posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 03:01 PM
Christy thanks for the article. And now I say be scared be very very scared. That article has alot of flaws in it.
Let's break them down:
1. Scientists predict a deadly strain of the avian flu, also referred to as the "bird flu,F will hit the United States in pandemic form this flu
season, killing an estimated 20,000 people in Michigan.
Ok now how would they know this? I think you even asked that question.
The Spanish flu had a mortality rate of 1 - 2 %. The Avian Flu 50%. To date the Avian Flu is killing half of those that contract the virus.
2. A report from Trust for America's Health, a nonpartisan nonprofit agency based in Washington, D.C., approximates that Michigan will experience
2.5 million cases of the avian flu.
That's a bold prediction! So lets see if those numbers were accurate for arguments sake then that would mean approx 1.5 million people from Michigan
would actually die from it.
Where did that 20,000 come from again?
3. The "Spanish flu" (1918-19) caused more than 500,000 deaths. Nearly half of those who died were young, healthy adults.
Wrong again! the Spanish Flu was actually responsible for 20 - 40 million deaths worldwide and approx 675,000 American deaths.
4. While there is a drug effective in treating the avian strain - Tamiflu - the federal government's supply of this drug will be vastly insufficient
for the millions of people expected to be affected.
Don't get your hopes up. While Tamiflu has proven effective in reducing the severity of the Avian Flu it does not kill the virus. It's only
effective in triple the amount of a normal dose and only inhibits the protein to a certain degree. Although to the benefit of the article it
accurately states that we are in very short supply and are no where near the top of the list for distribution.
So while I know that the article startled you, it's actually worse than you could expect "if" is does arrive.