sep, 25 2005 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by Graystar
Go on and shut him out completely I will sit up at the top of the hill and watch you babies cry for salvation when your day finally arrives.

How's that for Hate speech!!!

I look at the first line of your sig and realize that you payed actual points to tell the world, "Nobodies home." and can only say, "No truer words have ever been payed for,"

Love and light to you my friend. Oh, and don't forget to vote for me for DISC council.


posted on Sep, 25 2005 @ 09:03 PM
Feel The Love

Ouch! These threads can get so snippy.

For my part, I hope evildoer won't mistake my reductio ad absurdum for a personal slight.

The foundation of the source article is fear, and I consider that fear to be unjustified.

No, Christianity isn't going to be banned by an act of Congress. No, Christians will not be prohibited from speaking freely.

These sorts of campaigns are intended to scare Christians into banding together around their leaders -- and donating time and money to a cause founded on fear and deception.

Hint: Jesus didn't advocate either of those things.

That said, I don't support any sort of "hate speech" or "hate crime" legislation for a wide range of reasons.

I would prefer that existing laws against these crimes be enforced, rather than new laws be made -- which will in turn be selectively enforced like existing laws.

Why are laws selectively enforced? Because there are already too damn many of them to keep track of.

To summarize my position:

1. No on fear-mongering and demagoguery.

2. No on "hate ____" legislation.

3. Yes on protecting all citizens equally under law.

4. No on having full-time legislators cranking out an endless stream of laws that cannot even be counted, let alone enforced.

God help America.

posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by Graystar
Here is the Definition of tolorance: Including any idea, belief, and or conviction so long as it does not contain the name Jesus!

Exclude Jesus from everything, we do, and as soon as an emergency arises all we here is, "pray for our country," "God bless America," etc etc etc!

IMHO, the main reason why anything done/said in the name Jesus is not tolerated is because so much intolerable crap has been done in that name.

I know my Bible skills aren't up to par to handle a full debate on here, but my understanding is Wupy is right. Jesus preached love, tolerance, forgiveness. He preached turn the other cheek, love thy neighbor, do unto others type stuff.

I don't remember ever hearing about him saying anything like "Love your neighbor, unless he's gay. Then beat the crap out of him." Maybe I missed the chapter/verse where he preached to the apostles about the short comings of negros, jews, homeless people, prostitutes, gamblers, drunks, etc. Or maybe in my delusional world I decided to focus on him hanging out and helping the lepers and hookers of the world. Yeah, that's probably it--my bad.

As for me, when I start hearing mainstream Christianity start preaching tolerance instead of trying to force everyone to be like them, then maybe I'll start tolerating those Christians a little more. But as long as I hear about how evolution is wrong because that's not what the Bible says, or how gays shouldn't be allowed to marry because that ain't the way God intended it, then I'll stick to intolerating them just like the more vocal Christians.

Noone wants to Know Jesus they just want him to bail their

The Jesus I learned about was always willing to lend a helping hand, regardless of who it was or how they'd perceived him.

Go on and shut him out completely I will sit up at the top of the hill and watch you babies cry for salvation when your day finally arrives.

Can't speak for anyone else, but I don't shut Him out, I just shut out those who claim to be his messengers, and have yet to tell me something that fits in what I've learned on my own of His teachings. And unless I'm drastically mistaken--which I may well be, I won't deny it--He has no problem with granting salvation. It's just the preachers that want to scare you into conforming to their plan--not necessarily His--that have problems with salvation.

How's that for Hate speech!!!

Quite disappointing, actually. Hate speech is generally peppered with more slurs, curse words, and as another poster pointed out, calls for violence or abuse of some nature or other. I'm sure you could do better if you tried, but I'm sure this isn't the place for it.

posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 03:04 PM
So, Christians might be prosecuted for doing what they believe is OK?


That's just a little payback for all those years of it being "Illegal" for me to "be with" my boyfriend in the privacy of my own home.

Turnabout is fair play.

Don't cry about it now.

Worried about that law passing? Worried you might not be able to spout all that "abomination" mess? Worried about going to jail for doing what you believe is "OK" ?

It's probably not gonna happen, but that's just a LITTLE TASTE of what it's like to be gay and worry EVERY DAY about SO MANY things that all the holier-than-thou people take for granted.

I can tell you from experience, IT SUCKS to feel that way -

But what goes around, comes around.

So Sorry

posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by paulthefourth
So, Christians might be prosecuted for doing what they believe is OK?


That's just a little payback for all those years of it being "Illegal" for me to "be with" my boyfriend in the privacy of my own home.

Turnabout is fair play.

Don't cry about it now.

Worried about that law passing? Worried you might not be able to spout all that "abomination" mess? Worried about going to jail for doing what you believe is "OK" ?

It's probably not gonna happen, but that's just a LITTLE TASTE of what it's like to be gay and worry EVERY DAY about SO MANY things that all the holier-than-thou people take for granted.

I can tell you from experience, IT SUCKS to feel that way -

But what goes around, comes around.

So Sorry

When was it ever illegal in America to be gay?

So you know how it 'sucks' to be discriminated against, yet you support a law that would itself be discrimination....

posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by Graystar

Originally posted by mrwupy
Perhaps its time the christian community stopped preaching hate and started spreading the word of one of their greatest teachers, If I remember correctly his name was Jesus.

and yet the christian community today spews only hate and intolerance towards anyone or anything that doesn't conform to their ideas.


Here is the Definition of tolorance: Including any idea, belief, and or conviction so long as it does not contain the name Jesus!

Exclude Jesus from everything, we do, and as soon as an emergency arises all we here is, "pray for our country," "God bless America," etc etc etc!

Noone wants to Know Jesus they just want him to bail their

Go on and shut him out completely I will sit up at the top of the hill and watch you babies cry for salvation when your day finally arrives.

How's that for Hate speech!!!

The effect of this will spread far beyond Christianity.

It is an assault on Freedom of Speech.

With Laws like this any speech against the state, and its actions could also be a crime creating a dictatorship in America.

posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 08:12 PM
Out Of The Legal Closet

Originally posted by ArchAngel
When was it ever illegal in America to be gay?

For about the first two centuries of American history, give or take a few years, and depending on what state you lived in.

Sodomy laws have fallen out of favor only recently. Per the article, "Prior to 1962, sodomy was a felony in every state, punishable by a lengthy term of imprisonment."

Kind of ironic, in light of what notoriously goes on in U.S. prisons, don't you think?

It was just two years ago that the U.S. Supreme Court ruled sodomy laws unconstitutional, and up until that time, you could be arrested, prosecuted and convicted for "being gay" in Texas.

I hope that answers the question.

posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 11:41 AM

When was it ever illegal in America to be gay?

So you know how it 'sucks' to be discriminated against, yet you support a law that would itself be discrimination....

You didn't even know that sodomy was still "illegal" untill a few years ago? Not just for us homos, but for any straight couple where the guy was into that and the lady would let him - Of course you good straight citizens never had to worry about being arrested for it unless it was rape. That was just a law used when needed to "flush out" the queers, or cause them such embarassment that they couldn't show their faces in town anymore.

And just because it was struck down in Texas, doesn't mean it's off the books in North Carolina - It's still "technically" illegal for me and my boyfriend (who would be my spouse if it were "legal") to have "relations" - although I admit I'm not worried about that law now since it can't be enforced, thanks to the full faith and disclosure clause or whatever.

I don't see this as supporting a law that would support discrimination - you can scream and yell all the slurs and hate you want to at me, but as soon as you think it's OK to physically cause me harm, JUST BECAUSE I'M GAY - or just because someone is a Jew - or just because someone has a different skin tone - then It's a BIG problem. That's what this law is for, so people will have to stop and think before they let their temper do something that would be illegal anyway. Sure it's illegal to kill someone, assault someone, rape someone - but thinking it's OK to do these things just because someone is different goes BEYOND illegal, it's just plain HATE!

Unless you plan on going out and looking to find a minority to whack in the head with a baseball bat "just because" - then you shouldn't have too much to worry about when it comes to the enforcement of this law.

This law is not going to take away your right to hate other people, just the "right" some people think they have to cause physical harm to others just because they hate them.

It's not my fault that when some people hear "it is an abomination" preached to them they think it's perfectly acceptable to go out and exterminate other humans.

posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 06:13 PM
There you guys go with the "love gospel" again.

Yes, Jesus loves sinners. But He also wants them to REPENT! He said, in Matthew 7:21 (KJV)--Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

And verses 13-14 say--Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

If we love Jesus, we obey Him. And He never said it was okay to be gay, or to be promiscuous, or to cheat on our spouses.

The first thing we hear John the Baptist saying is REPENT, in fact. And he was the one basically clearing the way for Jesus.

Telling gays and others to repent is love, not hate. What they do after that, though, is up to them.

posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 11:16 PM
The actual bill is here:

HR 2662

I scanned through it and can't find any language that supports the claims made in the original post. It looks like it just authorizes federal assistance to local authorities in the investigation of hate crimes.

posted on Nov, 3 2005 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by darkelf
This would be a serious violation of free speech rights. But on the other hand, it would mean no more KKK or white supremitist rallys. As soon as they opened their mouths, they'd be arrested.

Which would be the actions of a suppressive, mind controled society.

All speech, no matter how vile, must be allowed to have its voice. The true test of just how dedicated you are to our freedom of speech and religon is if you can defend the right of your most hated enemies to have their say.

I believe anti hate laws are the deathknell to the first amendment. last time I checked, the constitution does not protect you from being offended or having your feelings hurt.

I dislike fundementalist Christians and racists, but would support to the death their right to blather their nonsense, even if they hate me.

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